
This Time Around

This Time Around

Life and death.  The normal course of action most of us have to take.  Memories of a long lost so many years have past us by dear friend who let life get the best of him and chose another way.  Taking your own life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There is always another way.

Even when you’re happy you can have moments of sadness. Even when everything goes your way you can hope for something more. Even when you know to move on you remember. Even if it’s all okay it can still hurt. Even in your deepest moments of clarity you can still be confused. Even if you’re not sure, you should keep your chin up. Eventually this to shall pass.

Always in touch with my dark side and the wonderment of a child I sometimes give in to the romantic notion of how life can take your breath away. Getting into a space of where Alice in Wonderland meets Oscar Wilde’s memories and the flow of consciousness will hopefully set us free.

Sometimes we fall but we get back up. Sometimes we want to hold on but the world moves to fast.  Let go.  Life promises to catch you.  Sometimes the Universe just wants us to step out of our shell and experience life and sometimes a little poetry babble helps you keep going.

I wish that I could tell you that I didn’t want your kiss.

I wish there was a way for me to make a different wish.

If only time could follow through when it set you in my sights.

If only I had turned away and back into the night.

I don’t know if you’ll ever get this message I am sending.

Some things weren’t meant to have a happily ever ending.

In a different time and a different place.

Maybe in my dreams I’ll get to see your face.

Clocks don’t go backwards so that part makes sense.

But why can’t time go backwards just this once.


Photo courtesy of wallpaperpassion.com

Press Here

Press Here

Since we are all made of energy, it is hopeful that our energies connect with other peoples. The lessons lie within the people we surround ourselves with. We learn, we rebel, we appreciate, we fear, we love, we mirror, we communicate, we argue, we make up and we run but sometimes we stay.
Some people may not ever know this.  But it does happen and there are many lessons to be learned when it does.  If you stay open and you recognize when something or someone is pushing your buttons it will help you be flexible in your communications.  If we don’t recognize when our buttons are being pushed we will stay obstinate in our ways. We will stay in transference and there won’t be any room for growth.
Being in transference is a guaranteed tried and true method for pushing people away.
My upbringing bred a very cautious disposition.  But I learned along the way that if you become too protective of yourself you will find yourself surrounded by people who can’t be trusted.  The earth’s energies have a way of proving you right and thank God, their was a different plan in store for me.
Once upon a time I opened myself up to a friend that at first I completely rebelled against. She was relentless in her undertaking to befriend me like someone out of Clueless yelling “project” with a valley girl accent.  She pushed my buttons in a mirror sort of way.  I wanted nothing to do with her until one day something clicked in me.  Having lived through a very severe illness my heart opened and when I saw her next, my energy recognized her.
That was 15 years ago and she is still to this day my closest thing to family.  One of my dearest and best friends that played a huge part in who I am today.  The friend that isn’t afraid to help you recognize when you’re letting the past interfere with the present and letting it flick the switch.
I recently came across a situation where my energy instantly recognized the energy of a stranger.  The encounters to follow were filled with coincidental occurrences and things that seemed familiar.  It was comfortable and natural and scared the hell out of me.  It pushed a different kind of buttons and I wasn’t sure what to do with those long forgotten feelings.  I almost let my patterns and my transferences of the past sever the energy chord of something that feels so right.
Be accountable. Let the energies of the earth lead the way.  Stay put and say sorry.  Don’t be afraid of the reminders.  Stay present.  Trust in your journey.  Brush yourself off again.  Welcome the trials and tribulations.  Embrace your courage.  Press here.
photo courtesy of http://significatojournal.com/bliss/a-parliament-of-quotes
Lights On?

Lights On?

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Love is the light that will lead the way. Consider love your conduit to long lasting relationships. It illuminates your innate desires and feeds your passions. Loves benevolence will open windows, doors and hearts everywhere.

Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider hope your inner flashlight. You control the switch and your batteries are solar powered. It helps you keep striving, pursuing, and seeing the bigger picture.

Faith is where the light is. Consider faith your adhesive to keep you in your strength. Hold on tight and let it hold onto you. The optimism will stir your senses and motivate your aspirations.

Truth is to walk in the light. Consider it your path to freedom from the darkness. The assimilation of truth will enlighten your spirit and purify your humanity. Embracing it shall truly set you free.

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Haven’t you been in the dark long enough?





Picture from above Bali, courtesy of Sean Newhouse

Not Transferable

Not Transferable

Striving for perfection is a pursuit not without its stumbling blocks.  We have all been guilty of falling prey to the moment and you never know what it has in store for you.  Verbal blunders, anger and even moodiness are just  a few of the culprits that can wreak havoc on our exchanges and cause chaos and confusion.

Our emotional intelligence is weaved into our perceptions.  We grow up using all kinds of defense mechanisms and half the time we don’t even realize we’re actually hiding behind them.  If we react to others based on how we feel we are not being true to ourselves or our friendships.

We all know that when someone compliments us it usually means that person is in a good mood.  By the same token if someone criticizes us chances are they are having a bad day.  People aren’t always going to react to us the way we want them to.  They can’t always be accessible to feed our sometimes selfish necessity for attention.

How do we find the strength to live and let live?

Our emotional responses should not be transferable.  When someones behavior puts us in transference, the result can be a surprising and unsuspected display of irrational discontentment.

I’ve noticed something that might help us.  We must set out to stay in a place of awareness, to keep our thoughts focussed on the happy ones and we must sincerely appreciate ourselves and all that we’ve learned.  I’ve been feeling so grateful lately, it has put me in an entirely new head space.  I find myself full of awareness of my surroundings.  Hearing life’s callings proves to be a continuous gift and on this higher vibrational level we experience empathy instead of transference.  Up here it’s easy to live and let live because at the end of the day the world doesn’t really revolve around us and it’s important to give others their space and let them be who they need to be.

Well and hope they eventually figure this out too.






photo courtesy of obiwallpaper.blogspot.com



Don’t 2nd guess your choices.  Don’t question your decisions.  Don’t ponder over the past.  Don’t give up your dreams.  Don’t let someone else’s ignorance deter you.  Don’t let indecision rule you.  Don’t talk yourself out of it.  Don’t believe half of what you think.  Don’t let the pain get the best of you.

Don’t spend time wondering what someone else is thinking just ask them what you want to know.  Don’t talk yourself into a corner keep trekking forward and don’t ever look back.  Don’t hesitate when you see what you want because you never know who else sees the same thing and goes after it more.

Be number 1. Be decisive.  Be thankful for past lessons and move on.  Be dreamy.  Be persuasive.   Be determined.  Be clear.  Believe in your self. Be positive in your self talk.  Be the cure.

Be your best you and bring out the best in others.  Be aware of your surroundings so if you end up in a corner you can skip away.  Be completely and utterly sure of what your heart wants and go after that thing with all your might.

There’s only one you for a reason.  Do you know what that is?




Adjust Accordingly

Adjust Accordingly

Life will give it what you ask of it, plain and simple. You have to remember that you are constantly putting off thought waves that help shape what happens to you. What you dwell on really does become that which you manifest. Your reality and your identity.

You must remember some things when trying to pursue the art of creation.

It is important to be very specific
You must be very clear in your intention
If you know your what, the Universe will take care of the how
Always look ahead, don’t dwell on what lay in the past
Be willing and open to adjust accordingly

Just put one foot in front of the other
Welcome change
Honor defeat
Learn from your mistakes
Stay out of your head
Be careful of people that aren’t supportive of your dreams
Choose to see the best in people
Listen to your life and trust your intuition
Be honest with people and yourself
Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself
Know that your feelings may get hurt but time heals all wounds
Remember that people have their own distractions and it doesn’t mean they care less
People can only love us as much as they love themselves
Don’t have regrets
Embrace the possibility of the future being everything you want it to be
The world will give you what you ask of it so be careful what you ask for

Treat others as you would like to be treated
Use communication and honesty to relieve any chance of misunderstanding or pain in others
Remember people have feelings and feelings are fragile and are to be treated like precious cargo
What you put out really is what you get back
No one can let you down if you don’t allow them to hold you up

Choose love. Be kind. Be honest. Be trustworthy. Be truthful. Be sincere. Be mindful. Be open. Choose happiness.

Always say what you mean
Don’t lie!
Be impeccable with your word
Don’t make assumptions
Always do your best
Don’t take anything personal
Have empathy
Feel the fear and do it anyway
It really is true that everything you ever needed to know you learned in Kindergarten

When you take care of yourself you are more apt to be careful with others feelings. When you are honest you are more apt to be surrounded by people who can be trusted. When you put yourself out there you create a giving and carefree spirit. It is important that you keep your integrity at all times. Know that even when you stumble there is dignity in brushing yourself off and trying again.

It really is quite simple.  What are you putting out?

Reading list:

Everything I Ever Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten  (http://www.robertfulghum.com)
Feal the Fear and Do it Anyway (http://www.susanjeffers.com)
The Four Agreements (http://www.miguelruiz.com)

Clouds and Ad Libs

Clouds and Ad Libs

There hasn’t been all that much to say. Maybe that means I’m out living instead of questioning. Thinking is good don’t get me wrong but too much thinking can back you into a corner.  This is not On Golden Pond anymore and the more you get out and interact and live your life the more you learn. The more you grow.

I’ll never stop being the W Chaser and you should never stop wondering but the only way to stay in the moment is to get outside your head. Try smiling at a stranger and open the lines of communication.  Let your eyes speak for you and see where it takes you.

Try wearing something you wouldn’t normally wear.  Branch out of your comfort zone and don’t give a rats ass if anyone might be judging you.  Don’t let those people in your dance space.  Skip away leaving the echo of laughter behind you. 

Sometimes I get caught up in the moment of wanting something bad enough. Sometimes I go on tangents and I’m all over the place (like now). Maybe I sat down to say something but it lead to everything else.  A little contradiction never hurt anyone and life can be a game of ad libs sometimes.

Branching out of your morning pages and Julia Cameron helps you step out of the questions.  You hold the key to your own automaton and you can go whereever you want to go. Where will you lead? Will you let your life be a Tango? Can you speak your own language? How brave are you?

As the sun makes a path for itself through the clouds so must we get out and seize the day. Don’t ignore the little nudging your body is trying to tell you. The answers are there you just have to be honest with yourself.  Not everyone is going to be who you want them want to be. But how can they be, unless you know who you are.

This isn’t a set up or an arbitration.  This is your life and you should never settle.

Where are you going today?



A Little Less Censorship

A Little Less Censorship

Coming out from under the umbrella. An attempt at being myself. How do you cross the threshold of censorship when you grew up in a town of what will the neighbors think.  I think the neighbors all have their own secrets and who gives a fuck what anyone thinks anyway.

Having been separated by death from the contradicting web of a families lies, I had forgotten how angry I was. Sometimes I want to curse and scream and maybe even throw some things but instead I live in a place of constant composure and I don’t even know who I am anymore.

The self inflected separation from the ones who brought me into this world left me free to be beautiful but how far below the surface does the explosion lie?  How can someone look like a cheerleader from Connecticut but come from such chaos. Did I get taken from the wrong family at the hospital?

Does anyone else ever feel like they could go 9 rounds just for the hell of it?

Tragedy wasn’t just meant for Shakespeare and I shall hope to never erupt like a volcano.  Pushing from afar and relentlessly testing my very viable Spanish tantrums isn’t going to work.

The decision has been made that this new information I was given whether it be another lie or not shall be the last chapter in the book.

What a mess.  And to think it explains a lot, might actually make sense and what a bunch of crazy liars. How much more should I have to endure? When will it truly not matter?  Statistic list number, who the hell knows, I’ve finally lost count.  Maybe it’s my calling to let it all out.  Say what I feel when I feel it and see if the sky opens up all together.

But how do I unravel this unnerving strength that lay within me like a shapeshifter? The unequivocal strength of a girl up against the wall.  The detachment is securely fastened around the box that holds my heart. Composure meets censorship and are there any truths left?

 All I can do for now is laugh because they’ve got to be fucking kidding me.








photo courtesy of http://www.wallpaper4me.com/wallpaper/Desolate-Umbrella/

Translucent Turnabouts

Translucent Turnabouts

If I decided to go on a tangent would you let me?  I might show you I am no different than anyone else even while I think myself invisible.  Yes some times I will be the red balloon in your black and white picture book and sometimes you might be able to follow me, but not always.

If I promised to let go would you jump with me?  I had run so far away from the past I wasn’t watching where it would take me. When the Archangels finally found me they guided me toward the vortex so no questions could go unanswered.  It seemed only fair since the W Chaser in me called out for the serenity of redemption.

If I sent up a flair would you come to my rescue? Would you remember who we were and forget how we got here? If I sent my energy out to find you would it? Would I still be your angel? How long gone and far away can you be? Can you hear the whispers coming out of me?

Restless roundabouts and it’s not always so cut and dry.  There are macabre wonderments and when we’re children we always hear you.  We ride the vibrational level of energetic intrigue and there’s no turning back. Giving in to how we feel in the ever changing moments of eternity is all we have left. Engaging in the preposterous notions that we used to be someone else.  Silent invitations and let me introduce your selves.

Nice to meet you and how do you do? Can you tell me how I got here? Do I know you?  If you asked me to follow you I don’t know that I would. I might enjoy your company for awhile so you can see the world through Oscar Wilde’s Memory.  Tom Waits can do the music and add some more lessons from the past.

Inspiration found in some modern day instagrams. See the world in technicolor.  Find your beloved. Change your vision. Say what you want to say and don’t make much sense.  Try to be sensible only if you have to be. Step out of the comfort zone and let your imagination say what it wants to say. Lifemate. Be genius and be authentic. We might all just be a form of rotoscoping or a photo app.  A shapeshifter of another time and place. We might change someone’s life. We are most certainly worth it all and all most certainly worth it.





Photo courtesy of http://www.scenicreflections.com/download/484366/TRANSPARENT_BUTTERFLY_Wallpaper/

Expressive Candor & Some Recognition

Expressive Candor & Some Recognition

Work finds me so often there’s not much time for much else. I’m having so much fun the time seems to fly by. I’m not scared that I haven’t been writing although I have wondered if I would ever have anything else to say.  Sometimes there just isn’t enough room for balance and everyone just needs to keep their shirts on.  Self censoring doesn’t lead to much and you wonder where the rain is.  Sometimes it doesn’t have to make sense and you just have to say what you want to say.  Dr. Seuss may have been on to something and the lessons were all we ever learned in kindergarten. Judgements make the heart weak and there’s no room for fear.  Renditions of a recognition and now a good news ambassador. Life’s expressive candor.

Thank you Good News Network and Adam and Jeneal for nominating me.  I am honored.


Five ‘Good News Heroes’ Win Sweet Treats for Their Inspiring Acts

By Good News Network Monday, September 10, 2012


Editors blog – General

SendFudge.com has partnered with the Good News Network to award free gourmet fudge to five people who are consistently doing nice things to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Kengi Carr - DoSomethingSaturday.orgAfter we sent out a request for nominations, we received stories lauding inspiring people across the country, but from among them we chose 5 winners to be honorary “Good News Ambassadors”.

The five good news heroes will be able to choose from among 40 tempting flavors from SendFudge.com including diabetic-friendly selections.

Here are the honorary Good News Ambassadors, who always “give a fudge” about others while helping to uplift society.

1) Kengi Carr – You know immediately upon meeting him that this man is someone special. “There is a sparkle in his eyes and he speaks generously with kindness… He has survived more than the average amount of suffering, yet continues to be grateful for each day.” Following his own bout with homelessness and a diagnosis of HIV, Kengi began serving the local homeless population and low income people living with HIV in Southern California through a project he started called Do Something Saturday. “And I happen to know he loves sweets!”(Nominated by Alexandra Kube, photo, above)

Pepper Carlson2) Pepper Carlson – Two people nominated Pepper. One of them wrote: “She has been an all-in-one support system to me.  These past two years have been emotionally extreme for me; being laid off, getting hired at an amazing place (with more pay) only to be laid off again… Her blog LifeWithOneEyeOpen.com has always given me confidence and inspiration to step outside my comfort zone, be thankful, and recognize all the love I have in my life.” (Nominated by Adam Acheson and Jeneal Hill)

LauraBeth Young-inpsirational-fudge-winner3) LauraBeth Young – LauraBeth Young – “She has had such a tough year, but continues to inspire others despite the difficulties she’s endured. Her inspirational Christian website:cheerfulhearts.com inspires many with her letters and poetry.” She has survived being a victim of domestic abuse and although currently living with chronic back pain from an accident that left her with severe spinal damage, she still finds the time to inspire and coach others. “She is always positive, cheerful and encouraging to whomever she meets.”(Nominated by Kevin Ryan)

Sandra Switzer coach-fudge-winner4) Sandra Switzer – “As a life coach, she provides constant encouragement and enthusiasm to all those she comes in contact with. She goes above and beyond to share her resources (viaSandraSwitzer.com) in regard to counseling, wellness and uplifting workshops. Sandra is a kind and compassionate individual who shows a genuine concern for mankind and is a positive influence to anyone she comes in contact with. (Nominated by Amy Jo Hall)

5) Megan Quitko – This riding instructor whose positive attitude “shines on both people and animals… always provides all the smiles and encouragement any rider could ask for – on good days and bad.” Additionally, she raises money for Komen Cure events and promotes many animal related interests to prevent cruelty and “actively seeks homes for needy animals.” (Nominated by Dawn Starr)
Raspberry fudge-SendFudgedotcom

Thanks to everyone who submitted nominations. The winners will be receiving notification in the next 24 hours with instructions for collecting their delectable prizes.

And, thanks to SendFudge.com for their desire to highlight good news heroes.

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