#curveball – What Would Bill Gates Do?

#curveball – What Would Bill Gates Do?

Winding Road Through Green Hills HD Desktop BackgroundSo, as I was saying… In April – 2014 I attempted to self finance the manufacturing of 5000 units of my Rock Your Kicks DIY paint kit.  At the time, I couldn’t afford to have the paint company put our private labels on the jars so I had to source the labels elsewhere and prepare myself for having to fasten the labels to about 15,000 jars in my spare time.  At the same time as my purchases were under way, I hit some unexpected snags that sent my well thought out spreadsheet right through the shredder.

My Coordinator and I thought we had it all figured out. It looked like it on paper. I had made another one of my spreadsheets reflecting all my credit cards and balances.  I was able to increase the credit limits on almost all of them so we had a pretty good chunk of usable money.  I made another spreadsheet outlining the costs to mass produce the units broken down by components.  I also marked on my calendar the big job I was going to be doing that would pay back the credit cards while we focussed on building and selling the kits.

Then two unexpected and unthinkable things happened.


First, the big job we were counting on (I even bid the job and the company got it) didn’t come to me. The Producer decided he would just let his current team roll over since it was a lot of the same crew and never took into account that we turned down jobs because we were told we were doing his and on top of it, I bid the job and never even got paid for that. No bueno.

Needless to say, there went the money that was supposed to pay back the credit cards we had already charged up.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, I was then faced with some pretty ugly estranged family drama. I received an email from my publisher letting me know that someone was threatening to sue them if they published my novel.  They also assured me  I had nothing to worry about.  But when   you write someone off and out of your life for nearly four years (for the fifth or sixth time in your life) and then they come at you out of nowhere it can most certainly knock you off balance.  Enter costly family attorney number one.  The attempted blog comment to me directly was the straw to set my transferences on fire. Some people have a hatred in them that has nothing to do with us and there’s just nothing we can do about it. The attacks came swiftly and maliciously. First the false DMCA notices in an attack on my social media sites and then the proof that my fathers signature had been forged in yet another attempted threat letter to my publisher.  Enter costly commercial interest attorney number two. It continued to escalate. Enter costly business attorney number three.

I went over two months without working production while dealing with some very fast and unpredictable curveballs. The capital I had stashed away was dwindling fast and I had to get creative. It was time to  start thinking like a true entrepreneur. And to do that I needed to find one to extract advice from. I put it out to the Universe in my typical over zealous unequivocal faith sort of way, that I needed advice. And,  guess what? It all unfolded exactly the way I needed it to.  I booked a production job that same day. My Producer asked me for recommends for an Art Director. I was able to get my friend Keith on. As it turns out, Keith is also a very successful business owner/entrepreneur. He spoke, I listened.

Man on topAfter wrapping the job I took a few days to regroup and set my new intentions based on what Keith had taught me about leveraging credit.  And (of course) I made a new spreadsheet.  At the same time, the kit elements were starting to arrive and my apartment was filling up with boxes.  I was still short the stencils and the paint palettes and and I still couldn’t afford the actual boxes for the kit.

I took out a small personal loan with my credit union, borrowed another small amount from a friend and sold my BMW.  I paid down credit card debt and ordered the stencils and palettes since they would take at least three weeks to get to me.  I still couldn’t figure out how I was going to get the boxes.

Then I spent money in the dumbest way possible.  I ordered only ten of the expensive version of the boxes which of course made them even more expensive to order but I was blinded in the rush. A month later and thousands of dollars to attorneys instead of to my endeavor, I was still without the boxes. They were just too expensive.


My coordinator and I figured out a way to launch a Kickstarter campaign to come up with the money we needed for the boxes. We did a month of research and pre-launch leg work. We settled on an amount that was smaller than what we needed because we knew that if we didn’t hit our goal we wouldn’t get any of it. If only there had been cliff notes. There’s a lot of information about crowd sourcing on line. Most of it very helpful and some of it scams. In the end, we were funded and we could order our boxes (finally). Or so we thought. Another lesson in #startup #trialanderror.

  1. Get approved for an amazon merchant account to link to your Kickstarter campaign.
  2. While waiting on approval research how to extend your reach to other backers, the media and PR outlets.
  3. Write campaign, shoot video and come up with pledge incentives.
  4. Spend at least two hours (if you’re not working full time this should be your full time job for the duration of your campaign. We didn’t have that luxury) a day spreading the word about your Kickstarter (this will piss off some of your friends but others will be totally supportive)
  5. Kickstarter is funded (hopefully yours is too).
  6. Wait up to three weeks for Kickstarter to collect the funds and transfer the money to the amazon merchant account.
  7. Check your Kickstarter campaign page to learn which funds cleared and which didn’t (over $1500.00 of pledges didn’t clear people’s accounts)
  8. Check your amazon merchant account to learn that Kickstarter and Amazon both charged you fees against all the money. Including the money you never received.


images-1As I’m sure you can imagine, this was turning out to be a total cluster f**k and quite frankly I was getting closer and closer to throwing in the towel and chucking the partial inventory into the ocean!

I paced, I cried and then I had an idea I should have thought of months ago! I called my box designer. “We need to go back to the drawing board.” I told him.  “The boxes are just way too costly for what I’m trying to do and we need to redesign the box and get the cost way down. Send me what you think it can be.” He was excited. I was scared.

He called me the next day with a contagious excitement and explained the new and improved box idea.  He sent me a sample.  It was smaller, lighter and much easier to put together.  It would be three boxes in one and the most exciting part was how affordable the new idea would be!  Within a week I submitted a PO for 5000 units.  I took my paycheck from a week of working production and paid for them free and clear.

Not being able to afford the original box turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to this endeavor! But I’m nowhere near done and every time I blink there is something else that needs to be done.

Daymond John had a garage, Bill Gates had a basement. I have an apartment full of inventory as a constant reminder that I really am doing this. It’s not easy to stay positive. It can get stressful and unnerving and beyond frustrating.  I haven’t created the next big app or the next tech savvy gadget so investors (well at least the ones I’ve found) are not interested. I’m pursuing a product that will hopefully bring kids ages 5 and up and their parents together to do something fun and creative. It will help the kids gain confidence and I have to know there is value in that. Children need our guidance and after tutoring homeless kids through School on Wheels I am determined more than ever to get this out there.

Building a kit for the market isn’t easy but it’s doable. Just ask my new friends, the founders of Makers Kit (http://makerskit.com). They are just over a year old and they sell over a dozen different DIY kits.

RYK strives to be like other successful DIY toys on the market but this is only 45 days old and we need to keep things in perspective and know we have a long way to go.  The good news is we’ve arrived. And while it has not been without it’s challenges it has also been with some rewards.  We were able to donate 75 kits to charity in time for the 2014 holiday season as planned! We donated 25 kits to Peaches Neet Feet, From One Hand to Another, and My Stuff Bags Foundation.

visualizeThere is still a very windy road ahead but we’re pushing the train and keep our chins up. Steve Jobs said, “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith,” (Based on Walter Isaacson’s biography Steve Jobs.) That pretty much sums up what starting a start up feels like a lot of the time. But we’re not giving up. There’s still too much to do and this deserves a chance. I insist on thinking in my own small way like Bill Gates, visualize to actualize!

Stay Tuned for more in the #StartUp #Curveball saga when I return with…



Missed the beginning of the story?   It all starts here… #startup – Footsteps to Follow https://www.lifewithoneeyeopen.com/2015/01/28/startup/



#StartUp – Footsteps to Follow

#StartUp – Footsteps to Follow

startup-1“If you leap the net will appear” ~John Burroughs.  This has been my self professed motto for as long as I can remember. The odds were against me. Book smarts lost. Street survival prevailed. The lack of parental supervision could have lead me down a dark and dreary path (and I was headed that way with bells on) but my ego wouldn’t allow it.

Maybe it didn’t have anything do with ego and everything to do with that one book that fell at my feet when I was a teenager. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Hill).  It was as if someone pushed it off the shelf from the other side but when I looked, there was no one there. Instead of judging how it got there, I simply picked it up and started reading. For me thinking and growing rich didn’t have much to do with money as it did with happiness and self-love. It resonated with me that I could literally de-brainwash myself into believing that I was amazing and I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. It showed me the magic in our thoughts and lead me to the power of the subconcious mind (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Murphy_(author)).


I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered at how I got here.  My willingness to succeed is a driving force I can’t quite explain. The unexpected connections that were as if God were literally winking at me, assuring that I stay on this path to achievements and self respect.

I’ve been criticized many times over for my over zealous positivity. I’ve been told, “You live in the clouds!”, “You’re a dreamer”, and “This is not reality!”

Well I disagree. Just because I’m showing a side to the world that is masked in positivity does not make me any less a realist. My feet are pretty well planted in reality.  I know rejection first hand. A lot of it. I’ve spent too much time with financially broke and his cousin emotionally crippled.  I know that when you hit your proverbial rock bottom the only way you can go is up but I also know life is like the stock market. What goes up can go down twice as fast.

But here’s the thing. No matter what happens or what odds seem to be against you, if you believe in something greatenough you won’t give up. You will see it through and give it the fighting chance you gave yourself.  You will raise yourself up against the uninvited scrutiny of failure. And even if what you’re doing doesn’t become what you thought it would, you will know you gave it your all and for that you will always be a winner.


A common theme around here these days and the reason I’m writing these posts.


These are in honor of everyone out there trying to start something from scratch. For those of you who know first hand what “no is not an option” means. For those of you who think the odds are against you. For those of you who think you can’t do it because of where you come from.  For those of you who have been told dreams don’t come true. For those of you who are told your ideas are too outrageous, unrealistic or too expensive. For those of you who think you don’t know enough, or have enough money or enough resources. This is for those of you who think like me.  For every “no” we’re closer to that “yes”.

Originally I started down this path with a partner. It didn’t work out. She left. Walked away and left me to close up a shop we never even opened. I was devastated. I had already put so much time, money and effort into the endeavor.  I even started spreading the word about what we were doing and when it went belly up something in me was so embarrassed. It triggered some long lost transferences that my past was right and I would never amount to anything. I feared my colleagues would think me unreliable. After all I had put my name to this endeavor and spread the word through a very large and oversized net thru my industry. But most of all what bothered me the most, waimagess that we were on to something.  We just had to do the work and a lot of work it would be. But some people want to waste time fighting over profit sharing that doesn’t exist and no one wants to share in the losses. Some people want to cast blame and engage in arguments instead of focusing on the big picture and helping to move the train forward in anyway possible. Even if it means to get out and push the damn thing! Some people are just to lazy for that. Well I hate to break to you, but that’s what it takes.


It takes tenacity and hard work and planning. It takes visualizing and spreadsheets, and good old fashion manifesting. It’s takes a positive mental attitude at the most negative of times and it takes time and patience and perseverance.

So knowing this, I did what any other crazy person would do. I started over. From scratch. By myself.

Now if it fails I would have no one to blame but myself.  And if I succeeded, well, we’ll see.

I don’t come from money. I didn’t own a home so I couldn’t do what Daymond John did by mortgaging his house to fund his t-shirt business (that he has since turned into a billion dollar empire. Bravo!) I didn’t have a father that would pay off my loans or a trust fund when I turned twenty-six. I didn’t have a board of advisors from college that would remember me had I finished and I didn’t have the collateral to take out a proper business loan. I’m a late bloomer but have the perfect lyrics to live by, Bob Dylan sang, “I was older then, I’m much younger than that now”.

I choose to believe that if one person can achieve greatness we all can. We’re supposed to actually.

We all start from somewhere but where we come from doesn’t have to determine our course.  I love this diagram depicting the life of Bill Gates (http://fundersandfounders.com/how-bill-gates-started/) A perfect reminder that the Universe will give us what we ask of it if we consciously and unconsiously make the effort to live in our intention and back it with the proper actions that determine the outcome.


I never learned how to manage my finances and/or credit. I was never taught the importance of investing or saving. I had to learn the hard way.

It was never an emotional option for me to claim bankruptcy when the economy took a dive, although sometimes I wish I would have. Instead I set out to painstakingly pay off the credit card debt I accrued to survive when the jobs weren’t there.  It was time to clean up my street not run or hide but stand out in the light and be accountable. I spent years under water swimming vigorously toward the sun over head. Trying to be debt free while trying to launch a business while working more than full time hours every week can take a toll. You have to find the optimism anywhere and everywhere you can.  For me it’s seeing that Bill Gates worked sixteen hours a day for five years. I am no stranger to this! It gives me hope that I am most certainly on my right path to change and success. It takes a toll on your workouts and your friendships tho, I’m not gonna lie.  I don’t get to see the inside of the gym much and the invitations from friends stopped coming after my third or fourth no show. It can be lonely going down this path. But if you’re lucky like me, you will learn a lot about yourself and some cool things will come out of it.  Not just determination but resourcefulness, creativity and even life changing epiphanies that help you be better and help you heal.

I’ve heard a lot of no’s.  They can weigh on you like a heavy ton of bricks. They can deter you from your path. There’s a lot of crying which can lead to sobbing uncontrollably like a five year old.  There’s laughter too but usually it’s out of the sheer madness of it all.  There’s anger and sadness and frustration.  There are so many ups and downs there are times when you feel absolutely upside down. I’ve had moments where I thought for sure I would throw in the towel and then the moments came when giving up just stopped being an option.


Here’s what happens when you learn as you go, you don’t give up and when you leap and know in your heart of hearts, the net will appear.


At the time of writing this I’ve now paid down and maxed out my credit cards at least three times.  I have worked at least sixteen hours a day most days and made many spreadsheets outlining how to allocate the money I make so I can pay my bills and rent and put the rest toward inventory, advertising, marketing and labor.  There have been many moments when I was coming up short and wanted to crawl under the covers and never come out.

Instead I sat down to the computer and finished a book I started writing over twelve years ago. My thoughts were relentless and unwavering, “Maybe if I get this finished and published the book sales will help pay for this business.” It was all about getting this company off the ground in anyway I could.  Well it so happens I finished the book and got a publisher to distribute it (https://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore) This was not without marketing costs but I saw it as an opportunity to not only a share a story of hope and determination but also to hopefully help fund my endeavor.  But things take time and this process was to take about ten months. Blerg.

While waiting for my novel to be published and for another production job to award, I came up with another idea on how to possibly raise money for my business using the only thing I know, writing. I’m not even that good of a writer truth be told, but I do most certainly ascertain the fearless effort in putting myself out there on any limb I can find… and leap. So, I wrote a short story (http://thebutterflypapers.com) hoping I would have enough sales to put toward the business. I even put some money toward advertising and pursued write-ups. To date the short story has made $195.00 which doesn’t even remotely cover the cost it took to put it out there. But I tried and so I kept working.

I never say no to a production job unless I just can’t physically be in two different places at once. My team and I have done multiple jobs at once and I’ve gone over forty days in a row without a day off working twelve to sixteen hours a day.  It’s a really good thing I love what I do and try to keep that positive mental attitude as much as possible.  Ninety percent of the money I make goes to the endeavor with the occasional treat of a trip or some new clothes.  It can be boring not having the money to go out but I focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. And there is one. I know it.

My book was published on July 1, 2014 (my dead mothers birthday so I think it’s especially cool). My first residual check was $4.11.  I’m waiting on the second one.  So, as it turns out, my writing may not be helping me fund my business venture and once I acknowledged this I stopped writing. But I did miss it and my brain was on overdrive because I wasn’t leaving my thoughts on paper. I was slowly spiraling out of balance but I was too wrapped up to notice. Unknown-1


The stress of it all was getting the best of me. It was time again for me to focus on working and paying down the credit cards. Immediate gratification was not my friend right now and so I threw myself into the commercials and music video’s I was working on and I decided to have the most fun doing it. The laughter came easily even if the jobs weren’t so easy. I was surrounded by people I have come to respect and love and cherish. My chosen family as it were. My happy place.

My days start to look like this… I get up around 6:00am and take my dog for a walk. I do a mini work out to keep my muscles from atrophy from too much sitting. I do something, anything productive toward my endeavor until around 8:30am. I jump in the shower to get ready and be at my desk by 9:00am-9:30am.  I work until sometimes 8, 9 or even 10pm.  I try to put in at least 1 or 2 hours either over lunch (or at night before bed if I was too busy with prep to actually take a lunch break). I actually enjoy it.

When I have weekends off, which isn’t always the case, I spend as much time as I can researching marketing, advertising and distribution outlets.

After countless rejections from potential investors, in April – 2014 I attempted to self finance the manufacturing of 5000 units of my Rock Your Kicks DIY paint kit for canvas sneakers.  At the time, I couldn’t even afford to have the paint company put our private labels on the jars for us so I had to then source the labels and prepare myself for having to fasten the labels to over 15,000 jars in my spare time.  At the same time as my purchases were under way, I hit some unexpected snags that sent my well thought out spreadsheet right through the shredder.

Stay Tuned for more in the #StartUp saga when I return with…
















Be Present

Be Present

1662608-bigthumbnailI know you’re there. Sneaking around as if sight unseen. Trying to whisper reminders as if they could sway me. Well I won’t return. Not even with the sound of your steps following on my heels. Breathing down my neck. Trying to capture me like a Polaroid. Time can’t allow it. It won’t stand still long enough. You had your chance. You don’t get it back. You’re the past. I’m the present. You’ll never catch up. I will always be one step ahead.

photo courtesy of http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1662608/

Forgive and Be Free

Forgive and Be Free

Be-FreeHaving been away from the page for so long has not been without its benefits. There has been so much going on, coming up for air seemed very far away. But you have to remember to breath. And my breath are my words.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not one to make new years resolutions. I just try to do my best with every day I have knowing our days are numbered and our lives are valuable.

I just came from a year of many ups and downs. In many ways, I experienced my hardest downs but also my greatest ups and it taught me that in order for me to find my balance I would have to let go and set myself free. The meditations have taught me well. And the silent acts of forgiveness have taught me a lot about people and myself.

The past can have a stronger hold than most people will ever realize. They are so set in their patterns their lies become their truths. They are so busy focussing on what people don’t do they never get to enjoy or appreciate what has been done. It will never be enough. They will always need more.

In all the soul searching I have done and I’ve done a lot, I’ve learned a very daunting truth.  What we grow up with becomes our reality and when it’s all we know we tend to recreate those circumstances. 

I pride myself on being accountable and being able to apologize when I’m wrong. I’ve spent most of my adult years trying to clean up my karmic street.  For those of you on a similar journey you know how this can go.

My family is long gone now and I’ve made my peace with it and with that peace I’ve learned so much.  I’ve learned that it’s very easy to get wrapped up in our own lives.  We can be blinded by our self absorbed self imposed perceptions of what someones else’s life might be.  We cast our opinions and they become a truth that never really exists.  If we’re so busy blaming others for not doing or being what we want them to be, you’ll miss all the signs that maybe it was them that needed you. We don’t get to choose when adversity or heartbreak will hit and there is a likeliness that it can hit all at once.

But in the end when you’re left to stand alone it will be the time in your life when you grow the most. The best outcome emerges when you are forced to go within and give into your higher power which will lead to self empowerment.  No one can let you down if you don’t allow them to hold you up.   

I had to let go of someone I considered a really great friend recently. We grew up and grew apart.  Our vibrational levels just couldn’t reach each other anymore. The interesting part of the departure for me was reading the words on the pages and being reminded of every other similar email exchange we’ve had.  Some people will tell you until they are blue in the face they are a certain person, acting a certain way and they won’t ever see that it’s not actually how it went.  Actions speak louder than words are lost on some people and deniability can be their best friend.  When you only see someone once or twice a year over a six year period, I can assure you, you’ve stopped knowing each other. Some people engage in name calling and insults. I personally never find them necessary or coherent.  My mother always said “Don’t listen to insults. When people say hurtful things about someone, they might as well be looking in the mirror”. 

My mother also always said, “Be weary of the one who tells you other people’s business or secrets. Don’t ever flatter yourself into think they aren’t doing it to you too” (we may have had our differences but she was a very smart woman).

After checking in with myself, I realized, I am not sad for the loss, I’m relieved. Perception can be our greatest ally or biggest defeat.  Stay away from transference. It’s not supposed to be a fight and it’s not supposed to be hard.

Letting go isn’t falling. It’s freedom. It’s not needing to hold onto what we know. It’s rising above the past and setting new standards. It’s serving the higher good. It’s surrounding yourself with the people who know you now, who reside on your same vibrational level. People who know you today. Be a new person in this new day for all eternity. There’s not enough room for everyone on any given street so thank God there are so many other neighborhoods out there.

The path to freedom starts where the road ends…

River skies and ancient waters, 
a moon drip shadow never falters, 
loves lost are memory gains, 
a willful heart and stormy rains, 
all is young in timely innocence, 
a playful grin of effervescence, 
remember the laughter and me, 
feel the love and be free.
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