The Butterfly Papers Launch

The Butterfly Papers Launch


Dreams come true and more to come…

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Sleepless Streams

Sleepless Streams

child-shaman-flower-under-night-sky-wallpaperI used to want you to call me, but the phone’s been ripped from the wall. Tom Waits is trying too hard to tell me something and it gets lost in translation. It’s a long way up the totem pole and my headphones are in awe. Fish are messaging up to shore and somewhere a record skips. Is this some crazy déjà vu? Below the confines of downtown abbey Shakespeare got left behind and it was him that drank your martini. Facebook has turned us all into narcissists and friends aren’t always who you want them to be. How far will your hopscotch take you before the government makes another speech and someone else is out of work? A family of 5 rides through Bali with a refrigerator on their back. The investment banker takes off his tie for the last time. The antique shop owns a bull and where’s America when you need her? A night out in Madrid will help you forget all about the untouched espresso and it’s like water for chocolate. The regatta boats are docked under a cloudy sky and the birds flew south days ago.  Somewhere someones sleeping while Sean Penn Hurly Burly’s. Shaman whispers counting sheep and the dream isn’t far behind. This has nothing to do with anything and everything to do with the fact that I just can’t sleep. Insomnia much?




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The Butterfly Papers Vol. 1 Announcement

The Butterfly Papers Vol. 1 Announcement

butterflyThe Butterfly Papers new Book Cover is here!

It will be updated in online ebook stores this week!

…And THANK YOU to my seven

5-star reviews on!!!

I so appreciate you guys!!



More announcements to follow…

Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required

Zen_Twilight_Wallpaper_yyfziBeautifully warm weather on the water and the rippling reminds me of moving forward. With a strong sense of propriety I’ve decided my hand-book must be missing pages but beating to my own drum has served me well. Missteps and mayhem keep the humor alive and it’s ironic that I have a sense of comedic timing at all.

One step forward and two steps back and thank God for second chances.

While not being privy to all of the instructions may be cause for alarm, our common sense should be able to fill in the blanks. Life is a like a game of ad-libs. Venture to follow the culprit of necessary struggles, and here in lies the rub. It’s in the struggles that we can become friends with our sunny dispositions.

If everything were easy, who would that make us? When putting ourselves together we need to have some faith. We need to know when to use a little WD40 to loosen our grasp and when we should take out the wrench to help reign it all in.

 Assimilate all there is to be thankful for and widen your reach. When you find yourself somewhere, you just don’t fit, laugh it off. Embrace the differences of every piece of the puzzle. Accept that what you bring to the table might just round out the edges.

Don’t be homogenized in someone else’s scrabble game. Know who you are and spell it out loud and clear. Even if sometimes you are missing a letter, don’t let it keep you from being you. As long as you are learning and thinking outside the box you are automatically adjusting according to size.

Don’t be afraid that a little assembly is required. Keep rolling the dice and see where it takes you. There are usually a few bolts left over anyway, right? Hold on to those like a monopoly piece. Let them be your get out of jail free cards.

What are you going to do with yours?

Never Falter

Never Falter

amazing-nature-other-rainRiver skies and ancient waters, a moon drip shadow never falters, loves lost are memory gains, a willful heart and stormy rains, all is young in timely innocence, a playful grin of effervescence, remember the laughter and me, feel the love and be free

Snakeskin’s Other Layer

Snakeskin’s Other Layer

By now, the darkness knows me on a first name basis. It comes to visit me like a family member you only see on holidays but with it’s arrival comes the most profound breakthroughs.

When I look back over the years and the many visits, it has been during these times that I have been the most open. The humility born from admission does make us stronger. When the darkness comes I know I will come out on the other side equipped with answers, astutely peaceful and thankfully wiser.

Surrendering to the lesson is not always easy. We are never just handed what we want, we are presented what we need. 

I am reminded that I can’t hide. Our lives want us to listen and hiding behind work or mindless activities can only sustain us for so long. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t fight it. I stayed in the silence and gave myself over with undeniable faith and the vulnerability, while frightening at first, in the end was what saved me.

It’s not the change that’s scary or the growth that can be overwhelming. It’s that I finally recognize that every time the darkness leaves it takes with it another layer of who I thought was.

The darkness helps me say good-bye to another piece of my past that I cannot change. It shows me when I am in transference and that I am safe from harm. It gives me comfort so I can mourn the people that aren’t here anymore.

It helps me see people for who they really are and myself for who I am trying to be. It helps me let go of what I cannot change accept the way it has to be.

I welcome the encouragement it has instilled in me to always look ahead and also to always leave behind what doesn’t belong anymore.

The darkness gives me a new layer of courage so that I may find my way back to the light.

The Butterfly Papers Vol. 1

Today is an especially happy day!  

Don’t ever stop pursuing, dreaming, laughing, believing.  

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