Pivot Right

Pivot Right

What is your replacement value? What do you bring the table? Do you know what you leave behind?

On the road less traveled there are many more people. There is so much to do. Lots to see. Places to go. In the hustle and bustle we lose ourselves. In the pursuit to escape from wherever we come from we don’t realize we are at risk of becoming that which we run from.

As elusive as it may seem, the past is with us. It is in the form of a look, a reaction or a call to action.  It is in the way we dress, our manners, our judgements and our satisfactions.

I’ve been on a self fulfilling prophecy to change my story.  And if you have been on a similar journey, then you might relate to this. It started out wanting to let go of the past.  Then it became a necessary roughness to learn from it. It was inevitable that eventually I would have to face it. In the eyes of the truth the light comes on and the music plays and you can take a deep breath again.

I read somewhere that it is in the silence that we truly get to know ourselves. Silence is hard. Your inner dialogue tries to play tricks on you and tries to get you to do things out of boredom or fear. But if you don’t argue, if you don’t engage in the mockery, the mind will rest.  And the solitude reveals secrets.

When you discard the disguises you are all you have left. It is only you that you have to answer too. It is in the undisturbed halls of your mind that the answers roam freely waiting to be discovered.

In the end we can’t hide from the past. Without forgiveness we will never heal. Living in mere speculation is not enough. If we don’t get to the bottom of it we will live it over and over. We are all extremely valuable and we need each other. What we bring to the table is a feast and we need to be grateful for the invitation. When we come to terms with the fact that everything that has ever happened to us came from a choice we made on our own, in the first place, then we will be on the right track, pivoting on our heels as we wave. Thankful for the experiences, the lessons and the remarkable  journey it has been.




photo courtesy of http://www.wallsave.com/wallpaper/1920×1080/zen-nature-colorful-bamboo-185509.html

A Wilde One

A Wilde One

Sometimes good old fashion pen to paper is enough to clear your head, jog your memory or embrace some silliness.

The surroundings are overcast with hints of winter and the ocean ripples toward far away lands.  The trees whisper in the wind and you can’t help but wonder what they’re saying. Some harmless brain spew promises a glorious day of creativity. Dr. Seuss inspirations encourage light hearted banter but your mind doesn’t let the Oscar Wilde in you get any rest. Delving into history shows that you’re made up of both. This is where the past meets now and it’s a quiet collision. Some memories never leave you so you carry them around like a lucky charm. I hope Matt Andrews is playing a piano somewhere singing. I hope there is space and there is someone in it.  I hope there is room and it is occupied.  The moon is full and gives light so you can see what is ahead of you.  A subtle glance. I catch you. I look away and I feel your eyes on me.  Imagination works its wonder. Memory of a kiss and kiss pull away.  I didn’t mean to leave you but the words are on paper only. Feelings are internal and kept to yourself.  You look at me and I want to be lost in you forever.  There is an open door but you still knock.  You walk in and look around. Searching the room for me.  It spins, it tango’s, it mixes drinks.  A picture is taken, a demo recorded and the laughter fills the air.  The drum you play is the heart.  The words you sing the soul.  The ivory keys on your piano keep you moving.  You’re intriguing. The linear righteousness has vanished. You’re famished.  You ask. You speak. You know. You hear. You need. You want. You’re horizontal but you look down. You’re vertical but you see behind you and I may be closer to being found.  Lights flicker, candles lit. No breath to blow out. Sulphur fills the air and a cough is heard.  Footsteps on the wooden floor and they approach. But they don’t.  It’s just a tapping.  Misconceptions. Sony sound. Rewind and do a playback please. I missed it.  Digital enhancements. Qualitative kisses. It always comes back to kisses. So give notice. Seven days in advance.  The flash is on but there is no film. That radio plays no music. The only sounds that you can hear are the warnings.  Because this is only a test.  This is only a test.



Game Changing

Game Changing

If there isn’t anything to say does it mean we aren’t living? Sometimes not feeling moved means we’re moving. Is contentment a place we arrive? When we are comfortable we are real and when we are real we can be spontanious.

Pleasurable antidotes don’t need labels or titles. We don’t need to see fireworks or shooting stars to assure us we are living. We need to awaken what lay dormant within us. We need to trust that our lives will show us the way to our true path.

When we are being true to our innate desires, that will always be enough and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t fit into someone else’s portrait. Let them drink their bourbon while you bask in life’s bubbly.

We must not ever compare ourselves to what others have. Let them do their thing and you do yours. We aren’t all meant to fit perfectly into one puzzle. There just aren’t enough corners.

The journey is our own.  Our own sense of accomplishment will be different for everyone. What makes one person happy may not seem at all appealing to the person sitting next to them. The beauty of life is relativity. There will always be differences of opinion. Conjecture based on half the facts and less story. When people share their version of your story it’s not who you really are.  And who cares what people think anyway?  Their opinion of you is based on their own testimony and it’s not up to you to judge anymore than they do.  Don’t you ever engage in such narrow minded banter. You know better.

Let your internal sun shine and don’t take any grief. It holds no value in the world of energy exchanging playing cards. And aren’t you here to play? I suggest you play nicely like you were taught when you were young. You shouldn’t need to be covered in armor. If you are, you are playing with the wrong people. Change games.






photo courtesy of http://desktop2wallpapers.com/wallpaper/Positive-Energy/

The Payoff

The Payoff

Everyone loves a payday.  Validation for a job well done.  Recognition for accomplishments.  Endorsements for good behavior.

The payoffs come in many forms.  They are compliments from loved ones, awards for good measure, and accolades for being honorable.

There are payments for services rendered, bonuses, incentives, motivations, and stimulants. There is nurturing, caring, promoting, developing and strengthening. There is looking outside ourselves for formal cognizance and there is looking within ourselves for our own self-preservation.

If we don’t allow people to hold us up, we can never be let down.  Self discovery will cast a light on the elements within ourselves that inspire us to be responsible for who we have become. Perception is in the eye of the beholder and it’s time to live up to our standards.

Change begins when we love ourselves enough hear the heartbeats in our story.

Important question 101:  After your payoff do you feel elevated or depleted?

If you work out hard for an entire week why would your payoff at the end of the week be a fat greasy cheeseburger with french fries? Is that a celebration or self deterioration?

If you work out hard for an entire week why wouldn’t your payoff be a nice 30 or 60 minute massage to comfort your aching muscles?

It doesn’t matter if your payoff has been depleting or encouraging. Our bodies and our minds get used to both kinds and our subconscious does not discriminate.  It will follow along like Simon Says engaging in whatever payoff pattern we employ.

It’s time to try something different. Something new. A payday that benefits us in all the right ways.

You have to look at what you want to change and have a replacement ready for that in which we have the power to change.  I always find it best to work in lists and columns so you can list the pattern or activity on one side and the payoff counterpart on the other. This time we can make a third column and add what our new payoff is going to be.

Remember repetition breeds success. Any habit can be adjusted, changed or replaced in 21 days.  Be honest with yourself so you can invoke the change you wish to see in your life. The new emotional paydays will be worth the effort.





photo courtesy of http://cheetahgurlz90.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-to-nurture-your-relationship.html

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