Thought Modification

Thought Modification

Are you ready to embrace who you are and stop making excuses? Are you prepared to set aside the enabling patterns and get to work? Isn’t it time for the modernized, revised, upgraded, reinvented, up to date, new and improved version of you?

It’s time for a mind shift. Time to change ourselves from the inside out. Time to treat our body and our heart like the temples that they are.  Time to honor our chosen path and respect our spirits. It’s time to upgrade our software.

Software is rewritable language that improves the flow and functionality of our computers. We depend on the upgrades and we are quick to install them.  The software we choose is specific to what are needs are and we select them with care. We can also spend a lot of money on them making the commitment to treat our computers and thus our livelihoods with the utmost respect.

Well what if we thought of ourselves as living breathing working machines? Then wouldn’t that make our thoughts our software?  And since we have established that software is rewritable language, then isn’t it highly plausible that we can rewrite our thoughts?  Wouldn’t we want to choose our thoughts with care?

Influenced by a workshop that I did with Greg Dinkin, Author, Life Coach and Motivational Speaker ( I did a little ritual of releasing my old software and ran the install for the new and improved version.

One of the simple things he mentioned that really got me thinking was how most people think they must “have” so then they “do” so that things will “be”. But Greg switched it on us.  He presented the idea that we should “be” which would inspire us to “do” and therefore  we will “have”.  This one small adjustment in perspective and you’ll find yourself in the present moment at all times.

Here is a link to the Be Do Have Paradigm. (A dialogue between the author, Neale Donald Walsch, and “GOD” as he refers to the inspirational flow of information that came through to him) from the book Conversations with God.

The power is within us. And we are not alone. Whether we are afraid of failure or afraid of success. The operative word here is afraid and there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Some thing is only scary if you haven’t done it before. Once you try it, there’s nothing to be scared of anymore. Action dominates fear.

Pick a goal and give it a chosen feeling. This creates awareness of your feelings. What is your software (story) you have given to this feeling in the past? Figure out what the best tool for you is to change the feeling and right away (like now) take consistent action.

One of the easiest ways we came up with to help us get into action is to turn on some music. Sing, dance, do whatever makes you laugh and know that music will change your current state instantly. It is uplifting (if you aren’t playing high school break up music) and that is our goal here. To uplift our spirits.

You ready for the upgrade?


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Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Did you make your list of all the things you want to accomplish? How many things are on your list this year? One? One hundred? How many times over the years have you attempted to set your goals in motion but after a few days or a few weeks the nostalgia wore off and you just gave up in the eyes of rejection or failure?

What if awareness, accountability and conjecture are jumping off points to your successful completion of any tasks, goals and new triumphs?  If you know what you want to change or accomplish you need to find the tools that work best for you.

Benjamin Franklin (I highly suggest you read his autobiography) had been an inspiration to me for a long time but I lost track of what the messages were and strayed off my intended path. It’s never too late to re-inspire yourself and find your way home. Figure out what you want to be doing in life, find people that are doing those things and then surround yourself by those people. Find an inspiration or a mentor, a life coach or a support group.

At 21, Franklin created the JUNTO, a group of “like minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community.” There are modern day versions of these kinds of groups and with access to the internet the possibility of connecting with like minded spirits is now incredibly accessible.

Workshops, forums, and on line chat groups have been created for every industry, career path and spiritual journey you may want to embark upon.  If you don’t fair well in groups maybe a one on one life coach is better suited for you and your dreams. Or maybe it’s as simple as getting with a friend that has similar aspirations and honoring the buddy system.

My life coach/hypnotist, Thorance Tweten, CHt ( shared this with me yesterday and suggested that I pay it forward. I am honored to be in a position that I can share this with you.

Today I am setting my sights (and yours if you want to join me) on a new course. A 30 day challenge. Today take the time to make your mind movie or power point presentation (directions below) and watch your movie 3 times a day for 30 days.  I suggest we watch it in the morning when we wake up, after our mid day meal and then again before we go to bed.

This is a great goal setting idea you can put into action immediately.

Have you ever heard of a mind movie?  It is like written goals on steroids.  The concept is to put your goals into a movie and add music.  Imagine if you had a 2-3 minute movie of your goals that you could watch one or more times per day.  If you had this movie you almost certainly would achieve more of your goals faster.

If you know how to make a movie on your computer then, take action on the idea.  If you don’t know how to make a movie here is a great alternative.

You probably have PowerPoint or Keynote on your computer.  Put your goals into PowerPoint.  You can find pictures of your goals by doing an image search on Google.  For example if you want a new car you can go to Google and do an image search for the car you want.  Cut and paste the picture into the PowerPoint.  

Once you have created the PowerPoint slides you can set up a slideshow.  What that means is you can set a timer on each slide.  For example you can have the slides automatically rotate to the next slide every 4-6 seconds.

Once you have your slides done and a time set up to rotate each slide you can then add music.  The way I add music is I have Itunes on my computer.  I pick an upbeat song and have it playing in the background while the PowerPoint slides are playing.

The end result is you have a custom movie with your goals playing while listening to one of your favorite songs.

If you will watch this movie 1 or more times per day you should achieve your 2012 goals faster.  If you like this idea, pay it forward by sharing the idea with others.

Remember repetition breeds success.

Are you Ready? Set! Go! 



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To Do List

To Do List

                               “Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities“.
                                                                                                                  ~Robert H. Schuller

The possibility of transformation is as intriguing as the intricate patterns of a snowflake. In some things we should never reinvent the wheel. But your life isn’t a burger stand it’s an orchestra’s finale of grandest proportions. It’s the first winter snow come early. It’s going to be whatever you want it to be. But you have to think BIG. You have to dream the impossible and far-fetched. You have to know that if you shoot for the moon, you will at least land in the stars.

Life is long, so we have to fill it.  We are never to old to start over.  I first learned about the life list on Oprah.  There was a guest who was 86 and had just graduated from college.  He had decided to make a list of all the things he wanted to accomplish and he set out making the items on his list come to life. His age had nothing to do with what he wanted to do. His heart did.

Not long after that Rob Reiner released the film The Bucket List where Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman meet while sharing a hospital room, both with terminal cancer.  It is revealed that Morgan’s character has made a list of all the things he wanted to accomplish before he dies and it is Jack’s character that actually helps him bring his list to fruition.  It is a heart warming, inspirational story and of course, it got me thinking.

When my mother was still alive she shared with me things that she always wanted to do. I was surprised by some of the things she had on her list but also saddened because I knew my mother wasn’t the type of person to go out and conquer her list or her life.  Had I been in a position to take her on her lists journey I would have without a doubt. But I wasn’t and she left the world without ever having known those things.

We don’t have to be on our death bed to step up to the plate. We just need to be hungry for more. Well that and being creative can play a huge part too!  In the Gary Marshall film, New Years Eve, Michelle Pfeiffer’scharacter gives Zac Efron’s character a list of everything she has ever wanted to do and she wants to do them all before the New Years ball drops. Even though they are limited in how far they can travel the creative renditions of the destinations on the list are endearing and highly inspirational.

While on the phone with a friend yesterday, we were talking about our “lists” and he commented that his list was “simpler” than mine. We should never compare our lists to anyone else’s, it’s all relative. And most importantly we should never think anything is too “big” or too “far-fetched” for our list.  You never know what life can bring and what miracles are waiting behind every corner.

Dream big! You might be pleasantly surprised by the power of intention. You just need to know your what and let God/the Universe (whatever you believe in) take care of the how. Your life really will give you what you ask of it.  Let the mirror of the world fill you with optimism and hope. Have fun with it. Be outrageous.

Make your list as magnificent and majestic as you can make it. Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself and don’t leave anything out.  There should be no judgement and it doesn’t matter how big or small you think something is, if it means something to you, it goes on your list.  You want to travel to Asia, learn piano, be a big sister or brother to a kid in need? It goes on your list!  Get your friends in on it and everyone make their list together. You never know who might be able to help you with something on your list. Don’t ever let go of your dreams and make sure you use your imagination.

Willy Wonka:
[Spoken]Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three

[Sung]Come with me
And you’ll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
Take a look
And you’ll see
Into your imagination

We’ll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
What we’ll see
Will defy

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There’s nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You’ll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There’s nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You’ll be free
If you truly
Wish to be

Trigger Inspirations

Trigger Inspirations

The scent of a certain perfume invokes a long lost memory, the sight of a red balloon reminds you of your childhood, a song takes you back to a time almost forgotten.

Memories are a funny thing and it would seem, sometimes, they have a mind of their own. They can come out of nowhere and take us by surprise and they can change our temperament with just a fleeting glimpse.  While they can uplift us, they can also emotionally cripple us.  They can keep us stuck and they can ruin a good thing with a drop of a hat.

Like with everything in our lives, we have the power to pick and choose how our memories affect us. While it is inevitable that sometimes the reminders aren’t pleasant, it is most certainly possible to have a handy dandy trigger standing by eager to be of service.

Our positive inspiration trigger can be anything we want it to be.  It can be a word, a scent, an object or a color. I suggest a trigger that we can spot often in everyday life, thus we be constantly reminded of our intention. Repetition will be our key to success. This is an exercise in change and change takes commitment. Whenever a thought, a situation or a story threatens to change our sunny disposition, we should call upon our trigger to instantly uplift our spirits and regain control of the situation.

The more we call upon our inspiration the more spontaneous the action will become. We are de-brainwashing ourselves of the thoughts that are keeping us stifled. We are taking control of our lives and the possibility that we can accomplish anything we set our minds too. WE are rewriting our story, reprogramming our reactions, and taking positive action to become the master of our emotions.

When we are in a place of positivity our exchanges will be more intelligent, our aspirations more creative, and our smile a constant companion. If we practice using our triggers as much as we can we are promised to see what a difference a day makes.

I choose the color blue.  Any and all shades of blue so that my happy inspiration trigger will be visible everywhere I look.

What are you going to choose?

Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

I’ve been moved by a movie.  A place where visions come to life, messages are there for the taking and dreams really do come true. Movies represent life. They are adaptations of someones version of a story. They can be based on real life or make believe. They can be silent or they can be quite loud and clear.

For most of us life has held some kind of struggle. It’s all relative and it is up to us to choose what we do with the cards we have been dealt.  For some, they never realize they had a choice while for others they will do anything to rise above whatever struggle comes their way. Maybe it’s time we pull out the cards we were dealt and do magic tricks.

Life is full of magic and wonder and it should be the ultimate adventure. Life will give you what you ask of it and life will always be what you make of it. No excuses. This goes for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what color you are or what age you are. Our purpose doesn’t know restrictions and our dreams don’t know limitations.

HUGO Produced and Directed by Martin Scorcese

Hugo:  “Everything has a purpose, even machines.  …Maybe that’s why broken machines make me so sad.  Maybe it’s the same thing with people.”
Isabelle: “Is that your purpose—fixing things?  I wonder what my purpose is.”
Hugo:  “I don’t know.”
Isabelle:  “Maybe if I’d known my parents I would know.”

Hugo:  “I’d imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn’t be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.”

We all have a story, a meaning and a purpose. We are meant to be of service and we are meant for greatness. We have to be clear in our intention and unwavering in our tasks. We must be specific and steadfast. We must hold dear to our dreams and set them out before ourselves in increments, like that of a film negative. A play by play of our dreams that were meant to come to life. Help your story unfold. Make it so important to you that it not coming true is not an option.

Pay attention to your intuition, look for the signs, listen to your life and your dreams. Believe in your hopes and aspirations. Believe in yourself enough to see it through.

Our vision of ourselves fueled by our action is what makes our dreams come true… The Lumiere Brothers wouldn’t share their moving picture box with Georges Méliès so he made his own, OprahWinfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother, and Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer before he went on to win seven consecutive Tour de France championships!

We all hold the tools to become a part of the 3% that are doing what they dreamt. We can’t give up. Not ever. Never be undaunted by the unknown. If you were brave enough to indulge in your dreams don’t you owe it to yourself to see them come true?



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Age of Time

Age of Time

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”

                                                                                                            ~ Albert Einstein

My post yesterday caused a bit of a stir.  I am not in a bad place, I am just finally following through on a promise to myself to stop candy coating my emotions. But also on the same token I realize something, the need for a new promise.  If I am tired, just plain and simply, had a long few weeks with hardly any sleep, working over 14 hours a day, kind of tired, then I shall own up to the fact that I need some rest.  Time to stop being so hard on myself and making everything bigger than it is. Perhaps there is no need to find hidden meanings or question life’s patterns when in fact exhaustion is the culprit.

But where is the fun in that and however will the W Chaser in me survive without dissecting every little when, why, where, who and what of every situation?

It would seem lately that when my body completely shuts down my mind opens. Just when I think I have nothing to say and I will never put another word to these pages, the flood gates unfasten and the music plays and my fingers are playing my keyboard like a piano.

Has there been a new epiphany? A new sense of enlightenment that will release me from the binds of time?

                                   “I was older then, I am much younger than that now”.

                                                                                                              ~ Bob Dylan

I wouldn’t call it an epiphany really but I will say it’s time to stop letting age get in my way, (which apparently is what I have been doing). It’s time for the butterfly in me to break free of the cocoon I have placed myself in. There is no room for limitations.

My friends are mostly younger than me, and in my industry the people I work with seem to be getting younger too.  Why do I seem like the only one getting older? I don’t know what to make of the changes that are happening. It has been hard for me to appreciate how lucky I am and how admirable time has been to me. I am a late bloomer, I have so much to be thankful for, like the fact that I ever bloomed at all!

Since my childhood was taken from me and I spent most of my days a quintessential representative of a misplaced youth, I have in my mind been getting younger. I find myself in a position to enjoy the things I wasn’t able to do as a kid and shy of a few bruises, I am having a blast. Mid life crisis? Not yet.

Life is meant to enjoy and no matter what I think I owe my mother, I most certainly don’t owe it to her to end up like her. I don’t think she would appreciate it. I think she is looking down upon me laughing and wishing she was here to share in the making sense of nonsense that I have embarked upon.

My heart has embraced the value of time. I know who I am, I know what I like, I know where I am going and I know the importance of sitting still for as long as you can so you can learn something new about yourself.

I also know that there are so many people out there that are my same age and I know you might be one of them.

What are you doing with your time?



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Unravel the Ribbon

Unravel the Ribbon

Writers block has consumed me but my thoughts have been relentless. I let myself get wrapped up in the ideology of “if you don’t have something positive to say, then don’t say anything at all”.

Well, the truth is, the truth isn’t always positive. Sometimes the truth is just down right contrary to popular demand. If you’re searching for answers sometimes you have to look in places that were long since forgotten. You have to get out of your comfort zone and you have to get your hands dirty. I am now long over due for a manicure.

I’m not feeling negative but some might think it’s cynical.  I’m not unhappy but some might think it’s gloomy. I can’t always cater to the masses and periodically I have to engage in the I syndrome so I can get clear.

2012 is almost upon us and while I am not entirely sure I support the notion of making resolutions I feel the need to get a jump start on some more spiritual awakening.  The order of the day: anything raw.

raw: (of an emotion or quality) strong and undisguised; frank and realistic in the depiction of unpleasant facts or situations.  

If I don’t come out from behind my own sense of moral imperfections I am not making progress. If I keep altering what I say for fear of what people might think, I am being a hypocrite.

Since I honestly believe that I am not the only one on this version of a journey maybe I owe it to all of us to stop hiding. Alienating myself has helped me make some changes but how strong am I if I don’t test the waters? What is there to be afraid of? I might fall? I might not.

I’ve been lost in the notion of what I am supposed say and I let my thoughts keep me from writing. I’m not on a crusade. I’m just trying to figure out my truths. I am trying to unwrap another kind of present. It’s time to turn the tangled up ribbon of the past into a bow, and while that can get messy when you have a lot of ribbon, aren’t we worth it?

Playful Poetry

Playful Poetry

Friends in far away places. Memories of things that haven’t happened yet. The boat about to cast it’s sail. Letting your thoughts run away with you and you know it’s been a while. Some silly morning word fun. Some latent criminals on the run. It’s a bright and early Monday morning as your musing ruffles you like the wind.

Never cease to be amazed by peoples predictability. Don’t let fears and misconceptions touch you. Slide down the rainbow side and see where life will take you. Throw full fledge balls of laughter and the angels will giggle playfully. Ask for guidance specifically and let the answers manifest magically.

The fireplace crackles while the trees dance and a picture comes to life. You open your eyes stretching languidly and the children are singing playfully. Love guides and tender moons embracing what must be coming soon. Trust your intentions and live in the moment. Know your life is now. You just need to know your “what” and let the Universe show you how.



Listen Carefully

Listen Carefully

                                                                  Photo Courtesy of Marc Marosi                                       

In life we are in a constant state of learning. At times our actions are spontaneous but pragmatic. While other times our actions are guarded but careless. We have stumbled and we have fallen and yet we continuously pick ourselves up again. We survive by whatever means possible because the alternative just isn’t an option.

But just surviving isn’t enough. Just getting by isn’t enough if you are still hiding, concealing or running from the truth. Only you know what those truths are. Only you know what moves, hurts, and inspires you. And only you can be honest enough with yourself to admit when what you’re doing isn’t working anymore. You must listen to your life. It really is trying to help you rise above whatever it is that is holding you back. 

The signs are everywhere but we must get out of our heads long enough to heed their warnings, prompts and motivations.  Nothing is too scary that you can’t face it head on and win. Stop making excuses. Be the King of your jungle. Know we are beings blessed with innate courage, intellect and reasoning.

Take a second and think of all the places you’ve been and the things you’ve done that for some reason you can’t let go of. It might even be something that was done to you that drives you to make the choices that send you into the abyss of martyrdom. Have you taken a hard look at your downfalls and tried to figure out what was going on behind the scenes?  Choose to let it all go. Stop giving the story of your past your power.

Regardless of your actions, when you have no regrets you come to a place of forgiveness and when you have forgiveness the freedom gives you courage and the courage gives you strength and in the strength is bred intelligence. When you are in contact with your true nature your intuition will guide you back to your true purpose and your free will. You will not be the victim of your past, or your patterns or someone else’s story ever again. You are accountable for whatever part you played in it and there’s no refutable rebuttal for admission.

Be majestic and stand tall and be unwavering in your intentions.  Be proud of your shortcomings because you learned from them and they made you who you are today. Be humble because you don’t ever want to take anything for granted. Be a leader so you can help someone else overcome their fears and listen to the possibilities of what their lives have to offer too.

Do you hear it?


What If?

What If?

                                                                         Photo courtesy of Marc Marosi
If I were a thought I would share, a memory I would remember.
If I were a laugh I would travel through the air.
If I were a question I would ponder, an article I would inform.
If I were a hypothesis I would explain.
If I were a bird I would fly like Johnathan Livingston Seagal, a penguin I would have happy feet.
If I were Dr. Seuss I would rhyme.
If I were a mountain I would stand tall, a cloud I would dissipate.
A frog, I would ride a lily pad across the pond.
If I were a window I would show you the world, a plane I would take you far away.
If I were a dream I would come true.

If I knew it all I wouldn’t wonder, if I wasn’t curious I wouldn’t question.

If I am more than the idea of just the girl that I was, then who would that make me now?

What would you do?
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