Easter Reflections

Easter Reflections

Unknown-1Yesterday was a beautiful day with friends and food and gratitude. My friend Dawn summed it up the best so I have to share what she had to say.. Thank You as always Dr. Michael Beckwith and AGAPE!


Happy Easter! 
Today’s service spoke to the resurrection of our individual spirits. This day represents Jesus the Christ rising above human understanding, rising above the past and the future. Rising up and Shining in the world. He achieved enlightenment in one lifetime. He came representing healing forgiving, teaching, and showing love. It doesn’t matter what religion you practice. It does not matter if others preach another way. It matters how you Let yourself Shine in this world. It matters how you share all the Love that rises up in you. It is how you connect to God, the universe, the creator that matters. It is about your relationship. It is not for anyone else to decide. Roll back the stone to the tomb that is keeping you from your JOY!

~Dawn Hoffman Creative

Time Lapse

Time Lapse

time lapse

There can be no manipulating the meaning. The selfie has become the new view finder and the rat race of silicone valley sealed our fate. The human race is now tangled into the web like food. Nothing but prey. The consumer. A new breed of narcissist. A world consumed by the I syndrome and Hoover may have sucked up all the loyalty.

The consideration makes me remember a time when I wondered about time and the effects it can have on us. Time changes us.  Some times you have to choose to disregard and some times you have to choose to embrace.

Timing is everything and in a fast paced world of whoever has the most toys wins, there just doesn’t seem to be enough time. Time-lapse moments move to fast and you could easily miss it. Don’t let time trap you in someone else’s camera.

Time is an interesting thing.  Some days it moves at a snails pace and other times you wonder where it all went.  You can’t really hold on to it because just when you think you have a grasp on it, it slips through your fingers like a crumbled piece of pie.  You can’t chase it. You can’t get it back and you most certainly can’t control it.

If you embrace it instead of fight it you can get a temporary hold on it. If you respect it and stay within it’s boundaries you will then be making the most of it.  Give in to the individual seconds of each breath you take and know that time wants to be on your side.  Time creates the memories that make you who you are.  It brings with it opportunities where only time will tell.

Time is not redeemable or transferable but it is precious and should never be taken lightly.  If you’ve ever lost someone you know how valuable time can be.  Time eventually catches up to all of us and hopefully we will have spent it wisely.

Hopefully we make the time to stop and smell the flowers.  We find the time to be with the people that make us happy.  May we reach a place in time when we can be of service. Hopefully we schedule time according to plan and we get where we’re going ahead of time.

And God willing, may we all meet someone who’s dreams align with ours at the same time on our journey.  May we experience the phenomena when for a brief moment of a second you will swear time stood still.

May time grant us all the time in the world and may we never stop hoping, dreaming, and wishing happily ever after and once upon a time.




.Photo courtesy of http://justinsomnia.org/2009/10/san-francisco-cable-car-time-lapse/

Feeling Gratitude

Feeling Gratitude

shadowsIn need of some good old fashion childlike reminding. The past has no hold on us. Be steadfast in your ability to forgive and release. Be thankful you have the ability to choose a different route. Be kind to yourself and look the other way. Be forgiving that some people just don’t know any better. Be grateful for how far you’ve come and focus on where you are going.

Be thankful.

Thank you.  Simple and yet oh so powerful. Today say thank you to everything that comes your way and especially to yourself for all you accomplish.  Find as many things as you can to be thankful about.  As we embrace this beautiful day let’s bedazzle our moments with gratefulness.  Let’s heed the advise of Mr.  Magorium, “Life is an extravaganza, so let’s rise to the occasion!” 

Thankfulness makes us grateful, being grateful brings us hope, hope can make us unstoppable, being unstoppable brings miracles, miracles birth optimism,  optimism embraces change, change breeds courage, courage propagates jubilation, jubilation generates surprise, surprise leads to truth, truth sprinkles the world with synchronicity.  Synchronicity creates universal peace,universal peace triggers tranquility, tranquility sparks magical moments, magical moments leave us breathless, being breathless finds us whole, being whole leaves us open to creation, creation manufactures transformations, transformations offer knowledge, knowledge gives us confidence, confidence helps us shine! Shining brightly gives us a lot to be thankful for, a lot to share with the world, and a lot to acknowledge.

What are you thankful for?






.photo courtesy of http://sitemaker.umich.edu

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