Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

Everyone has their take on expectations. If we don’t expect too much then we’ll never be let down.  But isn’t that complacency?  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to settle.  Shouldn’t we be prepared to get out and raise the bar in hopes that people join us?

If we expect for everything to be sensational then wouldn’t it be written?  The possibility of ancient scrolls containing our memories that haven’t happened yet and what is left to be forgotten?  High on a shelf with the keepers of our akashic records and our destiny cries out that thoughts become things and actions reap rewards. All we have to do is believe.

a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future

Our life expectancy is mostly unknown and life is long so we have to fill it. All we need to know is our what and the Universe will take care of the how. Irony at it’s finest and you just can’t give in to the notion that it’s going to be another one of those days.  You can change the course of a day with one split decision in any given moment.  Acceptance brings about fair play and if you expect the worst you will get the worst just as truthfully as if you expect the best you will get that instead.

used to indicate that one supposes something to be so, but has no firm evidence or knowledge

When you were younger and you knew what you wanted to be, it never occurred to you that you couldn’t be that Doctor, or FirePerson or Super Hero. You implicitly believed with all your heart that you were unstoppable but then one day life might have happened to you and it got the best of you but you can change back. You can decide right here, right now to be that undeniably unstoppable unconditionally believing in the impossible child that you once were.

regard (something) as likely to happen

If you embrace the wonderment of a child, magic happens. You can create your own reality and make your own opportunities and no won’t ever be an option. For every no you are closer to that yes. For every stumbling block you go higher up the mountain. Imagine the possibilities and don’t let go of your dreams.

You are never to old to make a change or too young to go out on a limb and it’s absolutely never to late to raise the bar.

You ready to do some lifting?


photo courtesy of http://www.layoutsparks.com/pictures/enchanted-0

Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

In spite of my awkward sensibilities and everything I’ve ever known, I experienced a new found empowerment. With my flushed colored cheeks shielded by the phone line, I waited for the rings to stop and the voice to meet me on the other end.  Before I had a chance to stop myself, I could hear my own foreign words escape me, “You’re right, I do push people away and I don’t want to do it anymore”.

I’ve said it on paper many times. I’ve even said it to people as an explanation or excuse for who I was. But actually saying it aloud with the intention of not doing it? This is new territory.

And what a relief. With one sentence, I was released from everything I had ever known. Unencumbered by the pressure of the past, free to be humble, I let the vulnerability make me whole.  No more tests. No more setting people up for failure. I may be my mothers daughter but I don’t have to appropriate her quest for isolation.

No more pushing people away.

People are important and friendships are blessings. They may change shape or subtleties as we grow and become who we are going to be but the evolution of the exchanges aren’t to be toyed with or taken for granted. Connections aren’t easy to come by and when we come across the ones that are special, the ones that make us look at ourselves and want to be better people, those are the ones you fight for.

Life is a really big puzzle and the pieces will eventually fit perfectly if you keep at it.  Your puzzle won’t ever be complete if you don’t figure out where you fit in. Because you really are meant to fit in. Being a self inflicted outsider can make for some really good art. But we’re not all artists.  We’re just people trying to figure out our place in it all. And we can only do that if we’re all together.

Being alone may teach you some things. But being visible and being accepted is where the true course of time will unravel some of life’s greatest miracles. Some people were meant to join our journey. We should let them. We should let people be people and we should come fully loaded and present and thankful for the company.

We are who we are and while we should always strive to be better, we need to stay true to our innate nature. When you meet people who think you’re worth it, it’s because you are. You always were.

When you can be yourself and no one judges you or second guesses you, you’re home. And when you’re home it’s safe to say you’re sorry and mean it.







photo courtesy of http://randolphcarter.deviantart.com/art/Zen-Wallpaper-21852399



When you question the many facets of your make-up, the process should always be treated with the care of a diamond excavation.  Being fragile is not a weakness it is the essential simplicity of treating yourself like the precious gem that you are. But be strong in your convictions and unwavering in your quest. It’s okay to stumble but try not to fall.

Life is vulnerable. You should never take anything for granted and you should refrain from being self absorbed. Learn to appreciate, be respectful and try to stay humble.  Be true to yourself and don’t ever want anything so bad that you let it take advantage of your innate nature.  You need to participate in the practice of your so called life. Learn the art of being specific if you really want to raise yourself to a higher vibrational level.

Doing something over and over, expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. With awareness being half the battle how do you actually win?  Who holds up the threshold so you can finally cross the finish line? How do you get out of the maze of attracting that which you have no tolerance for anymore?

Last night during one of the greatest shows I’ve seen in a very long time I was reminded again just how obviously disconcerting my choices can be.  It’s enough to put a halt on the search, stop asking the questions, and stay on the solo course of, you only ever have to answer to yourself so don’t make yourself nuts in the process kind of disconcerting.

There has to come a time when you just throw your hands up to the air, stop trying so hard, if at all and hope that life surprises you.  The never ending roller coaster of been there done that has become humorous in it’s efforts. The part I play is obvious in it’s endeavors and when will being accountable be enough?

I don’t feel bitter or jaded which is a blessing unto itself but I do find myself caring a little less about the outcome. It was inevitable that there come a time that I would have to put myself first.

Thank you Michael Jackson for your talents, your lyrics, and the inspiration that your life was. I would have never guessed that the clarity of the message I needed to hear would come in this way…  Wherever you are I hope you can see the show that has been depicted in your honor.


“Man In The Mirror”

I’m Gonna Make A Change,

For Once In My Life

It’s Gonna Feel Real Good,

Gonna Make A Difference

Gonna Make It Right . . .

As I, Turn Up The Collar On My

Favourite Winter Coat

This Wind Is Blowin’ My Mind

I See The Kids In The Street,

With Not Enough To Eat

Who Am I, To Be Blind?

Pretending Not To See

Their Needs

A Summer’s Disregard,

A Broken Bottle Top

And A One Man’s Soul

They Follow Each Other On

The Wind Ya’ Know

‘Cause They Got Nowhere

To Go

That’s Why I Want You To


 I’m Starting With The Man In

The Mirror

I’m Asking Him To Change

His Ways

And No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself, And

Then Make A Change

(Take A Look At Yourself, And

Then Make A Change)

(Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

Na Nah)

I’ve Been A Victim Of A Selfish

Kind Of Love

It’s Time That I Realize

That There Are Some With No

Home, Not A Nickel To Loan

Could It Be Really Me,

Pretending That They’re Not


A Willow Deeply Scarred,

Somebody’s Broken Heart

And A Washed-Out Dream

(Washed-Out Dream)

They Follow The Pattern Of

The Wind, Ya’ See

Cause They Got No Place

To Be

That’s Why I’m Starting With


(Starting With Me!)

I’m Starting With The Man In

The Mirror


I’m Asking Him To Change

His Ways


And No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change)

I’m Starting With The Man In

The Mirror


I’m Asking Him To Change His


(Change His Ways-Ooh!)

And No Message Could’ve

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make That . . .

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make That . . .)


I’m Starting With The Man In

The Mirror,

(Man In The Mirror-Oh


I’m Asking Him To Change

His Ways

(Better Change!)

No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make The Change)

(You Gotta Get It Right, While

You Got The Time)

(‘Cause When You Close Your


You Can’t Close Your . . .Your


(Then You Close Your . . .


That Man, That Man, That

Man, That Man

With That Man In The Mirror

(Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)

That Man, That Man, That Man

I’m Asking Him To Change

His Ways

(Better Change!)

You Know . . .That Man

No Message Could Have

Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World

A Better Place

(If You Wanna Make The

World A Better Place)

Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change

(Take A Look At Yourself And

Then Make A Change)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

Na Nah

(Oh Yeah!)

Gonna Feel Real Good Now!

Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!

Yeah Yeah!

Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

Na Nah

(Ooooh . . .)

Oh No, No No . . .

I’m Gonna Make A Change

It’s Gonna Feel Real Good!

Come On!

(Change . . .)

Just Lift Yourself

You Know

You’ve Got To Stop It.


(Yeah!-Make That Change!)

I’ve Got To Make That Change,



(Man In The Mirror)

You Got To

You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .

Brother . . .


(Yeah!-Make That Change!)

You Know-I’ve Got To Get

That Man, That Man . . .

(Man In The Mirror)

You’ve Got To

You’ve Got To Move! Come

On! Come On!

You Got To . . .

Stand Up! Stand Up!

Stand Up!

(Yeah-Make That Change)

Stand Up And Lift

Yourself, Now!

(Man In The Mirror)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!


(Yeah-Make That Change)

Gonna Make That Change . . .

Come On!

(Man In The Mirror)

You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know . . .

(Change . . .)

Make That Change.


Honey Pot

Honey Pot

Enticing smiles break the mold and the release of yet another pattern under wraps.  Walk the path.  Back on course.  What would life be if you weren’t constantly tested and captivated by the unknown?  If you leap the net will appear.  A charming sensibility and capturing the essence of who you are supposed to be. Seducing life by enjoying it’s splendors sends you up quite a few notches on your latter.

the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something

Your intrinsic values are non negotiable. Don’t let the conflict win.  Your peaceful nature wants to know balance and the attraction can be intoxicating. What a difference a day makes. What a ride. Always learning and taking the next step and not being afraid to be humbled. An attraction of epic porportions and it’s you in the mirror.

 a quality or feature of something or someone that evokes interest, liking, or desire

Adaptation and reinventing. Your moral fibers change with the years and what might have worked yesterday may need a monkey wrench today. Adjustments in your strategy and your proposal adds a guarantee to your very future.  Are you willing to sign your own contract?  Where will your ambitions take you?

a thing or place that draws visitors by providing something of interest or pleasure

You’ve been writing your own story all along. Your thoughts, your words and even your gestures are developing as you make each choice in every moment. The evolutionary flow of attraction can be as bitter as it is sweet. It can get the best of you and it can be the driving force of advancement.

Life will give you what you ask of it and like attracts like. Stay present and live and let live. You must be your own concoction and make it good.  Keep stirring your pot and spreading the love.  That sweet taste of honey.  Trust the process.  You never know what captivating surprises await you.


photo courtesy of http://www.wallcoo.net/nature/Kyoto_scene/html/wallpaper17.html

Really, Actually, Finally

Really, Actually, Finally

The consciousness of my innate nature spoke to me in a way that I hadn’t heard before.  I’ve been so busy trying to conform to the expectations of society that I forgot to listen to what my soul was trying to tell me.  I’ve always known I am different. I also know that when you spend your childhood without a hug it does something to you.

I’ve kind of rebelled against the patterns that can be caused by neglect. I tend to be very affectionate and overly verbally complimentary. I love to make people laugh and my intention is always to lift peoples spirits when I can. I am a giver and it makes me feel good to give back.  I’m lucky to be here and it’s a miracle that I am who I am.  Aren’t we all in some way, shape or form?

In my awareness I have a simple truth, when it comes to the possibility of a relationship I can be quite awkward. Being vulnerable makes me uncomfortable so I have embraced the power of being alone and I realize, it’s when I feel the most confident.  Sometimes in a room full of people is when I feel the most alone. It’s who I am and it’s time to stop trying to be something I am not. I am far from being Thoreau but I am just not that social anymore. I used to have 100 friends and went out every night. Now I have 5 friends that I see on the occasional outing and it’s usually during the day.  Times change and you have to join your life during the adaptations of existence.

I spent time with a friend on Saturday night that is very unhappy with his current state of affairs. It was hard to hear one of my oldest friends be in this much pain over certain decisions he has made. In the end I came home to sit on my patio, staring out into the night sky and accessed my own situation.

I am so lucky and fortunate to have a great career. I am 20 pages away from my first novel. I am on the brink of launching an amazing new company and I am in the best shape I have been in a very long time. That’s a lot to be grateful for!

But I’ve also been trying to hard. I have been pursuing a means to an end based on an idea that doesn’t always exist. Most of my friends are either in relationships or engaged or married.  So in my head, the pressure was on. Well, until now.

I met someone I really liked and in my excitement, I got pretty overbearing and wanted to control the situation. I found myself with walls down and no boundaries and wanted to hang out with this person all the time.  The feelings weren’t mutual but my ego wouldn’t heed the flags on the play. I kept knowingly setting myself up for rejection.  But here’s the interesting thing.  Along the short journey of exchanges I did exactly what I knew would push him away. My own version of How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days and it worked like clockwork. My relationship vibrational level is askew and I recognize it now.

I have finally become the woman I always knew I was supposed to be and in my strength I found a way to let go.

The more you feel good the more you want to feel good. And if you’re going to be strong you will want strong people around you. God is protecting you and the Universe is keeping you on your course.

My friend said the other night, “When we meet our perfect matches, we won’t push them away and anything that happens to us in between is simply the experience it’s supposed to be”.

Well, why does it have to be that deep? Why can’t people just be friends and hang out for free. Why do we have to put so much pressure on everything? Why can’t we be honest about it all?

Yeah, exactly.

I have had some amazing relationships in my life and I have known love.  And now I realize that I love myself the most and in this I really can’t settle. And actually, this is what makes me the happiest and that’s okay.

May we all find our happy and may we always stay true to ourselves. Don’t conform to society because it’s expected. Step out into your life of the unexpected and be miraculous. Finally.






. photo courtesy of http://www.1freewallpaper.com/landscape-wallpaper/




                Letting go

                                is not falling

                                   It is freedom.



Even If

Even If

Even when you’re happy you can have moments of sadness. Even when everything goes your way you can hope for something more. Even when you know to move on you remember. Even if it’s all okay it can still hurt. Even in your deepest moments of clarity you can still be confused. Even if you’re not sure, you should keep your chin up. Eventually this to shall pass.

Always in touch with my dark side and the wonderment of a child I sometimes give in to the romantic notions of how life can take your breath away. I get into a space of where Alice in Wonderland meets Oscar Wilde’s memories and the flow of consciousness hopefully sets me free.

Sometimes we fall but we get back up. Sometimes we want to hold on but the world moves to fast and we have to let go. Sometimes we realize we should have been a little more specific when we made our wish and sometimes the Universe just wants us to step out of our shell and experience life. And sometimes a little poetry babble helps you move on.  Even if.

I wish that I could tell you that I didn’t want your kiss.

I wish there was a way for me to make a different wish.

If only time could follow through when it set you in my sights.

If only I had turned away and back into the night.

There’s nothing I can do for now but enjoy the memory that it happen.

Some things weren’t meant to have a happily ever ending.

In a different time and a different place.

Maybe in my dreams I’ll get to see your face.

Clocks don’t go backwards so that part makes sense.

But why can’t time go backwards just this once.


photo courtesy of http://www.flickriver.com/photos/23021987@N06/

Likeness of Being

Likeness of Being

You ever try to go against the grain? It can be exhausting. You can fight the urge all you want but if your life is trying to tell you something different, I promise you, your life will win.

Give it up. Stop fighting. Surrender. Let your free will take hold of you and show you who you are. You were meant to be. Sign the waiver of release so the world can see you.

Like the call of an animal, the compulsion to be who you were meant to be will reside just below your surface. If you’re going to stay true, you won’t be able to fight it. Let it stir and hope it wakes you.

Like the humming of a bird, give in to the urge to sing and release your trepidations. Keep your thoughts and words as pure as you are and soar to new heights. Let it fly and hope it wakes you.

As true as laughter is a smile that bursts, you are a walking ray of sunshine. You were meant to be happy and your eyes were made to sparkle. Let the giggle free and hope it wakes you.

It’s time to get up. It’s time to play. It’s time to embrace your likeness of being.


Hunters & Gatherers

Hunters & Gatherers

Energy changes between us in unspoken lessons of the past. We hunt for the meanings in the things we do that leave us perplexed and questioning. Hopefully we are paying attention. If we’re lucky we gather up the information and figure out the where and why of our patterns and we learn not to repeat them.

If we’re lucky someone comes along that reminds us that we have been there done that and times have changed.  We are not who we used to be and you can’t go back to holding proverbial hands.

When you wake up to your life you will see the signs before you trip over them. You will know when to walk away before it’s too late. You will recognize when something is familiar so you don’t go down that path again.

Your life doesn’t have to be a rabbit hole.  Be honest with yourself.  Know who you are today in this given moment and take pride in how far you have come.

If we spend our lives being a fixer than we are constantly giving away our power and our energy decreases.  It is easier to let the air out of a balloon than to fill it.  You are your biggest asset. Don’t let the idea of something fool you.  Don’t kid yourself by remembering how something was in a different place.

Reality changes from moment to moment and not just geographically.  Things are going to be what they are.  You can’t be on the same part of the path of every person you meet.  There would  be no room to walk.

When you walk alone you learn the most, so some things you just have to let go of. When you get in a place of honoring yourself, you hear what life is teaching you. And sometimes the lesson is in the walking away.

And when you trust yourself to make the right decision you permit the Universe to shower you with the gifts you were meant to experience. The key is to get out of your own way.  Let life unfold the way it is meant to.

Stay positive and energized and let fate awaken you to a life well lived.  Life is full of surprises. There is magic in the air.  Whispers in the wind telling you how great you are.

Blow a kiss at all that came before this and walk straight into the life you are supposed to be living.

Feel the love.





photo courtesy of http://www.entropy.in/the-meaning-of-zero/


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