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Laughter is a Smile that Bursts

Laughter is a Smile that Bursts

The world can be full of tests, trials and tribulations. Parts of your life can be perfect while other aspects can go awry with the drop of a hat. Irony can get the best of you and your imagination can take you on a wild goose chase. The world has a funny way of taking care of us sometimes. We don’t always get it.  What we want isn’t always what we need and what we think we need isn’t always what we get. But at the end of the day everything always works itself out exactly as it’s supposed to. You just have to keep the faith, keep moving forward and remember, wherever you go there you are.

Here’s an exercise I posted when I first started down this path.  It helps me get back to basics and to stop taking myself so seriously all the time.  I hope it works for you too…

Let’s look in the mirror.  Let’s just look into our own eyes and try to find the beauty there.  Just keep staring, admiring, looking deep, looking pure, and then when you get enough courage together, smile.  Smile big.  Smile genuinely at the smile smiling back at you.   A smile on your face, A chuckle in your throat, A giggle on your lips.  The laughter that follows.  This is the true you.  The real you.  The person who loves you and believes in you and thinks you are stunning.   You are looking at the person who gets you out of bed in the morning.  The person who no matter how many times they fail still gets up and try’s again.   The smiling person looking back at you is who you really are.  So take this smile into the world with you today.  Share it with everyone you come in contact with.  This is your free gift to the beauty of the planet and your simple yet tremendous contribution to society.

This smiling face is the representation of you and the world looks forward to embracing that smile.  Your very smile can save someone’s life.  Your sad neighbor uses it to brighten up their day.  The child who fell off their bike uses your smile to encourage them to get back up and try again.   The old lady who may be lonely holds on to that smile triggering happy memories of her life.    The teenager who just broke up with his girlfriend embraces your smile as hope that his heart will heal.  Your smile is the undeniable beauty of your true self and the world needs your smile.  It starts with you.  A smile will brighten up the darkest of days.  If you smile it is impossible to be sad.  If you start laughing a true real laugh will take it’s place and you will forget why you were sad.  The power in a smile is huge.   A random act of kindness that doesn’t cost anyone anything and yet it will shower you and those around you with the riches of happiness.

The best part of a smile is when it turns into a giggle.  It’s subtle and you try to control it but why control it?  Let it go!  When you let go of it, it becomes contagious and when you look around everyone around you has the same expression as you.  All you have to do is smile at someone and the face before you becomes somehow brighter and the energy that is transferred between you lifts you both up to a higher place of elation.   It’s in this higher place of excitement that laughter follows.  Because after all laughter is a smile that bursts.

photo courtesy of hdwpapers.com
That Was Yesterday

That Was Yesterday

The weak can never forgive. 

 Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 
                                                          ~Mohandas Gandhi

It surprises me how many people are still replaying their old story instead of rising above it or letting it go. Maybe they don’t realize they’re doing it? But how can the ear not hear the sounds of the broken record? I’ve learned hard, long and loud and clear lessons that in order to let go, you must first forgive yourself. You must hug, hold and coddle the inner child that holds the stubborn traits. The hardest part? Knowing what needs to be exonerated.

The more I am made privy to peoples self inflicted limitations, the more I am reminded of how far I’ve come. There is always so far to go still but I realize today that my tears of yesterday have long since evaporated.

Another dip, turn, bend, slow decent on the roller coaster and it can seem to be never-ending. The vulnerability forgets what was said yesterday and you can’t seem to see the future.  We have all had moments where in one fell-swoop the negativity comes and carries us away on it’s magic carpet. The stress of it all can find us physically ill as proof that, that which we don’t deal with emotionally will manifest itself physically.

But once we let go physically, comprehension follows.

Through the childlike sobs of my yesterday, I gave in to the cleansing that can only happen when ones gives them self over implicitly. And so can you.  We all have stories that remind us of why are trying to get it right. This is one of mine.

The tears started falling as I pulled up to my street and as the car door closed behind me I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold on.  The depression was too much for me to handle and the sobs that followed would eventually make me laugh but not before they would have me surrender to my truths. Out loud I voiced my fears. I admitted what hurt. I confessed that some things were beyond my control. I let the tears take me. I let go.

I’ve had to walk on eggshells for most of my life.  Tiptoeing around the possibility that one false move or breath would disrupt the quiet that often claimed our household.  A brilliant but sometimes volatile entity at the helm of our clan taught me that I have no tolerance for bullies and yet they are everywhere. And no matter how hard we try, for some, nothing we do will ever be good enough.

With acknowledgment comes a lesson. We really do surround ourselves with that which we know and if we don’t figure out how to rise above the vibrational level of the pattern we will find ourselves stuck on the ride going around in circles.

There’s only so much we can do before we resign ourselves to the admission that a quest on principle alone will lead to disappointment. Some people will go to any lengths to win. Some people don’t know that not everything has to be a fight. I happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Again.

I have fought most of life just to survive and I don’t want to fight anymore. My tears have taught me well. I’m done fighting. It’s not even my fight anyway. If my self-preservation has taught me anything, it is that everything really does happen for a reason and this too shall pass.

That seems like a another life time now but it wasn’t that long ago. Gentle reminders can keep on us track. Humility can bore a strength in us parallel to no other. Use your strength of will to overcome your obstacles. Manipulate your story to fit who you are today. Don’t let the past dictate your nature. Put the past to rest and wake up to who you are meant to be now.

There’s No Going Back

There’s No Going Back

Early mornings remind me of how far we come. Don’t be fooled by what seems to happen overnight because chances are it didn’t.  Anything worth having is worth waiting for.  Anything worth waiting for is worth fighting for. There is significance in how much our dreams can change us.  The choices we make set balls in motion. Do you follow them?

I woke up one day with no recollection of who I was supposed to be.  A parents impervious inflictions that were intent on strangling me but I slipped away. I knew better. This was a battle against nature vs. nurture and I was deemed to win.

My choices find me living a different life now and I don’t regret it.  Even when I get restless sometimes for my old ways or the uneasy feelings of my past come to render me awake. There’s no going back now. There’s too much at stake.

My life is taking another turn for the better, proof that our resilient natures will always help us come out on top and sometimes it’s even far more fantastic than even we could have ever imagined.

Feel privileged to be so supported but always honor the past.  You never know when it might come back to surprise you.

It’s a Saturday morning on the coast and the marine layer prepares to leave.  The smell of rain is in the air and the cleansing should come soon.  Being the over thinker has my brain working overdrive and the off button seems to be stuck.  The dryer bustles in the background and the smell of dryer sheets is instantly calming.  The sound of a flute joining the piano soothes my indecisive temperament while the perilous nature of uncertainty makes it’s own assessment.  Birds take flight in unison and my puppy let’s me love him.  The to-do list grows a mind of it’s own and you wonder why everything takes so long.  You go out of your way to make things right but the light won’t turn green and the traffic can get backed up for miles.  No one can let you down if you don’t allow them to hold you up.  Birthdays come and go and breakfast isn’t ready yet.  The iambic pentameter tries to find me today and that’s okay.  We have come a long way from pictograms and it’s just another day.  The rise and fall of Empires comes again. History has a way of repeating itself if you let it in. While breaking the binds of pattern can release you from sin.  A society based in what’s it all for and how far have we really come?  Are you willing to join your mirror or are you still wondering where you’re from?  Sometimes a self inflicted lullaby can set you free as if you were a new found miracle left out for the world to see.  And you are a new found miracle.





photo courtesy of Pepper Carlson, taken in Kauai

A Chip In the China Cup

A Chip In the China Cup

Childhood memories can rear their head just when you least expect it. But this is where the lessons lie.  This is when you’re given the chance to be humble and admit you just don’t know it all. Trust is hard when all you knew was backed up into a corner.  The defense mechanisms build over the years so they can’t break through your wall.  Then one day you wake up and you realize parts of you got trapped behind it.  Your sensibilities go array and your defensive disposition can get in your way.

As people we can be fragile. So far from perfect. Everyone has room for improvement. We’re no different in that regard. Even the most beautiful china cup can get a chip. But you can still drink from it.

Trust is scary. But people do care. You don’t always have to be your mothers daughter or your fathers son. You can come out from behind the shadows and know that your humility can set you free. We can’t be afraid to grow. We can’t be intimidated by who we used to be. Vulnerability isn’t weakness. There’s no need to be defensive. Practice makes perfect, tears can bring rainbows and promises to yourself can set you back on the right path.

A leap of faith and I join you in an epic adventure.  An autonomous decree that if I miss, the stars will catch me.  I become one with you and the world is an illumination.  Me the shadow dancer being beckoned to embrace the splendor.  The flight of an angel. Protected from the fears of adolescence.  Guided through clouds of promises. Gratitude holds us high. Traveling the summit of our consciousness.  Only the inner wonderment of a child shall find us airborne.  Defying gravity. Immersed in the blue moon. The beauty of natures charms open her arms to us.  Below the grass green and untouched. Stop and smell the flowers. Not a wrinkle in their stems or a pedal out of place. The light breeze sings for them, as they dance for me.  My leap of joy. I believe. The awareness has made me one with the energy fields around me and so I ascend in harmony. I am set free. I shall rise to the occasion. Choose life. An answered prayer, a silent lullaby, a dream come true. Help me stay on course. Help me live like a butterfly. Help me glide. Help me love. Help me belong. Help me trust. Help me keep my promise.






photo courtesy of http://mi9.com/

Lightness of Being

Lightness of Being

Today is a great day for a romance and for skipping no matter who is watching.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life and absolutely anything is possible.  Today is a day unlike any other and where it leads really is up to you.

Cast no judgements, they will only hold you back.  Hold no grudges, they will only hinder your growth.  Do not take part in discriminations for what you put out you will get back ten fold.

Karma is a boomerang and only you have the ability to control your own outcome. Always be accountable.

Being human brings great responsibility and responsibility is not without consequence. If Mike Dooley is right and I do think he is, then thoughts become things and we really do write our own story. Do know that every great story goes through many rewrites. We can talk ourselves out of bad decisions and we can talk ourselves right into a room.

Reminders always come in handy so keep them close.  You never know when you’re going to need them…

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Love is the light that will lead the way. Consider love your conduit to long lasting relationships. It illuminates your innate desires and feeds your passions. Loves benevolence will open windows, doors and hearts everywhere.

Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider hope your inner flashlight. You control the switch and your batteries are solar powered. It helps you keep striving, pursuing, and seeing the bigger picture.

Faith is where the light is. Consider faith your adhesive to keep you in your strength. Hold on tight and let it hold onto you. The optimism will stir your senses and motivate your aspirations.

Truth is to walk in the light. Consider it your path to freedom from the darkness. The assimilation of truth will enlighten your spirit and purify your humanity. Embracing it shall truly set you free.

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.




photo courtesy of pepper carlson





Believe it or not we are all cut from the same mold. We are human but we don’t have to be separate. We are all gifted with the wherewithal  of decision making and the choices we make do shape our lives.

Success isn’t born overnight. It takes planning and reinventing and tenacity. It takes some self manipulation and debrainwashing and a whole lot of courage.

Sometimes it even takes sitting on the side of your bed with a quiet mind and a prayer to whatever God you believe in.  Asking for help  to see you through uncertainty and petitioning for strength when you feel fragile.

But do know this.  Prayer alone will not save you, your God will not pay your rent, and the Universe can only help those that help themselves.

Betheny, one of my dearest friends and the closest thing I have to family is proof that when you go after what you want the world will give you what you ask for. I’ve written about her before because she never ceases to amaze me.  She knows what she wants and she never settles.  If she decides to go after something she maps out the goal and then she carefully and systematically follows the footsteps toward her objective.

Years ago she realized she was getting burnt out on the car shows even though they had been so good to her for so long.  It was an arduous schedule with an inordinate amount of traveling. It was time to think about what would come next.

She prayed for help and then she set out to help the Universe help her.  She started taking some voice lessons and loved it. She was a natural and could do everything from sexy raspy to cartoon voices.  She practiced and studied and took classes and workshops. She made a demo, she sent it out to agents, she took meetings and she got signed. She went on numerous auditions but wasn’t booking. She didn’t give up. She kept practicing and honing her craft. She kept auditioning. She started booking small commercial jobs. She kept going. She kept praying and she kept believing in herself and she kept auditioning some more.  This past week Betheny announced that she is the new voice of the entire Style Network.  A huge accomplishment and a dream come true. What most people don’t know is she has been up for this job before and has been trying to become this voice of the Style Network for over two years.

Most people don’t see their dreams come true or stop believing in prayer because they give up before the wishes are granted. You can’t ever give up pursuing and you can’t ever stop believing in yourself or your dreams.  Brush yourself off and get up and try again.  Do whatever it takes to keep your hopes alive.

Dreams do come true and prayers are always answered. You just have to help them with everything you’ve got so figure out what it is you love and follow it with all your heart.

Your voice is meant to be heard.



Sounds of Music

Sounds of Music

Cars honking, planes landing and people talking on their phones. Boxes falling, garages opening and closing and shoe heels clanking across pavement.  Noise pollution can be so overwhelming.  People get affected.

But it’s not just life’s unmitigated sources that modify our moods.

I’ve just so happened to have numerous conversations lately about chatter. And not just the clamor and commotion of life passing by that can weigh on our nerves either.  It would seem the culprit is actually the inner jabbering that sends our minds to a boil.

I watched a lady yesterday yell profanities at a man in a passing car when she was the one who sped through the stop sign out of turn leaving the guy slamming on his breaks in the middle of a four way intersection. Late for work? Missing an important appointment?  Or just letting her own mind run away with her so she takes it out on the next unsuspecting individual to cross the path?

How ignorant can we be? Do we really not know yet that when you lash out someone else you might as well be looking in a mirror?  Have you not figured out a way to find your peace? You’re not still giving in to your childish reserves are you?

It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or where you come from.  Music is the perfect unmedicated, uncensored answer to mood enhancement.  It effects our heart rates and our breathing.  Sound waves effect our brain functions.

Music can actually make us better people. It can change habits, thwart off uneasy feelings and help you succeed in whatever journey you are embarking on.  Music helps us meditate, keeps us focussed and it can teach us. Music helps us be creative, uplifts our spirits and helps us get over bad breakups.

It’s surprising to me, how many people aren’t aware of the magical powers of the sounds of music.  Music can enhance a mood you are already in or it can completely alter your state of mind (whatever it might be).

Music is a universal language and it is always willing to help.

You just have to press play.






photo courtesy of http://www.fanpop.com

Land of Sun and Snow

Land of Sun and Snow

Angels reside here; in the land of sun and snow. born to be mad with a soft heart. there’s no anger here. (well not always) mushy self reflections. a roller coaster of he said she said brings you down to earth. parents weren’t any wiser. the baby boomer gone array. left to certain circumstance. consideration, your best friend. sometimes you look up and you find a place to run. deliberate pondering brings up memories from the past. they weren’t all bad and some of them didn’t last. hidden behind the face of work and now it’s spirits high. stocking up on memories in abundant supply.

a jack kerouac moment comes and goes. tom waits serenades you from the throne. archangels provide a getaway from that which you couldn’t know.

a sudden blast of relief when all else is not what it seems. laughter fills the air like a coupon once redeemed. once a crusade now a  campaign. an effervescent dispersion of the sun’s light after rain.

life is an extravaganza. rise to the occasion. letting go of all persuasion. be true to your emotions and honor them with care.  let all your stones be upturn, nurture them with prayer.

you’ll never be alone if you believe it to be so. happily ever after in the land of sun and snow.





photo courtesy of http://kwicsys.com




Dear Archangels,

Wanted to take a moment and let you know that I am very well aware of all that you are doing for me.  Showering me with the gift of energized agility is working.  Staying in a place of intention brings revelations.  I realize that without our circumstance we wouldn’t have character and without our humbling moments we wouldn’t know bravery.

We are never alone and the wishing well is within. You are always with all of us and all around us.  Shooting stars of redemption that bring us closer to the rainbow.

Thank you for standing by me and helping me have the courage to make beneficial decisions.  I know that what may not seem like what I want, it is usually what I need. I know to see the signs and not be blinded by the idea of something. I know that when something goes away it opens up the room for something greater.

My windows are wide open and my heart knows peace today. I am too busy juggling multiple jobs to dwell on what I can’t do anything about and that puts things in perspective.  Yeah sometimes I’ll get mad at where I come from but nothing like a little fuel to keep me moving forward.

I get it.

Feeling Grateful,


p.s. Thank you for using Geno to respond to my last letter to you. It really helped.




photo courtesy of http://www.examiner.com

Plan B

Plan B

I’ve been writing my blog for over 2 years and for the first time I considered I just don’t have anymore to give.  My last entry seems a life time ago and I still don’t know who I am.  It felt good to be so positive and uplifting and honest.  I’ve welcomed the feedback and embraced the comments from those who have benefited from all I have to say.  But at the end of the day and after 5 days of open flood gates with no end in sight I realize I’m still broken.

I don’t know if I really believed that doing this could fix me.  I’m not sure if some words on paper were going to be enough to bring me the answers I seek.  I’m not sure if it was ever going to be enough to help.

For the sake of not giving up (and my current feelings possibly temporary because I am no longer a fan of the holidays) I’m going to switch gears and try a different tactic.  I’m going to write some letters.  I know for the most part these letters will go unanswered but maybe by some miracle they’ll give me a sign. A doorway of possibility into who I am and not who I could have been.

This is my plan B.  Raw, uncensored and unconditional. This is for me. My letters to the Archangels.

A far cry from the face I show the world but was I really so naive to believe that what’s hidden underneath my armor wasn’t going to break free? It’s left me humbled, wanting and quite wide open.  This is a journey I must embark on.  I wonder how long it will last?  I guess it doesn’t matter if I’m supposed to live for today.  Well today this is me.

Dear Archangels,

I’m pissed. I don’t understand why a family would bring a kid into the world and then not want them.  Why not put the kid up for adoption so a loving family can take over and nurture and love and cherish them.  Who could I have been if I had known a parents love?

The mistakes I’ve made are countless and this shell I’m wearing is cracking all around me. When is my face going to run out of water?

My youth was taken away from me and now the ones who it took it are all gone.  Who is left to yell at? All these questions will go unanswered. Don’t any of you know what you’re doing? How could you let this happen? And how many kids out there are worse off than I ever was?

How long can I stay in this bubble of self protection hidden from the truths of the past?  I just want my brain to work in a manner that I can trust. I don’t want it to play on tricks on me and give me glimpses of what life can be. I don’t want to take 2 steps forward only to fall tumbling dirty and breathless back down the hill.

Enough with the lessons already. You can’t keep leaving me dangling off the side of the cliff to fend for myself. If I have to embrace the fact that I come from where I come from and all I can do now is deal with it, then will you please interfere and help set me free?

I have a lot I want to do in a short amount of time and I can really use your help.

Imploring and annoyed,







photo courtesy of http://1ms.net/stairway-to-heaven-211384.html

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