Obstacles and Adlibs

Life moves at its own pace. You can’t race the sound barrier or beat the speed of light. But you can take anything that gets thrown your way and use it as a path to step up the cosmic latter.

It tends to be easier to let things get the best of you. It can be a reactionary stimulus governed by the philosophy of argh, not again. But if it’s true, you write your own story, then wouldn’t it hold true that your adlibs put you on the obstacle course to begin with?

Rewriting your past inner dialogue is how you will step into the realm of your ultimate future.  Repetition will change your course of action. With persistence and determination you can set your own pace.

Power vocabulary, action and intention will keep you on your right path.  You can’t ever give up or let anything get you down.  You must get up and brush yourself off every chance you get.  You have to know in your heart of hearts that everything really does happen for a reason and for every no you are closer to that yes.

Do you know what you want?

Write it down. Record it. Sing it. Make a little rhyme or whatever might work you. Believe that it’s yours and be thankful for it. Ask people for it. Send emails even if they are to yourself. Say prayers giving thanks for the blessings.

It doesn’t matter what you’re after. The world will give you what you ask of it.  There is plenty of abundance to go around. And it doesn’t matter where you are, you can only go up from here.

Everything that happens to you is the Universe giving you a gift.  Take a moment to be grateful. Be humble. Be determined. Be emphatic in your choices. Get ready. The train is coming and it’s time to get on it.

Do you know where you want to go?







photo courtesy of wallpaperpimper.com

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