Mind over Matter

Mind over Matter

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
                                                                             ~ Mark Twain

It’s a shame that our society puts so much on age.  And my latest observation is that the reason men and women date younger is because the younger generations don’t care about the number that puts the distance between them. They are too busy enjoying your company and themselves and everything else life has to offer.
We have to be careful not to be influenced by other people’s hang ups. No one cares about how old you are except yourself. Sitting across the dinner table last night I experienced first hand what happens when you let your age be more than just a number. I really do wish everyone was as young as me.
We’re evolving people! We are living longer, living healthier, and living honestly. Enjoy it. Being insecure about your age is not sexy and inflicting your inhibitions on someone else is not fair. Don’t let the years passing frighten you. There is nothing to be scared of. You are just as good looking as you were 20 years ago and if you have a few laugh lines that’s a good sign. It means you’ve been laughing.
Times have changed. Women have careers. Men stay at home with the kids. Most marriages never see their 5th year anniversaries. The media turns us into consumers and influences how we see each other and ourselves. We can’t let it.
We need to be aware that we are also more in tune with our spirituality.  We are conscious of our surroundings and intentional on leaving less of a carbon footprint. We are innately preparing for longer habitation. We should be in the best physical, spiritual and emotional shape of our lives.
Having so much of my life still to live is a fun and inspiring prospect. There’s still so much to do and see and experience. So many people to meet from every walk of life. So much to look forward to.
With age comes insight. It gives you confidence and helps you feel grounded. Your days are only numbered if you’re doing the counting. Life is long and you have to fill it. Enjoy every moment as if were your last and know that how young you feel really is up to you.  So be you.  Be ageless and don’t ever under any circumstance let anyone tell you differently.
Wear what you want
Do what makes you happy
Be unique
Don’t have regrets
Be healthy
Keep an attitude of gratitude
Be sexy
Always look your best
Know that you are like no other
Say what you will
Be true to your feelings
Be honest
Be flirtatious
Be love

photo courtesy of http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/freebies/stunning-landscape-desktop-wallpapers/


There has always been a definite and compelling sense that I was different.  I was gifted with the hope and ability to see that I must be here for some predetermined purpose. How could one person have such tragic life experiences at such a young age?  What kind of karma was that?

Survival of the fittest and all and leaving nothing to happenstance, I embarked upon a series of experiments. My hypotheses have taught me that we have more power than we think and when we accept our experiences as the preceptors of the stars we can learn to adapt, change and form ourselves into whatever etherial being we wish to be.

I had been wishing to see someone I met out of town but I flubbed my way out of that one and now I have to adapt to the new turn of events. I will think of our adventure and while our  paths may never cross again, I appreciate the importance of learning to speak “guy” and in the same token learning the importance of a sense of humor.

We have to follow life’s cycles with ease and grace. It’s not just our blood that changes every 7 years. Our very makeup and core beliefs follow suit based on our openness and willingness to evolve.  It is inevitable that we (hopefully) experience a growth spurt and we come out of it with a highly uncommon clarity and a better understanding of life and ourselves.

The revelations can be intense but we can’t be scared of them. We can go from awkward to insightful in 60 seconds flat. It just requires fortitude, courage and flexibility, well and maybe a lot of practice.

The cycles of life are like the moon. We can’t fight the inevitability of growth and change. If we learn from our experiences, we can gain a sense of propriety that stands up to our moral fibers.

Not unlike a roller coaster  we will have our ups and downs.  We need to keep our sense of humor and we need to know that everything really does happen for a reason.  Just make a commitment to yourself to assimilate to the circumstance.

Life is full of opportunities to make fools of ourselves. We can’t take them back (and we shouldn’t want to) but we can ride out the cycles embracing the scenery, seeing what there is to learn and seeing where it can take us. Make every cycle you go through a time of progress.

Treasure who you are in the process, embrace who you pick up along the way, and make your contributions memorable. Commit to the changes of the cycles and go with the flow. Find your balance between the finite and infinite, matter and spirit, heart and soul.

Riding the waves of your cycles and being true to your innate nature is the basis for self-love and true happiness.







photo courtesy of http://www.adobetutorialz.com/categories/Adobe-Photoshop/Designing/page/6


Tongue Tied

Tongue Tied

A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” 
                                                        ― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Being a writer I have a propensity to choose my words carefully.  I love vocabulary and sometimes I challenge the existence of sentence structure. I tend to push the envelope and I try to extract the meaning out of every little thing.

But some things I may never understand.  Like, why is that no matter how intelligent you are, you get around someone you have even the slightest crush on and you promptly and repeatedly put your foot in your mouth?

On paper I am honest in my revelations and I have mastered laying my feelings out to dry in the wind.  I am not afraid to ask any question and I am the most vulnerable I have ever been.

Well, I did it. I put myself out there. I embraced my vulnerabilities. I have gotten a taste of what it’s like to throw caution to the wind and I want more.

Being a blurter, I am no stranger to getting tongue tied and I have made an art form out of being verbally clumsy. Well, lately I find myself continuously reminded of just how out of practice I am.  I had been given a universal gift.  One that I had specifically asked for mind you and one that left me stumbling through a bunch of wrapping paper and never ending ribbon.  All of my own doing of course.

While it might not be entirely funny, I am actually seeing the humor of my many quirks and eccentricities. With every new experience I am learning what works and what doesn’t. I know what I want and for now I don’t want to compromise. I put myself out there and it was a successful learning curve. Maybe I didn’t pass all the tests but I sure as hell had fun and now I have a reference for how I want things to be.

I put myself out there and I didn’t fall. I was myself and it felt good. I am out living my life instead of writing about what I think it can be. No rehearsal, no blocking, no trial performance. Just life at its finest or most definitely something like it.  No regrets.

It is within the course of nature that you will be pursued by people that you’re not always interested in and by the same token the reverse must be true sometimes in order to keep the balance.

Sometimes a question is just a question and you should just answer it.  Sometimes people don’t express themselves the same way you do and you have to ask yourself if you are equipped to engage anyway. How do you communicate with someone if you don’t speak the same language?

Some things were meant to be what they were and they aren’t supposed to be more.

And some things (okay most things) aren’t supposed to be this deep.  Life is too short or too long to not go after the things you want.  This is true.  But as a girl, my Cuban father instilled in me that you wait to be invited.  You have to know the Universe might have a different plan for you and you have to see that and trust in it and walk away.

Oh and if my father were still here he would probably say to hide your phone when your tipsy. You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself with lightheaded texting.  lol






photo courtesy of http://lordbuddha-wallpapers.info/buddha-wallpapers-widescreen-4/




… Is

Having the time of your life

Acceptance of everything

Perceptions that match your reality

Pleasures that reflect your true nature

You stay true to yourself

If you’re HAPPY and you know it, clap your hands.







photo courtesy of http://www.layoutsparks.com/1/178567/happy-feet-penguin-ice-3.html

Happily and Everly After

Happily and Everly After

Sharing something old, but always a welcome reminder, in honor of the weather, the peace and quiet and the truths within…
There has to be a window
So you can see past the waters edge
A wondrous rainbow of color awaits you,
If you just believe in what’s been said
If you listen to your heart
The words can speak in volumes
But you can’t fear the past
That’s been leaving you unraveled
The unknown is where
The answers are revealed
If you can keep the faith
In the truths that are concealed
Open up the lid of your life unlived
And all your truest passions
Will come rushing to be fulfilled
Get back up, brush yourself off
and find the faith
You’re supposed to lead by example
not give in to an endless chase
Even though in times of trouble
it’s hard to understand
Let your life catch up to you
and gently hold your hand
Know you were made with love
in the eyes of happiness and glory
And know that you were meant to be

A happily Ever After kind of story

The Prologue – An Angel Guided Tale

The Prologue – An Angel Guided Tale

This week I hit over 50,000 views at my new .com address and with almost 40,000 on the old blog spot address, I am soon to reach 100,000. That’s a lot of visitors over many days, and many entries and it’s been quite the ride.  Thank you.

For those of you who have been with me the whole time, you know that I have been working on my first novel for what seems like forever.  It’s why I started writing this blog in the first place.  But while the two entities have grown apart, I kept the original name of the book out of some nostalgic connection to the journey.  It’s been a long one.

A work in progress and ever changing over the years I think I’m finally getting there.  I recently finished the first draft of my novel being told in the 3rd person. While I work to add 40 more pages, I share with you the prologue in hopes of some good ole fashion honest feedback… Please let me know what you think… (use the comments button at the bottom)


Life With One Eye Open

An Angel Guided Tale

© 2012 by Pepper Carlson

WGA Registration #1581040


         A doppelgänger (pronounced [ˈdɔpəlˌgɛŋɐ]) is a palpable double of a person (living) in culture, folklore and fiction. In colloquial language, the word doppelgänger has come to refer (as in German “doppelt(e)”) to a persons double or look-alike.

        While doppelgängers are often perceived as evil, (I promise I am not evil) the word is also used to describe the awareness of having glimpsed oneself in peripheral vision.

         In Norse mythology, we are perceived as a ghostly double (vardøger) who precedes a living person and is seen carrying out their actions in advance. What you may know commonly as déjà vu.

         The literal translation of doppelgänger is “double walker”, like a look-a-like, or a twin. That’s me. The Twin.

         Since being separated at birth by death, I wasn’t the cause of the disarray of affairs, our parents were, but I feel compelled with necessary obligation to tell the story since I got out and she got left behind.

         After spending a long nine months in each other’s arms, overhearing the downward spiral of the world we were about to enter I just knew I wasn’t going to make it. The accusations were fierce and the depleted sense of desolation pumping through our mother’s veins was suffocating.  There could only be enough breath for one of us, and truth be told, I knew she was the stronger one.

         As much as I knew that my time to see this life would be taken from me, I knew my never knowing life would be necessary for my Doppelganger to be able to fulfill her life’s purpose.

        Personally, it happened quickly and painlessly.  I had a vision of laying in my own proverbial gutter.  I could feel the dirty musty water against my face and I could smell every bad thing that would ever happen to me wafting out of that water.  Paralyzed as the gutter held me down with a ratchet strap grip, I tried to wiggle free but I couldn’t move.

         It was over before it began.  I wasn’t even sure when I stopped breathing.  So I gave in to that moment of terrorized paralysis and whatever higher power would take me.  In a silent whisper I asked for help.  I truly and unconditionally prayed for my own redemption for giving up, but mostly for my Doppelganger Twin who was about to enter the combat zone.

         You see, fearing everyone and trusting no one, my Twin would become a quintessential representative of a misplaced youth. The indelible footprints of her questioning would leave her intent on figuring out a way to sever the umbilical cord and I had to find a way to help her.

         The answer came promptly and clearly; with my last breath came the gift of ageless wisdom and Divine intelligence and my intellect was telling me I had to send for reinforcements.

         I would need assistance in a big way. I needed Angels. And I don’t mean just any kind of Angels. I mean the Guardian Angel of Archangel proportions kind of Angels that you only ever read about.

         I had no sooner thought it, that they appeared to me. I explained the severity of the situation.  They assured me they knew all about it and they knew all along they would be called upon.  They had been waiting patiently for the birth of this particular Doppelganger and they were prepared to see her through.

         They also warned me, “You can not interfere. There will be times when you will want to turn your head and cover your eyes, so just do it. Look away and trust that we will hold her through the most arduous of times. Be prepared that in your connection with her there will be times when you feel what she feels and it won’t feel it good. There will be times when you will want to grab her and take cover but you can’t.  Also know there will be many times when she will know laughter but that isn’t what this story is about.”

         At the time I had no idea what they meant, but boy would I learn soon enough, they so weren’t kidding.

         Using poetry as a conduit, their messages to her were far from ambiguous. Throughout my Twins evolution the poetry spoke of the possibilities of rising above it all but she didn’t know enough and regrettably, poets write from a place of anguish so my Doppelganger Twin would have to succumb to the never ending invitations of do or die.

         Young and naïve and lost in the self-pity of the process, the lessons their words were trying to teach her would be lost on her.  But it seems only fitting that I include the poems here, unscathed, intertwined in her story and dated by human age.

         “What does one do when they wake from a dream and they’re crying? The tears of a life unattended.  A missed encore.  A curtain bow. The orchestra. Sight for sore eyes and a mystery wink. You will not look back in sorrow or in pain you will look to the future and how bright it is. You are beautiful and worthy and you will take one step at a time. You will spend your time in love and prosper. Be wise in your decisions and count your blessings. Let us, your Guardian Angels, show you how to walk.  Greet everyday with love in your heart.  Listen to your life and heed its suggestions, prompts, and warnings. We will assist you. We will never leave your side.  Listen well to your heart, your body and your soul; our messages will reside there. Trust the flow of life and welcome change. Dream of beauty and love and passion… We shall help you set out to break the lineage of your past”. Age 2






photo courtesy of http://www.fanpop.com/spots/angels/images/8383976/title/anime-angel-wallpaper-wallpaper

Frequency Counter

Frequency Counter

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

~ Albert Einstein

For every choice, reaction, mishap, and crash and burn there is an energetic consequence. Life is full of triggers, people in transference, and some good ole fashion lashing out.  How we choose to engage in the energy exchange will be contingent on where we are on our own vibrational plain.

I just spent the last two weeks reacting to everything around me.  It all started with one person batting down against my moral fibers. The trigger came swift and unnoticeable by anyone else, but there I was submersing myself knee deep in transference. Once I went down that path I couldn’t find my way out.  But, being accountable, found me delving deep into my vibrational frequency patterns to keep it from ever happening again.

I wan’t aware how easy it is for someone else to turn your dial.  But there you are, struggling to make sense of how you ended up in someone else’s radio show.  The consequences can take you down face first into the proverbial gutter, or if you’re anything like me, give you something else to learn.

Nothing good ever comes out of reacting. I’ve listened to people be irrational, accusatory and resort to name calling.  There are three sides to every story.  Yours, mine and what really happened.  People choose what they want to believe based on their own belief system. They hear what they want to hear. They need circumstances to fit into the circumference of their world and it blinds them from reality.

I like being accountable.  There is a sense of freedom in being able to step outside yourself and see people and things for what they really are. And here’s the thing, we all do it. We all just do it in our own way.  Some people are passive, they don’t let others see what they’re doing to instigate a behavior pattern out of someone. Some people are in your face, they are confrontational about it. Some people spread their version of a story making one person the fall guy.  Some people raise their voice to get their point across when a whisper says so much more.

This list goes on and on and on.  But it can all stop here.  If we’re honest with ourselves and the energy around us, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what people think. It doesn’t matter what people say about you to others or even to your face.  My mother always taught me that you never lash out in anger because, whatever it is you’re saying, well, you might as well be looking in a mirror.

That knowledge helps me stay true to my energy fields. Far from perfect, it is invaluable that on this never ending w chasing journey lessons pop up everywhere.  Realizing that some things are just out of our control helped me see that even though you give 110% to something, if doesn’t go the way people want it to go they won’t remember the 110%.  You had never had a chance anyway.

The reality of my reactionary behavior had me pretty bummed out.  I thought I had grown more than this.  So I did what I do best. I found a shortcut to conquering yet another lesson in life 101. I did hypnosis to implant the seed deep into my subconscious that I never get caught up in it. That I stay cool, calm and collected in all things. That instead of being in transference and instead of reacting, I take a deep breath, and know that the energy can stay calm if I don’t help it spin out of control.

At the end of the day, we only have to answer to ourselves and to God. No matter what happens always do your best and be your best and don’t be afraid that you’re not perfect. Don’t be afraid when others don’t understand you or any given circumstance. Don’t be afraid that people might talk shit about you, they don’t know any better.  Don’t be afraid to be honest and truthful. And don’t be afraid to change.

The energy we exude will alter our reality. It really is that simple. We have the power so why wouldn’t we choose to put the frequencies of good, positive, energetic, solution oriented, humble, empathetic, sympathetic, helpful, and grateful out into the universe?

It’s never to late to change.


photo courtesy of http://just-waterfountains.com/posts/



So shines a good deed in a weary world.  A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.”

~  Willy Wonka

It’s a beautiful sunny day on the water as I sit inside with my bowl of comfort food doing research for the 2 new projects I’ve taken on. (yes I know how much can one person put on her plate?  A lot?) My mentor told me once, “If you throw enough shit at the wall, something’s bound to stick!”  And well, truth be told, I just can’t help but dream of all my endeavors successfully up on some monumental wall display.

• a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal •

Dreams are powerful. Dreams will teach us if we let them. Dreams become reality when implemented. Dreams keep us young. Dreams help us live. Dreams encourage us to believe.

There’s no going back.  I’ve crossed the threshold of what it takes to believe in your abilities and my experiments would make Einstein proud.  It’s all relative and I am staying true to my entrepreneurial spirit and trusting the angels that are guiding me, by following the paths I am shown.

 •  indulge in daydreams or fantasies, typically about something greatly desired  •

How could I resist writing when my vibrational level has taken me up so many flights of stairs? The energetic forces are powering me up a like rail train and yet even with how fast I’m traveling I can see every detail as I pass. I am absorbing the messages like a sponge and my creative juices have me feeling pretty motivated.

• a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep •

We are all capable of following our dreams. We must honor who we really are. Remember what’s important to us. Live each day is if it were our last. We must not lose sight of what’s important to us. We can’t forget our dreams. We have to know that we are the biggest miracle. The greatest surprise. The most wonderful breathtaking, capable of anything, incredibly beautiful, magnificently gorgeous, miracle.  We really are the dreamers of the dreams.

• a person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect •

Don’t stop dreaming okay?


photo courtesy of http://www.blackberry-wallpapers.com/Others/480×360/2011/0802/7812.html





We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen more, say less. But in a day in the life of a blurter it’s hard to keep cool without any auto correct.

The good thing is (or so I am told) blurters are people who can be trusted. They have no filter so they don’t have time to process a lie. Well how much trouble can that get you in?  A lot.

On my early morning walk today I realized something. I’ve crossed the threshold. My de-brainwashing myself is working and my undeniable faith that the Angels won’t leave my side opens me up to a perspective I might not have thought of on my own.

Having been the queen of pushing people away most of my life, I had perfected the art of saying the perfect thing that would prove me right. Sometimes I even surprised myself by the geeky, silly, makes no sense, should be a misdemeanor to be this verbally clumsy kind of nonsense. But in the end there is a purpose and there is a reason for everything.

And this too shall pass. With practice we get more in tune with what we desire. Within some experiences we might realize, “Oh drat, I kinda wanted more of that”, but there’s no going back and so we file away the memory and we are thankful for the reference of how we want it to be in the future.

Do you know how before you do something for the first time it can seem like the scariest thing, but then once you do it, you’re like, really? I was scared of that?!  That’s life for a lot of us. We get insecure, we stumble and we get self-conscious. Some of the most beautiful people in the world are the most insecure.  Some of the most intelligent people are the quietest.  Where do you fit in?

For most of us, we fall somewhere in the middle and we allow ourselves to fall prey to our own quintessential typos as if there is something wrong with being human. Being human unto itself should be considered super hero status. Our flaws make us unique, our quirks help us stand out, and our intrinsic spirits make us powerful.

Most of the time, if we were to keep score, we get exactly what we ask for. Whether you speak it aloud or write it down or let your incessant internal typewriter pulse away at the keys; your words, your thoughts and your intentions are forming the basis of how your life looks. Typos and all.

Life isn’t about auto-corrections. It’s about experiencing what comes. It takes practice to change and to allow and to create new things. It takes patience. You may have to visit the drawing board over and over until you get it right but your life’s purpose is worth every second you spend moving forward, not hovered over your typewriter with white-out.

Are there things I wish I would have done differently? Most certainly. Do I regret my experiences? Not all of them. Do I want what I can’t have? Not anymore.

Pushing past whatever story you thought you had written for yourself, is taking chances and not being concerned with the outcome. It’s breaking out of your shell no matter how scary. It’s not being afraid to falter. It’s walking up to a stranger and saying, “You’re cute”.

It’s getting out of your own way so you can be perfectly human in all it’s glorious imperfections and surprises.

And hopefully, most of the time, it’s taking life’s blunders, blurts and bloopers and letting them make you laugh.






photo courtesy of http://www.wallsave.com/wallpaper/1180×882/zen-buddhist-the-white-dove-347351.html

Seal it With A Kiss

Seal it With A Kiss

What unseen fields are permeating your universe?  Do you view yourself as an organism in the environment?  What if I asked you to entertain the fact that you are an enviro-organism?  Are you willing to take a peek into your life to see what resides there?

It’s impossible to evolve if you don’t allow your perceptions to change with the times. We must entertain the notion that we are one with everything around us.  As we grow and learn and hypothesize over the transitions it will be inevitable that we alter our conclusions.

As we exchange energy with people we are given the gift of the mirror mirror on the wall. The triggers will either effect you, putting you in a state of transference, or they will intrigue you, putting you in a state of willingness to learn.

In the acceptance to learn from all encounters there will always be an energetic absorption of information.

Words only tell us so much, although sometimes too much and other times not enough.  If we don’t express ourselves completely and organically the listener is left to make their own assumptions. Words in the end can confuse things, make us stumble and make us second guess ourselves. Sometimes they are just used as a cover up for what we are really feeling anyway.

Our verbal perceptions of our sensibilities tend to get in the way. It’s not organic. As we exchange words we take away from what our innate messages are trying to tell us and each other.

When was the last time you had an animalistic exchange of emotions with someone? Have you ever looked into someones eyes and they said it all? A mirror into the soul. A reflection that can’t be masked or imitated.

Sometimes it’s better not to say anything. To just be. To envelope the purity in the silence. To express yourself in other ways. More powerful ways.

Change it with a dance. Finish it with a laugh. Move it with a hug. Seal it with a kiss.

Give in. Let go. Be one with everything around you. Trust it. Love it. Embody it.

In silence say I love you to yourself and to the world at large. Be one with the Universe and everything in it.

Hold hands.

Blow kisses.

Be grateful.






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