Are You Ready?

Today is day 30 of a 365 day course I am taking through Daily Om. The headline reads Day 30: Are You Ready?

Is that not the most loaded question you’ve heard in a long time? Has anyone even ever asked you that? Have you ever asked yourself that? 

Right away my mind was blasted with a mirage of scenarios and possibilities. There was so much stimulation simultaneously that I actually braced myself to stop as if I had to hold onto to something.  

In the last 30 days we have explored self-awareness, judgements, and now shame. Shame has been a surprisingly significant emotional eye opener. It never occurred to me that shame could be holding me back. And let’s face it even the word feels like a big fat elephant in the room. It might very well be the most painful of human emotions. We don’t go around talking about the things we’re ashamed of. But in this weeks lessons, we are learning that it could also be the culprit holding us back from achieving emotional, relationship and financial successes.

Exploring self-acceptance is on a lot of tongues these days. Most of us have really embraced the age of Aquarius with unbridled fervor. What does self-acceptance really look like? It’s not posting positive quotes on social media I can say that for starters. Although I do wish it were that simple.

Self acceptance is intense on so many levels. As a core concept it sits at the top like a corporate umbrella while all the employees (our thoughts and beliefs) run (us) around in circles. 

Whenever I go to my hot yin yoga class (which is about 3-4 times a week these days) I always thank myself for showing up.  Literally. It is so important to honor ourselves for showing up in life.  I have also been developing and honing my skills for staying present. This has also been very significant. Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future will keep us from experiencing this moment. A moment we can never get back. I am mastering this by saying two simple words “Here Now” to remind myself to stay present. Self-appreciation is hard. Hell it was hard for me for so long but I have come to appreciate who I am, what I bring to the table, what I have and where I am headed. Appreciating one’s self has many benefits. You will respect yourself more. If you hold yourself in high esteem, you will honor your own values.  You will be pleasantly surprised at the people that surround you when you raise your own frequency. 

Think about it. What are some things in your life you are ashamed of? Whether it be financially, emotionally, something you did as a child, whatever comes up, try to stick with it. Maybe jot it down on paper. Do your best to get past the initial uncomfortable feeling. I found something miraculous on the other side.

Forgiveness. The key ingredient for a prosperous and changed life. Forgive yourself, forgive others. While it may be one of the hardest things to do, true forgiveness will set you free. 

Are you ready?