Kirkus Review


Thank you for being with me on this journey.

As a special thank you to those who have read the novel “Life With One Eye Open” I will be posting the first chapter from book 2 of the trilogy.  The working title for Book 2 is “On the Other Side of the Bridge”

In the meantime, my Kirkus Review is finally in…

Life With One Eye Open by Pepper Carlson
A fictionalized memoir of an abusive childhood and troubled early adulthood.

“A sobering, strange story that finds light in the misery.”

To see the review click here:


BookPlex – A Book Review

BookPlex – A Book Review

bookplex-banPutting yourself out there is humbling. Hearing the truth is scary. We don’t know if what we have to say will resonate with everyone but not putting yourself out there seems scarier to me. I like being out on the limb. If you leap the net will appear. Like with anything we do, some people will accept us and others won’t. You can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t try. It’s about your own journey and how you walk your line.

Sharing what matters most is vulnerable and hearing constructive criticism breeds character. Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Don’t let anyone try to deter you from your path. Embrace your accomplishments and know that someone somewhere will benefit from you being who you are.

My first book review is in and there will be many more to come. I am sure there will be some bad and some good. Can’t please everyone. But at the end of the day, I did it. I set my mind on a goal and I followed through. Now I’m putting it out there. I’m “feeling the fear and I’m doing it anyway” (Susan J. Jeffers).  Here is my first review…

A review has come for your book. 
Here is the review:

This is a heartbreaking story of a young girls life as told by her unborn twin. She was born to a mother and father who never loved her, neglected and abused her entire life. No matter where she went, it was always worse. Having never known true love, she was unable to keep a relationship. The way she is treated and spoken to by everyone she meets is despicable. She survived because her Guardian Angels and her twin were always with her and giving her strength to grow.

I loved the way all the characters remained nameless. They were known as Doppelganger twin, Young Girl, Street Kid, Boss, and so on. Thats refreshing and unexpected. Also I think its brilliant to narrate the story as a twin who never made it past the womb.

There was a poem at the end of each chapter. I am so glad the author decided to put them at the end and not the beginning, as is the usual. At the beginning, you read it, but you forget what it was about by the time youve finished the chapter. At least here, I understood it more.

I finished this book very unsatisfied. I felt I had walked this journey beside her, and I wanted so badly for twin to find the happiness that she never had before. It ends with her contentment. For me, that wasnt enough. I feel I was robbed of a proper ending. It felt short and cutoff. I felt the author should have spent more time bringing me, the reader, my own contentment.

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