

A little reminder for all of us that undeniable faith and constant repetition will replace any old thoughts, conquer any bad habit and make us the beautiful, glowing, loving beings we are meant to be… You ready to commit?


Riddle Me This

Riddle Me This

Immediate gratification is possible if you focus on the gratifying aspects of your endeavors.

Expectation can lead you to accomplishing the unexpected.

The power of the subconscious mind can change the course of your life.

It only takes a single thought followed by undeniable intention and backed by unequivocal determination.

Why the hesitation?

What are you here to achieve?

When will you be ready?

Where will it take you?

Who will it make you?

Ready, Set, Go.

The world is waiting.

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If It’s Not Broken

If It’s Not Broken

Just as much as we are all susceptible to pain, sorrow and heartache, we are also capable of rising above, changing our story and overcoming any obstacle. Awareness is half the battle and when we come face to face with the fork in the road, the path we choose shall set our course for life.  

We all grow up different. We all have our regrets, our demons, and our apologies to make.  We were born into someone else’s story and we were too young to make our decisions and deductions based on the facts. We saw what people wanted us to see. It kept us from knowing our selves.

People are so different. We can be siblings brought up in the same house but as different as strangers from another country. We can feel like an outsider and we can feel the most alone in a group.

It doesn’t matter how great you are or famous or rich, life can still take you in the wrong direction to face a disastrous demise. No one is immune to adversity. It’s just all relative. Some people spend their whole lives hiding, running and asking why. I spent most of mine the same way.  But the more I learn about myself and the more I open up to what other people might have gone through, the “why” doesn’t matter so much anymore. We were dealt our cards and we were given carte blanche to play our hands whatever way we wanted.

So now what?

Once upon a time and happily ever after. It’s time to know that it is never too late, we always have a choice, and we don’t have to give in to the tragic ending. We were meant for greatness and we can achieve this status by staying virtuous and honest and choosing integrity at all times.  We must embrace our free will and know that it is our innate nature to be pure.

We must live and let live and even if we don’t understand or approve of someones behavior we can’t try to change them. Chances are we will push them further away or further into whatever it is they are doing. We can give advise or suggestions and we can give them love.

We must lead by example. We must look for the signs and we must heed the advise our own lives are trying to teach us. We can’t be a broken record. The more we tell our past narrative the more we are staying stuck in that vibrational level. Let it go. Let go of everything that lay behind you so that you can encounter all that is trying to reach you now. There is no power in reliving the things that hurt. There is strength in honoring what was and being exactly where you are, right now.

This message was brought to me by one of my favorite necklaces. A beautiful long necklace made of rose quartz crystal stones. Even the story behind the necklace was miraculous. It was very expensive and it was bought for me by a stranger in a gift store the night after my birthday over five years ago. The necklace picked me and I would learn later that rose quartz symbolizes love, balance and letting go. I had a lot to let go of. Symbolic in more ways than one, I wore that necklace as often as possible.  It became my reminder of the kindness and generosity of people. It reminded me of the magic in the world and the ability to accept life’s messages when we need them most.

Yesterday was one of those times. While at brunch with eight friends, I was positioned perfectly in the middle so I could be a part of conversations on both sides of me. First, the people on my right talked about letting go and shortly thereafter I was talking with the people to my left and found myself sharing a past story. Not a positive one. Within seconds I felt something in my hand. In that moment I realized I was holding on to it and it felt soothing. It took me out of my story long enough to question myself and it.  What the heck was I holding all of a sudden?

I looked down into my lap and opened my hand. I was holding a rose quartz crystal stone. My necklace had dropped the center stone into my hand bringing me out of my story and into the present where I belong.

Never did I feel my necklace was broken. I was too in awe of the timing of the message and how I felt in those moments. It gave me a gift. It made me present.

There’s no more room for “why” if we’re busy living.  If we keep active in our what the Universe takes care of the how. We just need to hear the messages. If we stay present, they are usually loud and clear.

Can you feel it? Are you listening?



RIP in Whitney

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It’s hard to grasp an idea that doesn’t align with what we were taught. For the most part we adopt a way of life that is synonymous with what our parents did.  We were impressionable and we believed them for their ever seeming know how and educating tone.

But as we mature so do our thoughts. The necessary evolution of making our own decisions is inevitable. We establish our boundaries and we embrace our own belief systems based on religion, culture, or other worldly investigations.

Regardless of what drives us in any given direction we should ride the momentum and see where it takes us. We should support others in their points of view even if it is contrary to ours. With an open mind and clear conscious we might actually learn something.

Respecting another persons convictions is a path to mutual energy exchanges. You wouldn’t want someone to come and steal your opinions away any more than you would want them to steal your purse or wallet.

Figure out a way to stop judging and stop trying to persuade others to whatever side of the fence you happen to be on. This is isn’t Humpty Dumpty. No one is going to shatter to pieces because they believe something different than you.

On the contrary, the more we allow everyone their differences the more we can learn, expand and evolve. Align yourself with your truth by knowing that true alignment comes when we look within.  It is only when we truly know who we are that we can get to know others.

You ready to live and let live?




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New and Improved

New and Improved

In a society obsessed with bigger and better, enriched and enhanced, and the ever changing latest and greatest, it is inevitable that we change a little everyday. We are on a path to better ourselves and in doing so we experiment with new approaches, we keep up on the latest trends and we find events to participate in that spark our interests.

In our personal evolution to be the best that we can be, we develop a desire to expand our interpretations. We seek out new information in new and interesting ways. We endeavor to think outside the box and connect with that which moves us forward. We are constantly on a quest to get it right. We have encounters with things gone wrong. We condition ourselves and then we redefine ourselves based on new synapses.

A friend told me once that she was impressed with my ability to constantly reinvent myself.  It took me a minute to find the compliment in her statement. I thought I was lost, a gypsy roaming through life trying to find her place in the world she almost didn’t get to be a part of.  But life was taking hold of me all along. It was showing me that adaptation is the foundation for aligning with our proper future and our true selves. The events of my life were necessary so the words you read could be possible, just as your life has been leading you to your purpose and where you are now.

Have you ever done something and then afterward exclaimed, “It changed my life, I am new person!”.  Take a minute and look back into your past. How many times have you uttered those words?

I hope you say those words often and you are out there challenging yourself to be better. I hope you are in cooperation with your moments and you know that the more you use the phrase, “I am a new person”, the more you are growing and improving. The more you are living. The more you are changing.

We have choice and with choice comes change.  What if it were possible that the modifications could change our very make up and we could become the new and improved version of ourselves?

Today is our day 30 of 30 in our 30 day challenge! If you upheld your end of the bargain and your intention to see this through, you are now a new person.

The first step in transformation is to align yourself with your desires. The new you in this moment is the improved version of who you were yesterday. Progress through your moments. Try new things, test the theories and partake in the experiments. Be emphatic in your statements when you ask for what you want. Be clear and concise and know that the alternative is not an option. Have undeniable faith in the Universe’s ability to give you what you ask for.

Set out to encounter experiences that make you a new person and see what happens.

What have you go to lose?


This blog entry was inspired by Joe, Kenitra & Shani.. thank you for the introductions, the lessons and the life changing experiences.


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quiet night

quiet night

Too tired to speak and too achy to think. Tossing and turning and feverish but breaking through the darkness to keep with my commitment to keep on writing.

Even in the frustration of not feeling 100% we should always try to do our best, give our all and overcome the obstacles.

This too shall pass.





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With only 2 days to go on our 30 day challenge, the sense of accomplishment should be enough to keep us moving forward.  How are you feeling? Are you still in it? Are you excited? A celebration will be in order in honor of the commitment and the follow through.

There have been so many revelations but as my days have become longer and my cough has taken my voice with it, my eyes fall heavy from fatigue. Since we must be true to ourselves, I must follow the path of my body that is leading me to rest.

In the silence will come the strength and when my eyes open again on the other side of the day I will share the epiphanies born from a very inspirational seminar I attended today. A perfect ending to a long and arduous work week.

Now it’s time to revisit what I learned so I may absorb the lessons and heed the messages. We need to be prepared. The future is coming and it will be whatever we want it to be. Decisions, decisions.





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Words escape me, but my thoughts run wild.

Something interesting could be on the horizon.

But for now, sleep must take me. May pleasant dreams come and find me.

And  all of  you…  Sweet dreams.






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A Few Words

A Few Words

Quiet peaceful wonder, a whisper, a silent lullaby. A prayer for peace, some quiet laughter. Years of memories, the present wrapped in a bow, tomorrow sprinkled in wonder. Humility, hope, tranquility, blessings, probability, joy, possibility, compassion, happy.

Being of Service

Being of Service


It’s my birthday today and I’m still at work. A lesson in appreciating a different kind of gift. The gratuitous nature of a career that I love, the fortunate privilege of working with people that I respect and admire and the hope of creating things that could change the world.

This year, not just for my birthday, but for my new path in life, I have asked how I can be of service. A dream of mine has always been to help kids so I am half way through the orientation to be a volunteer for schools on wheels. Now I am prepping a PSA for Reading Is Fundamental and the possibility that what we are doing could help increase awareness and put books into the hands of poverty stricken children is monumental.

Being of service is a present that I am grateful to be able to give.  What we ask for really does become our reality. Choose wisely, give freely, open up and most importantly, pay it forward.




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