Kaleidoscope Eyes

Masquerade hearts don’t keep from getting broken and what we dwell on becomes our identity.  You can wear what you want to wear and wear it well.  A wink.  A smile.  A laugh.  Emotions on my sleeve and I feel I’m torn in half.  Is there a happily ever after in the land of effervescent rainbows?   Paintings find me peaceful and the memories make me blush.  I try to gather my thoughts but am easily distracted.  I choose to stay in the moment of where everything is irresistible. The eyes of a wolf intrigue me.   Come for me.   The statue of a woman who stands on her own.  Flowers on a table and I feel so far from home.   Nothing left to be forgotten and you’re looking through Oscar Wildes memory. I’m trying to listen to my life that has so much to say.  Can you unravel me?  Hunger finds me vulnerable and I feel shy.  It calls out to you.  I’m not sure why.  Dance with me barefoot and kiss my mouth.  Waterfall lyrics reveal me.  What’s this?  A coin in a wishing well, one I must have missed.   Once upon a time of fascination.   A glimpse.  A tingle.  A Breath.  No more disguise.  Just a girl with kaleidoscope  eyes.







photo courtesy of http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/download-wallpaper-Kaleidoscope-size-1600×1200-id-67833.htm

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