

We’re in it together

this is our forever

take a chance on something new

life is an extravaganza

so rise to the occasion

the whole world is waiting for you


picture courtesy of http://www.wallpapershunt.com



Time moves slow sometimes even when we think it’s a sprint.  Greatness doesn’t happen over night and the world has a way of reminding us that, that which is worth pursuing is worth the wait.  

Being the queen of wanting immediate gratification doesn’t always lead to the open door.  Consistent planning, persistence and patience makes you question the path sometimes.  But everything we pursue deserves all the time, effort and determination we can muster.

Feeling a little scattered and unmotivated happens.  Keeping things in perspective is necessary for perseverance.  Sometimes it’s just time to rest.  Sometimes our bodies tell us we need to slow down.

Quiet reflection is an opportunity to take a moment to remember who we are and why we are here. Obstacles make us stronger. For every no we are closer to that yes. For every misstep there is a lesson to be learned. Some things are just out of our control.  But thoughts really do become things so we have to just keep reminding ourselves that it is up to us say yes and the yes’s will follow.

Let’s choose yes. Let’s speak in the first person and speak with intention. Let’s make these statements emphatically and lets keep saying them over and over until they become a part of us. Isn’t our own encouragement worth a few minutes of the day? The time is now. Let’s say this loud and clear.

“I believe in me.  I know implicitly, that I have a realm of possibilities at my disposal and I know utterly and completely that I am capable of so much.  I set my goals high and I follow through with conviction. I am here to serve and I lead by example. I owe it to myself to live up to my true potential.  I know that I hold the secret to my own success.  It is my turn to shine.  I am very deserving.  I can afford it and I accept all the riches that life has to offer.  I welcome and accept the beauty of life.  I trust and therefore attract and accept trustworthy people in my life.  I let go wholeheartedly of my limiting beliefs.  I release them.  I am brave and courageous and willing and able. I embrace my opportunities with the respect they deserve.  I am beautiful and I am loved.” 
photo courtesy of wallpaperstock.net



 As we get older we tend to get set in our ways.  We get used to making our decisions based on our own needs in any given moment. Our wants tend to take precedence over consideration. Our personal pleasures have long since known negotiation.  We own it. We wear it well. We bask in individual satisfactions. We come and go as we please.  We walk away when it suits us. We got used to being alone.

happy medium

It’s possible that one day you wake up and you realize you have someone you enjoy spending time with. You laugh a lot. You’re open. There’s so much to say. Things in common. Private jokes. Big smiles. Singing songs and dancing in front of the fire.  Holidays come and go and you’re together.


You decided to wait on that next decision so you could discuss it.  You look forward to hearing stories.  You buy surprise gifts.  You leave little love notes. You see movies you wouldn’t usually see.  You cook together.  You wake up together laughing and looking forward to the day.


Love isn’t scary.  It’s happy compromise.




 photo courtesy of http://www.healinggardenspaces.net


Falling Up

Falling Up

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud, was more painful then the risk it took blossom”      ~ Anaïs Nin

Have you ever stumbled and fell but then decided to just stay put and see what you could learn?  Did you know that when you fall if you roll yourself over and look up, you could see it all?  

I’m clumsy so there’s been a lot of falling over the banners of enter at your own risk or don’t enter at all. Whether we like it or not, we have flaws, we make mistakes and if we’re lucky it all reminds us that we’re human.

We are never alone and it’s all always relative.  Limiting beliefs will cripple you.  Self sabotage guarantees failure.  Step aside. Get out of your own way. Be true to your feelings and your possibilities.

The world is a really big place and there are lots of lessons, tons to do, and so much to take in. When you let yourself go and open yourself up to whatever has come to take hold of you, that’s when you learn.

Have faith and the world will catch you. Be vulnerable and the magic happens.  Express your true nature at all times and your authenticity will be rewarded.

When you fall out of your cocoon, ultimately you’ll be able to fly.


photo courtesy of http://www.utepprintstore.com 

This Time Around

This Time Around

Life and death.  The normal course of action most of us have to take.  Memories of a long lost so many years have past us by dear friend who let life get the best of him and chose another way.  Taking your own life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There is always another way.

Even when you’re happy you can have moments of sadness. Even when everything goes your way you can hope for something more. Even when you know to move on you remember. Even if it’s all okay it can still hurt. Even in your deepest moments of clarity you can still be confused. Even if you’re not sure, you should keep your chin up. Eventually this to shall pass.

Always in touch with my dark side and the wonderment of a child I sometimes give in to the romantic notion of how life can take your breath away. Getting into a space of where Alice in Wonderland meets Oscar Wilde’s memories and the flow of consciousness will hopefully set us free.

Sometimes we fall but we get back up. Sometimes we want to hold on but the world moves to fast.  Let go.  Life promises to catch you.  Sometimes the Universe just wants us to step out of our shell and experience life and sometimes a little poetry babble helps you keep going.

I wish that I could tell you that I didn’t want your kiss.

I wish there was a way for me to make a different wish.

If only time could follow through when it set you in my sights.

If only I had turned away and back into the night.

I don’t know if you’ll ever get this message I am sending.

Some things weren’t meant to have a happily ever ending.

In a different time and a different place.

Maybe in my dreams I’ll get to see your face.

Clocks don’t go backwards so that part makes sense.

But why can’t time go backwards just this once.


Photo courtesy of wallpaperpassion.com

Press Here

Press Here

Since we are all made of energy, it is hopeful that our energies connect with other peoples. The lessons lie within the people we surround ourselves with. We learn, we rebel, we appreciate, we fear, we love, we mirror, we communicate, we argue, we make up and we run but sometimes we stay.
Some people may not ever know this.  But it does happen and there are many lessons to be learned when it does.  If you stay open and you recognize when something or someone is pushing your buttons it will help you be flexible in your communications.  If we don’t recognize when our buttons are being pushed we will stay obstinate in our ways. We will stay in transference and there won’t be any room for growth.
Being in transference is a guaranteed tried and true method for pushing people away.
My upbringing bred a very cautious disposition.  But I learned along the way that if you become too protective of yourself you will find yourself surrounded by people who can’t be trusted.  The earth’s energies have a way of proving you right and thank God, their was a different plan in store for me.
Once upon a time I opened myself up to a friend that at first I completely rebelled against. She was relentless in her undertaking to befriend me like someone out of Clueless yelling “project” with a valley girl accent.  She pushed my buttons in a mirror sort of way.  I wanted nothing to do with her until one day something clicked in me.  Having lived through a very severe illness my heart opened and when I saw her next, my energy recognized her.
That was 15 years ago and she is still to this day my closest thing to family.  One of my dearest and best friends that played a huge part in who I am today.  The friend that isn’t afraid to help you recognize when you’re letting the past interfere with the present and letting it flick the switch.
I recently came across a situation where my energy instantly recognized the energy of a stranger.  The encounters to follow were filled with coincidental occurrences and things that seemed familiar.  It was comfortable and natural and scared the hell out of me.  It pushed a different kind of buttons and I wasn’t sure what to do with those long forgotten feelings.  I almost let my patterns and my transferences of the past sever the energy chord of something that feels so right.
Be accountable. Let the energies of the earth lead the way.  Stay put and say sorry.  Don’t be afraid of the reminders.  Stay present.  Trust in your journey.  Brush yourself off again.  Welcome the trials and tribulations.  Embrace your courage.  Press here.
photo courtesy of http://significatojournal.com/bliss/a-parliament-of-quotes
Lights On?

Lights On?

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Love is the light that will lead the way. Consider love your conduit to long lasting relationships. It illuminates your innate desires and feeds your passions. Loves benevolence will open windows, doors and hearts everywhere.

Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider hope your inner flashlight. You control the switch and your batteries are solar powered. It helps you keep striving, pursuing, and seeing the bigger picture.

Faith is where the light is. Consider faith your adhesive to keep you in your strength. Hold on tight and let it hold onto you. The optimism will stir your senses and motivate your aspirations.

Truth is to walk in the light. Consider it your path to freedom from the darkness. The assimilation of truth will enlighten your spirit and purify your humanity. Embracing it shall truly set you free.

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Haven’t you been in the dark long enough?





Picture from above Bali, courtesy of Sean Newhouse

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