
        Thank you.  Simple and yet oh so powerful. Today say thank you to everything that comes your way and especially to yourself for all you accomplish.  Find as many things as you can to be thankful about.  As we embrace this beautiful day let’s bedazzle our moments with gratefulness.  Let’s heed the advise of Mr.  Magorium, “Life is an extravaganza, so let’s rise to the occasion!” 

        Thankfulness makes us grateful, being grateful brings us hope, hope can make us unstoppable, being unstoppable brings miracles, miracles birth optimism,  optimism embraces change, change breeds courage, courage propagates jubilation, jubilation generates surprise, surprise leads to truth, truth sprinkles the world with synchronicity.  Synchronicity creates universal peace,universal peace triggers tranquility, tranquility sparks magical moments, magical moments leave us breathless, being breathless finds us whole, being whole leaves us open to creation, creation manufactures transformations, transformations offer knowledge, knowledge gives us confidence, confidence helps us shine! Shining brightly gives us a lot to be thankful for, a lot to share with the world, and a lot to acknowledge.

What are you thankful for?
