Your Influential Mind

Your Influential Mind

89580-beautiful-nature-latest-wallpaper-8575671Letting go isn’t falling and I have settled in nicely with the truth. Our conscious mind adopted habits and patterns that didn’t resonate with our intrinsic values.  What a metaphysical mess.

The subconscious mind (also known as the unconscious mind) has been waiting patiently and silently to help us change the course of our lives. 

It only takes a single thought followed by undeniable intention, backed by unequivocal determination, invoked by immediate action and timed by a specific and deliberate date. This is the difference between just a dream and a tangible goal. With the proper modality anything is possible and dreams do come true. 

Life is full of gifts that you can pass on to the person next to you. Wisdom comes from experience and being grateful will set you free. Expectation leads to accomplishing the unexpected. Maybe it’s time to ask yourself some questions.

Why the hesitation?  What are you here to achieve?  When will you be ready?

Where will it take you?  Who will it make you?

Willy Wonka tried to tell us… “if you want to view paradise, you have to simply look around and view it”. You can do this. We don’t have to subscribe to nature vs. nurture. We have to accept that “thoughts become things” [Mike Dooley].  Age really is just a number and Bob Dylan was right when he sang to us… “I was older than, I’m much younger than that now”.  Serendipitous turnabouts everywhere I look and of late, a smile is my favorite accessory. That’s right. “The power of your subconscious mind” [Dr. Joseph Murphy Ph.D.] is patiently waiting your arrival. You can do this. Self empowerment was always in your hands and the stairway to heaven has you in it’s sights. You’re never alone and you don’t need to look outside yourself for happiness.  You can only love someone as much as you love yourself so love yourself the most! You can do this. If you do what you always did, you will get what you’ve always got. “Everything you ever needed to know you really did learn in kindergarten” [Robert Fulghum] and you’re not where you come from. You’re not what you do and half the time you might not even be who you think you are. So don’t believe half of what you think and know that you are God’s greatest miracle. If you listen carefully you can hear the encouragement whispering in the wind and if you’re watching closely, you’ll notice every time He winks at you. [Squire Rushnell]  

We’ve been given the gift of internal and innate wisdom. We just need to access it… And we hold the all access pass! 

Time to take action. Ready, Set, Go. The world is waiting.


…. to be continued…

Expecting Miracles, Creates Miracles

Expecting Miracles, Creates Miracles

critical faculty (1)

What would you do if tomorrow didn’t come?  Would you still wait?  What would you say if you knew it had to be today? Would you still be silent? 

Who would you be if you only had now?  

There is no better time than the present. The next minute may never come so be who you are now. Get up and take action.

Don’t let it pass you by. Don’t miss out on what could change your life. Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t take advantage. Get up and take action.

Here today gone tomorrow and live every moment as if it were your last. Wear what you want to wear. Say what you mean. Don’t let your life go unseen. Get up and take action.

Having always been a huge advocate of cognitive action, I am constantly testing theories, trying experiments and reinventing myself for the sake of adaptation. My circumstances called for it.  I answered.

Sometimes we encounter cognitive dissonance because we simply get in our own way or we over think things or over analyze. This is the conscious mind repeating the patterns and habits it learned throughout your life. This behavior will keep us from action. Get up and take action.

We can’t forget our innate ability to rise above circumstance. We can’t be afraid of the inevitable change on the journey to our true self. It is through change that we get to know our strengths, our weaknesses, and ourselves. The answers from our true self are waiting to be heard. Get up and take action.

Expecting miracles, creates miracles. Changing your thoughts, will change your life. 

It’s doable! Think of change as energy and since we are energetic beings we can access our own source to infinite possibilities.  It’s time to change the energy and emerge from whatever low vibrational level you have been operating from. 

Are you ready to let the internal messages of your mind speak to you? I can guide you there.

What would be possible for you if everything was possible?

… to be continued…

Your mind is a Garden

Your mind is a Garden

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAKaAAAAJDcyODg4NzFkLWFhZTYtNGIyOS1iZWY4LWYyNWU1YjkwMWFiMgWow. The ups and downs of life just don’t let up. Thank God, we’re never given more than we can handle.  

My life has been complex. Like an atom that splits into a gazillion particles. The particles become the images of my mind. They are filled with intrigue and humility & strength and courage.  They are constantly coaxing me to persevere.

Through the frequent visits into my subconscious, I am deciphering the codes of my patterns and habits. My mind is giving me new insight into the values I hold dear.

The evidence is so clear. It always is. My conscious mind was so focussed on what I didn’t want and that is exactly what I got. No surprise there. I know better. But down the rabbit hole I went. But of course, as you know, I never let anything hold me back.

I am the constant wonderer.  Ruled my inner child, it’s time to hold hands with my intellect and for my intellect to hold hands with my body who is holding hands with my spirit.  This I can work with.  A quadrinity of the self.  And when we are one I can clear my mind of conscious clutter so I can heed the advice and suggestions of my subconscious. This is where the answers are. This is where I will be able to reinforce and replace the self limiting beliefs with new thoughts and actions of empowerment. 

The quantum physics of thought. You become what you think.

The unlimited power within is like a locked door and only we hold the key that will open it.  

My message has been loud and clear. How can I be of service? By being a guide for others. I will guide you to the source that holds all the answers… Your mind! 

Are you ready to plant your seeds?

… to be continued


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