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Strength and Will

Strength and Will

Almost half way through the month and it’s getting harder to stick to the plan.  My work days seem to be getting longer and I of course am getting more tired.

On more than one occasion I have found myself encouraging those on a get-in-shape 30 day challenge to do at least a little something everyday, even if it’s 5 jumping jacks. So I must heed my own advise. Through my yawning is an underlying determination to see this through. And I have realized that the same philosophy of doing a little something everyday actually applies to the rest of us in whatever venture has been undertaken.

You might be experiencing similar feelings so I hope you’ll join me in doing what we can, when we can. There’s integrity in that and you’ll feel better for it, I promise.  Let’s keep going and keep reminding each other that we can do this. It’s only 30 days. And who knows where it might take it us!

Life is always changing and tests our strengths and will,

A lovely dance by moonlight, the grass perfect and still.

Keep the faith in the sunrise and welcome the day,

Walk with your head held high and the gifts will come your way.

The Universe will give to you all that you ask,

So be strong in your intention and unwavering with your tasks.

Hope is undeniable just let love lead your heart,

Always choose to be honorable, a perfect place to start.

Never hold ill thoughts or give power to your fears,

Live your life with integrity and your wishes shall appear.

Live, Love & Laugh everywhere you go and

Peace, Love & Light on you shall be bestowed.

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When In Doubt, Post-It

When In Doubt, Post-It


How are your resolutions holding up? Are you still embarking on your 30 day challenges? What are you doing to keep up the momentum?

Baby steps, little reminders and a lot of love will go a long way to accomplishing your endeavors.

If your goal was to get the gym everyday, you can’t be hard on yourself if you had a long day at work and you can’t get there. But what you can do, is something to show yourself you can keep your commitments and you respect yourself enough to follow through. Before you get in bed, do push-ups, sit-ups or even some jumping jacks.  This will send a positive message of accomplishment to your brain and help you hold true to your word.

If you ate both pieces of bread with your sandwich at lunch and you were meant to cut back on the carbs then for dinner have a vegetable medley or a salad with no dressing. Make up in some way for your splurge by cutting back on something else. This way you are still keeping your pledge to follow through with a healthier meal regimen.

If you are getting caught up in the frustration of not seeing the extra pounds melt away, or the bank account is still lacking or you just can’t keep yourself motivated for whatever goals you set for yourself, be patient. Change takes time and can be gradual. But lasting change is worth the hours, sweat and regulations you put on yourself to help you achieve your desires. And lets face it, we are our most important investment.

Suggestion. Get a pad of post-its and write little notes to yourself. Stick the post-it notes all over your house, car and if your area is private, at work. Write your encouragements, and affirmations. Always state them in the positive first person and as if you have already accomplished that desire. Be creative, be silly, be serious, be whatever it takes for you to know that you are on the right path and doing a little something everyday is better than doing nothing.

Here are some examples for your posit-it notes:


I am so beautiful (handsome) / I have the best smile / I am approachable / I love you

Inside Front Door:

I embrace every opportunity / I seize the day / CARPE DIEM!


Underwear drawer – I am so sexy / beautiful / perfect / hot


I eat healthy / I eat my veggies / I am nutritious  / I eat fruit for desert

Misc (near your bed so they are the last ones you see):

I worked out today / I ate healthy / I am starting to see a difference / I am so proud of myself / What a great day! / I am so blessed / I am so grateful / I am  so __________



Cast Your Light

Cast Your Light


There are moments that are precious

And daytimes that are still

A night in shining armor

A game of strength and will

Let your sword of enlightenment

Enter me with faith

Embrace my body, mind & soul

With elegance and grace

Impress upon my darkest dreams

The laughter of a child

Innocence will heal all wounds

And dress thee with a smile

If ever I forget these words

Cast your light on me

So I may witness the beauty

In everything I see

May I never turn a blind eye

On that which I don’t know

Yesterday’s mistakes shall be

My victories of tomorrow


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Feng Shui and The Moon

Feng Shui and The Moon

And think not you can,
 Direct the course of love,
 For love,
 If it finds you worthy,
 Directs your course.

~ Khalil Gibran

We spend our lives looking for love, being in love and loving the idea of love. Songs tell us all we need is love and our hearts fill when we’re in love.  Love moves mountains, and love brings smiles to our faces and sparkles to our eyes. Love is within us and love is all around us.  Love is also available from above us.

We know there is love from the Heavens.  That’s a given.  But what about the idea of refreshing our love state from an unconventional source? What if we could have a love affair with the moon?

Chinese Taoist and Feng Shui Masters teach that the `yang` energy is from the Sun and the `yin` energy is from the Moon.  The yin energy holds the feminine attributes and aligning ourselves with the celestial energy of the yin can help us find balance and new perspective.

The possibility of garnering energy from the moon was first presented to me by a dear friend and one of the VP’s of a very large music company.  Once the seed was planted I set out to not only find out more, but to experience this for myself.  There have been many failed attempts.  I didn’t know what to look for, how to feel or what I was supposed to see (if anything).

There are different moon phases each month called lunar phases. Since we are all energy and everything around is energy it seems only fitting that we work with the moon to help us manifest new goals and dreams.

The first phase is the new moon and is when we should plant our new seeds (new beginnings, new business venture, new relationship etc).  The second phase is called (my favorite) the crescent moon.  This is when we would develop our objectives and make our plan of action. The crescent moon is followed by the quarter moon and this is when we take action. If you leap the net will appear. Trust will take you far during this phase.

The Gibbous moon is said to be one of the most powerful phases of the moons cycle and insists that we wait. If we sit still long enough to receive this, it will energize us going into the next phase of the disseminating moon. This phase is when we manifest (reap what you sow). This is a time to get out and share with the world.

The Last Quarter initiates reflection and improvement. Look at the things that aren’t working for you and pull out the weeds.  Welcome any new ideas that could replace the old ones. Now is a good time to complete any unfinished project laying around.

The completion of the lunar phase ends with the Balsamic Moon. A time to center your thoughts and intentions on the future. Looking forward will move your feet and your thoughts in the same direction. Let go of any fears and trust in the inherent possibilities your future holds.

Last night while walking Sir Henry, I happened to be perfectly angled to the beautiful full moon. Focussing on the energy around her, I let my eyes go unfocussed and cleared my mind. I gave myself over to the energy and for the first time, I witnessed it. What can only be described as an aura of a glittering white light at first dancing around the moon and then it looked like a cone of white energy was reaching directly for me to cover me and bathe me in a heavenly effervescence.

I read once that we should think of ourselves as one with everything around us…  “I am not an organism in the environment, I am an enviro-organism”.  Being one with the world helps us keep an attitude of gratitude, a desire to be of service, and an appreciation for everyone and everything around us. And I really think it was Gods intention that we embrace everything He gave us.

So let’s give what we get and let’s give so the getting gets really good.

I love you… Pay it forward…




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Grace of Our Past

Grace of Our Past

Today has been a long wonderful work day but it’s late, and I am tired.  The peace finds me open to the energy of the moon, like I have found my way home.  And the love in my heart finds me grateful for who I am, what I have experienced and very much looking forward to where I am going.  And since you’re coming with me, I couldn’t let the day pass without sharing something. A reminder of how far we have all come.

Ode To: The Grace of the Past

…You have been rewritten

and we bow to you.

With Gratitude we depart and

we thank you for your lessons.

You have taught us well and

bestowed upon us the greatest courage.

Our new history has changed us

with a grand shift of empowerment.

Our lives  shall be accountable and

witness to our new found destiny.

We will be forever grateful

to you the Grace of our Past and

we humbly bid you Farewell…



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The Pendulum

Riding the pendulum like a crescent moon
I find the faith in what must be coming soon

I push forward like a swing and don’t hold back
The gravity comes for me and I don’t react

Just ride the wave of this vibrational level
An uplifting monument to the road less traveled

Thankful for times shared and lessons learned
Live with integrity leave no stone unturned

It has simply become my own narration
An exercise of will and a worldly translation

A language that speaks to all of us
Truthful in nature and one we all possess

Open your heart to the innocence of
The beauty in sharing unconditional love

Which way are you swinging?

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By Accident On Purpose

By Accident On Purpose


It’s never too late. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or who you come from. You are not what you do for a living, you’re not what you ate for breakfast and you’re certainly not who you’re going to be tomorrow.

Let yesterdays story be in the past. Before you fall asleep say thank you to the day for the lessons and the memories and then right before you say goodbye, say I love you and dose off to sleep because the morning comes soon enough and with it your future.

Your life starts now, new, fresh, over, every morning you wake up and get out of bed. Feel the love.

Having made my first statistics list before my first birthday, I believed my fate was sealed. Having come into this world because it was to late for other arrangements it was inevitable that I struggled to find my place in the world. Once lonely, many times angry and a lot of times lost. Angry at the genius mother who couldn’t love me, lonely for the military father who was never there and lost to myself because I didn’t know any better.

Where were the answers? Frustration and rebellion would set in like a bad rerun and I couldn’t turn it off. I feared everyone and trusted no one. I was the quintessential representative of a misplaced youth and was face down in the proverbial gutter. Not knowing if I could ever get up, I just lay there in a puddle of my own tears. Drenched and depleted the prayer for guidance, help and love came rushing out of my heart.

Somewhere in my past came the ultimate strength, wisdom and sincerity. Somehow we prosper!  We are able to push ourselves to new limits and it’s then that we start to realize our true potential. We must hold ourselves accountable and then we will become conscious. Conscious to a life worth living and the possibility that we are all so very special.

The biggest lesson on my journey is that we do have power. We have worth and our words can make a difference.  I hope that by some miracle my experiences and my sometimes questionable approach may shed some light, spark a fire or give some insight for all of us.

I know the world does not revolve around me. This is a vast recognition that we are all in this together.  In some way shape or form we all have our shit. And the best way to get through life is to find people who’s shit is compatible with ours.

I hope my writings help change our world a little bit, helps someone know that they weren’t the only one who had bad things happen. Know undeniably that if we can conceive that we can negate the disparaging voices from our past, than it will be so.

This is about sharing in the process and not being afraid of the rejections, negativities, inspirations, positive influences, and the process of dealing with daily life. This is where we can be reminded of the value and the power that a kind word or a smile or some love can hold for someone who is living life with their head down.

Love by accident and love on purpose. Love your version of love and spread it far and wide. We all have love in our hearts, so let’s share it. Let’s focus on the love.   

Let’s concentrate on the things we love about ourselves and silently say, “I love you” to everyone we meet.

Do you have some love to share?

photo courtesy of Marc Marosi










Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

This morning has been filled with a different kind of inspiration. My motivation finds me inventive, energized and wanting to use all of my body. The energizing sense of impulsiveness is pulling me like water skiing. The sunrise brought me to awareness as the scent of my favorite coffee reached my cerebrum.

Motivators are the perfect stimuli to catapult us into action and they are everywhere if we are ready to utilize them. Everyone is different but you know who you are. You know what does it for you. What inspires you to create? What motivates you into action? What humbles you into service?

We were born to use all of the senses our bodies have bestowed upon us and over time we have grown stronger at using one or more of them to stimulate our subconscious.  They are gifts. Innate motivators that are ours for the choosing.

Being the W Chaser, it is inescapable that I be irrevocably intrigued by the sixth sense and the power of our subconscious mind. It is within our subliminal mind that the acceleration of our growth happens. We just have to stay out of our own way long enough to allow for our maturation.

Years of transference and self inflicted trepidations threaten to leave us just shy of the finish line. But we can’t let them. We must find our motivators and use them to uplift us to new streams of consciousness. We create the vibrational level we reside upon and we must use our inherent tools of influence to gain access to our insights and joys.

Being elated will change the course of our day and hopefully the people we come in contact with. We really can change the world one person at a time.  We need to use all of our senses to spread the energy and spread the word. Choose to go above and beyond the 100% you are already giving everything in your life. Strive to go higher and take as many people with you as you can.

You ready to go?



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Thought Modification

Thought Modification

Are you ready to embrace who you are and stop making excuses? Are you prepared to set aside the enabling patterns and get to work? Isn’t it time for the modernized, revised, upgraded, reinvented, up to date, new and improved version of you?

It’s time for a mind shift. Time to change ourselves from the inside out. Time to treat our body and our heart like the temples that they are.  Time to honor our chosen path and respect our spirits. It’s time to upgrade our software.

Software is rewritable language that improves the flow and functionality of our computers. We depend on the upgrades and we are quick to install them.  The software we choose is specific to what are needs are and we select them with care. We can also spend a lot of money on them making the commitment to treat our computers and thus our livelihoods with the utmost respect.

Well what if we thought of ourselves as living breathing working machines? Then wouldn’t that make our thoughts our software?  And since we have established that software is rewritable language, then isn’t it highly plausible that we can rewrite our thoughts?  Wouldn’t we want to choose our thoughts with care?

Influenced by a workshop that I did with Greg Dinkin, Author, Life Coach and Motivational Speaker ( I did a little ritual of releasing my old software and ran the install for the new and improved version.

One of the simple things he mentioned that really got me thinking was how most people think they must “have” so then they “do” so that things will “be”. But Greg switched it on us.  He presented the idea that we should “be” which would inspire us to “do” and therefore  we will “have”.  This one small adjustment in perspective and you’ll find yourself in the present moment at all times.

Here is a link to the Be Do Have Paradigm. (A dialogue between the author, Neale Donald Walsch, and “GOD” as he refers to the inspirational flow of information that came through to him) from the book Conversations with God.

The power is within us. And we are not alone. Whether we are afraid of failure or afraid of success. The operative word here is afraid and there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Some thing is only scary if you haven’t done it before. Once you try it, there’s nothing to be scared of anymore. Action dominates fear.

Pick a goal and give it a chosen feeling. This creates awareness of your feelings. What is your software (story) you have given to this feeling in the past? Figure out what the best tool for you is to change the feeling and right away (like now) take consistent action.

One of the easiest ways we came up with to help us get into action is to turn on some music. Sing, dance, do whatever makes you laugh and know that music will change your current state instantly. It is uplifting (if you aren’t playing high school break up music) and that is our goal here. To uplift our spirits.

You ready for the upgrade?


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Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Did you make your list of all the things you want to accomplish? How many things are on your list this year? One? One hundred? How many times over the years have you attempted to set your goals in motion but after a few days or a few weeks the nostalgia wore off and you just gave up in the eyes of rejection or failure?

What if awareness, accountability and conjecture are jumping off points to your successful completion of any tasks, goals and new triumphs?  If you know what you want to change or accomplish you need to find the tools that work best for you.

Benjamin Franklin (I highly suggest you read his autobiography) had been an inspiration to me for a long time but I lost track of what the messages were and strayed off my intended path. It’s never too late to re-inspire yourself and find your way home. Figure out what you want to be doing in life, find people that are doing those things and then surround yourself by those people. Find an inspiration or a mentor, a life coach or a support group.

At 21, Franklin created the JUNTO, a group of “like minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community.” There are modern day versions of these kinds of groups and with access to the internet the possibility of connecting with like minded spirits is now incredibly accessible.

Workshops, forums, and on line chat groups have been created for every industry, career path and spiritual journey you may want to embark upon.  If you don’t fair well in groups maybe a one on one life coach is better suited for you and your dreams. Or maybe it’s as simple as getting with a friend that has similar aspirations and honoring the buddy system.

My life coach/hypnotist, Thorance Tweten, CHt ( shared this with me yesterday and suggested that I pay it forward. I am honored to be in a position that I can share this with you.

Today I am setting my sights (and yours if you want to join me) on a new course. A 30 day challenge. Today take the time to make your mind movie or power point presentation (directions below) and watch your movie 3 times a day for 30 days.  I suggest we watch it in the morning when we wake up, after our mid day meal and then again before we go to bed.

This is a great goal setting idea you can put into action immediately.

Have you ever heard of a mind movie?  It is like written goals on steroids.  The concept is to put your goals into a movie and add music.  Imagine if you had a 2-3 minute movie of your goals that you could watch one or more times per day.  If you had this movie you almost certainly would achieve more of your goals faster.

If you know how to make a movie on your computer then, take action on the idea.  If you don’t know how to make a movie here is a great alternative.

You probably have PowerPoint or Keynote on your computer.  Put your goals into PowerPoint.  You can find pictures of your goals by doing an image search on Google.  For example if you want a new car you can go to Google and do an image search for the car you want.  Cut and paste the picture into the PowerPoint.  

Once you have created the PowerPoint slides you can set up a slideshow.  What that means is you can set a timer on each slide.  For example you can have the slides automatically rotate to the next slide every 4-6 seconds.

Once you have your slides done and a time set up to rotate each slide you can then add music.  The way I add music is I have Itunes on my computer.  I pick an upbeat song and have it playing in the background while the PowerPoint slides are playing.

The end result is you have a custom movie with your goals playing while listening to one of your favorite songs.

If you will watch this movie 1 or more times per day you should achieve your 2012 goals faster.  If you like this idea, pay it forward by sharing the idea with others.

Remember repetition breeds success.

Are you Ready? Set! Go! 



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