New Dawn New Day

We are all searching, venturing and discovering what our lives are meant to be. Who we are based on who we were and where can we go from here. Life didn’t come with a handbook so trial and error becomes our stepping-stones through unchartered waters of uncertainty. 

In the Butterfly Papers, I talk about how a small change in any plan at any given moment can result in a large difference in a far away place at a much later time. For every action we take there are consequences. When we decide to step out of our comfort zone the Universe will usually collaborate in our favor and while it may be hard to say what the Butterfly Effect will have in store for us, we can guide the outcome with some perseverance and determination. 

Anis Nin is credited with saying “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” What does this very profound statement bring up for you in your body? Did you feel the resonating effects in one part over another? Does it inspire you or frighten you? Write (or type) this quote on paper (or screen), take three deep breaths to clear your mind and then do some freewriting to see what comes out. The answers are always within us and what better time then the start of a new year to set our intentions, map out our action plans and make our personal promises to ourselves. 

Life assimilates the relationship to self: our struggles, our demons, our fears and also our strengths, our potential and our ability to control our emotional self. We take back our personal power when we master the art of internal conflict resolution. 

I know I am not very good at not offending people. Sometimes the past picks my words for me. I have enough self-awareness to admit this about myself and I find it funny when others don’t. Transferences are imbedded in the subconscious mind so reflections abandon free will. I have always considered my friends my family but I am not always good at showing it. Some of them have proven that my ancestral karma goes beyond even my own understanding. Having people turn their backs on me has become a conventional calamity that leaves my heart heavy and my soul sorry. But the show must go on. The Universe, God, our Personal Power have a plan for us. We must honor ourselves for the good we do, the connections we make for others, and the part we play in the bigger picture. 
In the end, it helps to know we are not alone and for whatever force might be working against us, there is an opposing force working with us. Our inner strength will persevere for us to make things right, to be just, and to overcome the obstacles of human condition. 

It is a new day and a new year. Let it bring with it the promise of opportunity, increased personal power, and immense hope. Let our essence bloom from our vulnerabilities so that even we do not recognize ourselves. Time to let our inner superhero, genie, and guidance lead us through a life well lived of renewal and accomplishment. May the force be with us.

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