

A power connection and we are the sky… not the clouds going by.  What will you ask of your mirror that you say that I am?  Will you let your fears cloud it like the steam from a shower or will you embrace it?  Feel the fear and do it anyway.  The past has a hold on you on you but you didn’t know.  It’s where you’ve been living and couldn’t let go.  How could you embrace change if you don’t change the fears that stop you?  If you leap the net will appear.  When life tries to get the best of you remember me.  The way I made you laugh when you thought you didn’t want to.  How were we to know that I could push your buttons?  Did our intuition fail us?  Or did we call out for each other?  Was there a lesson we were supposed to learn but we missed class that day?  When someone leaves us it is the Universe giving us a gift.  When we let them go with love and forgiveness that is our way of saying Thank You.  When we least expect it and someone joins us… our acceptance is allowing the Universe to say You Are Very Welcome.   Basking in memories I write, I smile, I think of all that has passed.  My friends, my lovers, the male versions of myself.  I choose a journey into the future.  In peace, in light and in laughter.  Take the leap now.  Join me on the new vibrational level where if you listen you can hear me… It is there that we will continue our beautiful conversations… it is here that we will always remain friends.

© 2010


The rain has rendered me thoughtful.  Contemplative about the past.  Pensive in my memories. The happy ones.  The ones filled with love and joy and family trips. The moments when my mother laughed and my sister and I dressed in our matching outfits. The butterfly patches she made and her ever changing spiritual journey.  The nights I watched her dance ballet in the dark in our living room and she didn’t know I was there.  The sound of her voice singing along to Steely Dan or when she danced around the kitchen to Neil Diamond.  She was young.  She was beautiful.  But she was lost, and sad, and lonely and in the end she was gone.  I wrote this for her.  Maybe, where ever she is she can hear me.  I miss her.

I spent time with you last eve while my eyes wept and I took your hand in sleep. I basked in you and all that the past allowed us only to have you wake briefly gasping for breath. In that moment my heart knew you would not stay with me. Confusion rendered me to my knees for I could no longer hold court for both of us. I had to let you go. I knew that you must find what you are searching for in your life after death.  That which does not include me. My heart must rest for I cannot be a part of ever knowing you this way. And now. You have long since left thee.  Farewell.

© 2010

Feeling the love and they say it best….

The Beatles

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

Beckoning Call

I am feeling very inspired today and I find myself sitting here again with a little more to say. So I figured I might as well share with you who mean the most to me… Enjoy and I hope you are all having a love filled day.

I spent my youth by the waters edge
Immersed in a prayer that you would find thee
Waiting patiently as the years passed by
I began to wonder if you could hear me
Would you listen to my beckoning call
Or would I wonder aimlessly without you
Perhaps I was just a hopeless romantic
And you were never really supposed to
But if we inherently believe in miracles
To the entire world we must profess
That anything is possible and
So we adhere to its bequests
There is someone for everyone
And this I hold true
From the bottom of my heart
I have waited patiently for you
I thought that I was dreaming
When you walked through the door
The first time our eyes embraced
And I knew I wanted more
Years would pass with more encounters
Yet never a word of happenstance
We would always just walk away
Leaving our connections to chance
How ironic that you should find me now
Within reach of your similar path
Only time can reveal the truth
If there’s such a thing as our other half
© 2010

The Wonderment of a Child

The beauty of viewing the world as it is being seen thru the eyes of a child means possessing the gift of seeing everything for the first time over and over.  Seeing in color, comparing shapes, wondering at the smallest insect as it carries 10 times it’s weight. 

Trying things for the first time.  Taking your first step and it holds you up.  How exciting!  We take new first steps everyday.  Embrace them.  Recognize them.  We step into a new job, into a new relationship, into the unknown.  We step into new decisions, new directions, and new philosophies. Life is full of beautiful surprises. Look up but don’t forget to occasionally glance at where you are stepping.  Look forward but periodically take a glance in your rear view.   Take account of where you’ve been.  Contemplate where you are.  Find appreciation for all the steps you have taken.  Whether they took you forward or they took you back. It’s in the two steps back process that we are given a second opportunity to find the treasure we missed the first time. 

Be in constant contact with your inner child and you shall know an unconditional, courageous, determination to take it all in.  Take a look.  See things for the first time.  The ocean at it’s calmest with its glass like surface will show you yourself if you let it.  An overnight storm will create forty foot waves bringing unprecedented excitement to the surfer riding the tube.  The glaciers of Alaska over the bluest of waters covered under ice are like something of fairytales and tinker bells.   The sound of a plane becomes a reminder of someone who is going to visit a long lost friend.   The Himalayas inspire the climber to reach beyond any limitations. Large thousand year old trees that stand majestic with history.  Your first box of shrinky-dink’s.

Listen to your life and the energy that surrounds you because it has so much to say.  This ever-present approach shall lead to coincidences that leave you feeling extremely connected to the world.   Having undeniable faith that the world will give you what you ask of it so you are careful what you ask for.   Whenever you see a dandelion, make a wish.  Find the love and empathy in our exchanges with strangers because they can’t.  Being able to take a deep breath, lend a helping hand and share a smile with a neighbor.  Look around you at least once a day and say “Thank You So Much”.  Give respect to a child so he may hold on to his free will just a little bit longer.  Being thankful and gracious and showing gratitude for the little things will keep you smiling all day long.  Being humble and open to new possibilities will find you going with the flow of this ever-changing thing that we call life.  

Appreciate all that has come before.  Yet live in your intention for the future and you shall find yourself embracing what is now.  This precious moment is a gift. Our present.

When we live in our moments we have found true love and it is with this love that all things will grow and the birds will spread their wings and the flowers will bloom and you will live to your true potential.

There is no gift greater that we can give ourselves, then the gift of living with the wonderment of a child.

© 2010

Choose Yes

You know how sometimes when you loose something, you become beside yourself with grief trying to find it. You keep looking for it even in places you know it can’t possibly be. Is this what we do when we are looking for someone? Could that be why sometimes we end up with the wrong person? We were looking in the wrong place to begin with?

But where is the right place and when do we know it’s the right person? How do we let go of that which is not right for us? How do we accept the person that is? How do we let go of the things that were instilled in us as kids? Why is it so much easier to believe negative criticism than high praise? Why did we believe that? Why do we seek out what will help us escape and give us false hope and happiness for a night? Why do we not believe in ourselves when everyone around us believes in us? What is it they see that we don’t see? Is it possible to turn it around? To turn ourselves around and see that we are made from greatness?

Let’s choose yes. Let’s speak in the first person and speak with intention. Let’s make these statements emphatically and let’s keep saying them over and over until they become a part of us. Isn’t our own encouragement worth a few minutes of the day? The time is now. Let’s say this loud and clear.

“I believe in me.  I know implicitly, that I have a realm of possibilities at my disposal and I know utterly and completely that I am capable of so much.  I set my goals high and I follow through with conviction. I am here to serve and I lead by example. I owe it to myself and to everyone around me, to live up to my true potential.  I know that I hold the secret to my own success.  It is my turn to shine.  I am very deserving.  I can afford it and I accept all the riches that life has to offer.  I welcome and accept the beauty of life.  I trust and therefore attract and accept trustworthy people in my life.  I let go wholeheartedly of my limiting beliefs.  I release them.  I am brave and courageous and willing and able. I embrace my opportunities with the respect they deserve.  I am beautiful and I am loved.” 

© 2010

Help is on the Way

Dear God, Universe, Higher Consciousness,
May you find it in your heart to help us find our true path.  Help the greedy to be humbled and help the poor for they are so many.  Please see us all through any times of hardship and despair.  May everyone have food on their tables, love for their children and roofs over their heads.  Though we may encounter conflict, strife or sorrow please help everyone to believe in themselves, each other and a bigger picture of possibilities.  May we lose our interest in power and instead find the joy in sharing.  May we give love to all whom we meet and extend a helping hand.  Let us know that a smile for a stranger goes a long way and a word of encouragement to a child can change the course of their future. Please let us not look down to those we perceive as below us, for we no not their circumstance. Let us remember that we are all creations of time and space and we can be gone tomorrow.  Please help us to persevere through our most challenging obstacles.  Guide us so that we may shine our light down the darkest of alleyways.  Please assist us on our path so that we may offer opportunities to those who are less fortunate.   Please help corporate America restructure to create more jobs.  May you have faith in us that we may have faith in ourselves.  Please channel your energy through us so that we may be pathfinders for the future, proper guidance for the youth, and patience for the old that may have forgotten who they are.  Please help the leaders of the world.  Help them lead by example by pursuing peace, help them turn the global economy around, and please assist us so that the lands of war may find peace.  Please help us all help each other so that we may get through these arduous times and uplift the energy on a level of global consciousness.  May we all find peace, love, good health and prosperity.  May we wake each morning with love in our hearts, smiles on our faces, encouragement in our words and sincerity in our souls.  
May we disparage fear from our lives and evolve consciously as a whole.  Please help us to experience love, compassion and empathy toward our fellow man, woman and child.  Help us to greet each day with love in our hearts, be the master of our emotions, know we are nature’s greatest miracle, and to live each day as if it were our last. 
With undeniable faith, I ask this for all of us in gratitude…

© 2010

Testing 1.2.3

There is space but there is not one in it.  There is room but it is unoccupied.  The moon is full and gives light but you can’t see what is ahead of you.  Loneliness in the darkness.  A subtle glance. I catch you. I look away and I feel your eyes on me. Imagination works its wonder. Memory of a kiss and kiss pull away.  The words are on paper only. Feelings are internal and kept to yourself.  You speak and I want you inside me.  You look at me and I want to be lost in you forever.  There is an open door but you still knock.  You walk in and look around. Searching the room for me.  It spins, it tango’s, it mixes drinks.  A picture is taken, a demo recorded and the laughter fills the air.  The drum you play is the heart.  The words you sing the soul.  You keep moving.  You’re confusing. The linear righteousness has vanished. You’re famished.  You don’t ask. You don’t speak. You don’t know. you don’t hear. You don’t need. You don’t want. You’re horizontal but you look down. You’re vertical but you see behind you and I am no where to be found.  Lights flicker, candles lit. No breath to blow out. Sulphur fills the air and a cough is heard.  Footsteps on the wooden floor and they approach.  But they don’t.  It’s just a tapping.  Misconceptions. Sony sound. Rewind and do a playback please. I missed it.  Digital enhancements. It’s about qualitative kisses. It always comes back to kisses.  So give notice. Seven days in advance.  The flash is on but there is no film. That radio plays no music. The only sounds that you can hear are the warnings.  Because this is only a test.  This is only a test.

© 2010

Follow Your Heart

It has been said on occasion that we must find out for ourselves what it is we wish to do and then to take the necessary steps to fulfill it.  And yet so many are caught up in a race they can’t get out of. They forget about the childhood dreams, they forget about the very things that could easily make them smile.
“follow your heart” “don’t give up” “work hard” “keep smiling” “live life to the fullest”
These weren’t things that I heard by ear.  There is no recollection that anyone had any confidence that I would find my calling.  Perhaps they thought I wouldn’t bother looking. They were right. I wouldn’t bother looking.  Because something as beautiful as our dreams takes searching.
“be humble” “open your mind” “free the spirit” “be truthful” “live your life in the moment”
I don’t believe these things were said in the true essence of the word.  They were believed in, felt, tasted and kept away from anyone and everyone who would dare to disrespect the love for their own lack of understanding.  A lack of understanding of what it means to truly want something unconditionally.  To be open to the words you read, the phrases you speak, or the passions you hold dear to your heart.  To be ready to accept.  No judging. No second guessing.
“never look back” “move forward” “have respect” “there is no just or only
I have found my calling and that calling is me.  This me in the moment. This me doing whatever it is I am doing. Embracing the life that has reached out to me.
Be blissful now, for if you are not happy with what you have, what makes you think you will be happy with more? Things come and go.  People come and go.  Time comes and goes. It all passes through us like energy.  Passes by us like last years fashions. Life is ephemeral so live each day as if it were your last. Accept the inevitable Change. Do your best knowing that your best will change. Be the greatest you and share this you with the world.  Have respect for what you believe in. Let it be bigger than you and then hold on and let it take you for the ride of your life.  Let your life be your biggest encore. Like Mr. Magorium says, “Life is an extravaganza, so rise to the occasion”.
Call it what you will. A poem, An event, A symphony, An Act… When you live your life as you were meant to be living it, the joy, the laughter, the tears, the shortcomings, the accomplishments, this my friend is no act.

Who are you going to be?

© 2010


A leap of faith and I join you in an epic adventure.  An autonomous decree that if I miss, the stars will catch me.  I become one with you and the world is an illumination.  Me the shadow dancer being beckoned to embrace the splendor.  The flight of an angel. Protected from the fears of adolescence.  Guided through clouds of promises. Gratitude holds us high. Traveling the summit of our consciousness.  Only the inner wonderment of a child shall find us airborne.  Defying gravity. Immersed in the blue moon. The beauty of natures charms open their arms to us.  Below the grass green and untouched. I can smell the flowers and I bask in their ability to wear their Sunday best. Not a wrinkle in their stems or a pedal out of place on their heads. The light breeze sings for them, as they dance for me.  My leap of joy. I believe. The awareness has made me one with the energy fields around me and so I ascend in harmony. I am set free. I shall rise to the occasion. Choose life. An answered prayer, a silent lullaby, a dream come true. Help me stay on course. Help me to live like a butterfly. Help me glide. Help me love. Help me belong. Help me trust. Help me keep my promise.

© 2010

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