

        Thank you.  Simple and yet oh so powerful. Today say thank you to everything that comes your way and especially to yourself for all you accomplish.  Find as many things as you can to be thankful about.  As we embrace this beautiful day let’s bedazzle our moments with gratefulness.  Let’s heed the advise of Mr.  Magorium, “Life is an extravaganza, so let’s rise to the occasion!” 

        Thankfulness makes us grateful, being grateful brings us hope, hope can make us unstoppable, being unstoppable brings miracles, miracles birth optimism,  optimism embraces change, change breeds courage, courage propagates jubilation, jubilation generates surprise, surprise leads to truth, truth sprinkles the world with synchronicity.  Synchronicity creates universal peace,universal peace triggers tranquility, tranquility sparks magical moments, magical moments leave us breathless, being breathless finds us whole, being whole leaves us open to creation, creation manufactures transformations, transformations offer knowledge, knowledge gives us confidence, confidence helps us shine! Shining brightly gives us a lot to be thankful for, a lot to share with the world, and a lot to acknowledge.

What are you thankful for?

A Miracle Was Born

A Miracle Was Born

Today was busy!  It tested me. It showed me that sometimes life can get in our way.  Obstacles come flying at us before we can duck, road blocks stop us dead in our tracks and doors get slammed in our face.  But it doesn’t matter!   We can’t give up!

Where there is a will there is a way.  Where there is a door there must be a window. Where there is an obstacle there must be a course.  Where there are road blocks there must be detours.  Time to regroup. Time for a reminder from the past…

You were born to be a miracle so observe who you are.  Make your own decisions by listening to your life.  The hope will help you believe in you.

In the beginning there was… you. 

You found your way into this world. You were strong enough to break free.  You were smart enough to know which way to go. You were clever enough to let the world know you were fine with a simple little cry. 

And… A beautiful miracle was born.

You were courageous enough to take your first step. You were perceptive enough to form your first word.  You were gregarious enough to smile at strangers and make them laugh and make fools of themselves over you.

And… Then you became observant.

You learned how to speak in full sentences.  You started thinking for yourself and formulating opinions. You established friendships. You acquired knowledge. You started to form your own personality. You configured your own persona based on what you perceived and who you observed.

And… Then you came into your own.

You decided what course to pursue.  You knew what you liked and what you could do without.  You started to figure out who you wanted to be. You figured out what was important to you. You started dreaming.

And… Then you found decision.

You dreamt of being a super hero, a lawyer, a writer, a parent. You knew love. You knew that you were unstoppable. You were cognizant of your possibilities. You were eager to live your life and knew you could make a difference. You were unstoppable.

And… Then you stopped listening.

You experienced pain. You knew loss on a first name basis. You let others hurt you. You allowed people to persuade you or undermine your dreams. You were in denial and lost your sense of self-worth. You didn’t know that it was always your choice to make. You forgot.

And… Then you found hope.

You found someone to remind you of your brilliance. You started pushing the envelope of intrigue. You remembered that you had dreams of greatness. You started to believe in your power again. You realized it was up to you.

And… Then you believe.

You listen. You test the theories. You experience the changes. You see the winks. You hear the connections. You grasp your inner beauty. You comprehend the messages your life is giving you. Your relationships blossom. Your career flourishes. Your sense of self-worth is unparalleled. Your dreams are your reality. You smile at the mirror and it smiles back at you. You make the right choices. You have found your strength. You have found yourself.

In the end there will always be… You.

Do you believe?



photo courtesy of


The Butterfly Papers – Sneak Peek!

The Butterfly Papers – Sneak Peek!

butterflySometimes when we least expect it something unexpected happens.  

This short story has turned out to be an interesting journey in a short amount of time and I find myself looking forward to the possibility of exploring it further and possibly bringing it to life.  In the meantime, my book description is now complete and publishing is under way.  Too excited not to share.

“The Butterfly Papers” Vol. 1 

       Natália was used to traveling alone and she liked to keep her own company. As she headed to Los Angeles International Airport, the day seemed like any other day. She wasn’t traveling far, just an hour flight, and yet she was feeling something she couldn’t quite put her fingers on.

      There was a stirring deep within her daring her to step out of her comfort zone. She knew the Universe would collaborate in her favor, the elements usually did. But she would soon learn there was more to her than meets the eye when a series of ordinary events would produce extraordinary circumstances.

                                                                                            … EBook Coming October, 2013! 

Update & News

Update & News


I hope you have had a magical and wonderful summer!

It’s been a busy one so I haven’t been posting on my blog but I have been writing!

My first novella

“Life With One Eye Open, An Angel Guided Tale”

is with an editor and I hope to have it published very soon.

In the meantime, announcement coming in the next week or two that my short story

“The Butterfly Papers”

will be published and available as an ebook to hold you over.

Thanks for being my loyal readers!

Details on both to follow soon…

Much love to you all!

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