
Update & News

Update & News


I hope you have had a magical and wonderful summer!

It’s been a busy one so I haven’t been posting on my blog but I have been writing!

My first novella

“Life With One Eye Open, An Angel Guided Tale”

is with an editor and I hope to have it published very soon.

In the meantime, announcement coming in the next week or two that my short story

“The Butterfly Papers”

will be published and available as an ebook to hold you over.

Thanks for being my loyal readers!

Details on both to follow soon…

Much love to you all!

There’s No Going Back

There’s No Going Back

Early mornings remind me of how far we come. Don’t be fooled by what seems to happen overnight because chances are it didn’t.  Anything worth having is worth waiting for.  Anything worth waiting for is worth fighting for. There is significance in how much our dreams can change us.  The choices we make set balls in motion. Do you follow them?

I woke up one day with no recollection of who I was supposed to be.  A parents impervious inflictions that were intent on strangling me but I slipped away. I knew better. This was a battle against nature vs. nurture and I was deemed to win.

My choices find me living a different life now and I don’t regret it.  Even when I get restless sometimes for my old ways or the uneasy feelings of my past come to render me awake. There’s no going back now. There’s too much at stake.

My life is taking another turn for the better, proof that our resilient natures will always help us come out on top and sometimes it’s even far more fantastic than even we could have ever imagined.

Feel privileged to be so supported but always honor the past.  You never know when it might come back to surprise you.

It’s a Saturday morning on the coast and the marine layer prepares to leave.  The smell of rain is in the air and the cleansing should come soon.  Being the over thinker has my brain working overdrive and the off button seems to be stuck.  The dryer bustles in the background and the smell of dryer sheets is instantly calming.  The sound of a flute joining the piano soothes my indecisive temperament while the perilous nature of uncertainty makes it’s own assessment.  Birds take flight in unison and my puppy let’s me love him.  The to-do list grows a mind of it’s own and you wonder why everything takes so long.  You go out of your way to make things right but the light won’t turn green and the traffic can get backed up for miles.  No one can let you down if you don’t allow them to hold you up.  Birthdays come and go and breakfast isn’t ready yet.  The iambic pentameter tries to find me today and that’s okay.  We have come a long way from pictograms and it’s just another day.  The rise and fall of Empires comes again. History has a way of repeating itself if you let it in. While breaking the binds of pattern can release you from sin.  A society based in what’s it all for and how far have we really come?  Are you willing to join your mirror or are you still wondering where you’re from?  Sometimes a self inflicted lullaby can set you free as if you were a new found miracle left out for the world to see.  And you are a new found miracle.





photo courtesy of Pepper Carlson, taken in Kauai

A Chip In the China Cup

A Chip In the China Cup

Childhood memories can rear their head just when you least expect it. But this is where the lessons lie.  This is when you’re given the chance to be humble and admit you just don’t know it all. Trust is hard when all you knew was backed up into a corner.  The defense mechanisms build over the years so they can’t break through your wall.  Then one day you wake up and you realize parts of you got trapped behind it.  Your sensibilities go array and your defensive disposition can get in your way.

As people we can be fragile. So far from perfect. Everyone has room for improvement. We’re no different in that regard. Even the most beautiful china cup can get a chip. But you can still drink from it.

Trust is scary. But people do care. You don’t always have to be your mothers daughter or your fathers son. You can come out from behind the shadows and know that your humility can set you free. We can’t be afraid to grow. We can’t be intimidated by who we used to be. Vulnerability isn’t weakness. There’s no need to be defensive. Practice makes perfect, tears can bring rainbows and promises to yourself can set you back on the right path.

A leap of faith and I join you in an epic adventure.  An autonomous decree that if I miss, the stars will catch me.  I become one with you and the world is an illumination.  Me the shadow dancer being beckoned to embrace the splendor.  The flight of an angel. Protected from the fears of adolescence.  Guided through clouds of promises. Gratitude holds us high. Traveling the summit of our consciousness.  Only the inner wonderment of a child shall find us airborne.  Defying gravity. Immersed in the blue moon. The beauty of natures charms open her arms to us.  Below the grass green and untouched. Stop and smell the flowers. Not a wrinkle in their stems or a pedal out of place. The light breeze sings for them, as they dance for me.  My leap of joy. I believe. The awareness has made me one with the energy fields around me and so I ascend in harmony. I am set free. I shall rise to the occasion. Choose life. An answered prayer, a silent lullaby, a dream come true. Help me stay on course. Help me live like a butterfly. Help me glide. Help me love. Help me belong. Help me trust. Help me keep my promise.






photo courtesy of http://mi9.com/

Lightness of Being

Lightness of Being

Today is a great day for a romance and for skipping no matter who is watching.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life and absolutely anything is possible.  Today is a day unlike any other and where it leads really is up to you.

Cast no judgements, they will only hold you back.  Hold no grudges, they will only hinder your growth.  Do not take part in discriminations for what you put out you will get back ten fold.

Karma is a boomerang and only you have the ability to control your own outcome. Always be accountable.

Being human brings great responsibility and responsibility is not without consequence. If Mike Dooley is right and I do think he is, then thoughts become things and we really do write our own story. Do know that every great story goes through many rewrites. We can talk ourselves out of bad decisions and we can talk ourselves right into a room.

Reminders always come in handy so keep them close.  You never know when you’re going to need them…

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Love is the light that will lead the way. Consider love your conduit to long lasting relationships. It illuminates your innate desires and feeds your passions. Loves benevolence will open windows, doors and hearts everywhere.

Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider hope your inner flashlight. You control the switch and your batteries are solar powered. It helps you keep striving, pursuing, and seeing the bigger picture.

Faith is where the light is. Consider faith your adhesive to keep you in your strength. Hold on tight and let it hold onto you. The optimism will stir your senses and motivate your aspirations.

Truth is to walk in the light. Consider it your path to freedom from the darkness. The assimilation of truth will enlighten your spirit and purify your humanity. Embracing it shall truly set you free.

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.




photo courtesy of pepper carlson



No Doubt

No Doubt

Faith is not without worry or care, but faith is fear that has said a prayer. 

                                                             ~Author Unknown

Not having known a mothers love can keep you from who you were supposed to be.  You can roam around lost and make the wrong decisions. You can can spend your days cursing your birth.  You can stay face down in the proverbial gutter because you think you have no worth.

But worth has no price tag. And where you come from does not govern the outcome. Influential meanderings can be obnoxious and you can’t let someone else’s confusion cast you out.  Everything really does happen for a reason and there’s no room for doubt.

Because doubt has no hold on you.  It’s not something inherently disguised.  It’s something we create from nothing and it’s all a bunch of lies.

Lies are based in fear and you can’t give in. Having been blessed with the wonderment of a child instilled in me an undeniable faith. I know I may be far from perfect but what is perfect anyway? If it’s all relative than the definition can change. I am perfect to someone and you are all perfect to me.

This automatically changes the course of my future. It severs the umbilical chord and I am free to believe in the impossible, welcome the unknown, know that I am natures greatest miracle.

Make the choice today to join me because having faith will change you too.

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. 

                                                                            ~Kahlil Gibran


photo courtesy of  http://wallpaper.diq.ru/15__Leap_Of_Faith,_Adelie_Penguin.htm

Honey Pot

Honey Pot

Enticing smiles break the mold and the release of yet another pattern under wraps.  Walk the path.  Back on course.  What would life be if you weren’t constantly tested and captivated by the unknown?  If you leap the net will appear.  A charming sensibility and capturing the essence of who you are supposed to be. Seducing life by enjoying it’s splendors sends you up quite a few notches on your latter.

the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something

Your intrinsic values are non negotiable. Don’t let the conflict win.  Your peaceful nature wants to know balance and the attraction can be intoxicating. What a difference a day makes. What a ride. Always learning and taking the next step and not being afraid to be humbled. An attraction of epic porportions and it’s you in the mirror.

 a quality or feature of something or someone that evokes interest, liking, or desire

Adaptation and reinventing. Your moral fibers change with the years and what might have worked yesterday may need a monkey wrench today. Adjustments in your strategy and your proposal adds a guarantee to your very future.  Are you willing to sign your own contract?  Where will your ambitions take you?

a thing or place that draws visitors by providing something of interest or pleasure

You’ve been writing your own story all along. Your thoughts, your words and even your gestures are developing as you make each choice in every moment. The evolutionary flow of attraction can be as bitter as it is sweet. It can get the best of you and it can be the driving force of advancement.

Life will give you what you ask of it and like attracts like. Stay present and live and let live. You must be your own concoction and make it good.  Keep stirring your pot and spreading the love.  That sweet taste of honey.  Trust the process.  You never know what captivating surprises await you.


photo courtesy of http://www.wallcoo.net/nature/Kyoto_scene/html/wallpaper17.html

Really, Actually, Finally

Really, Actually, Finally

The consciousness of my innate nature spoke to me in a way that I hadn’t heard before.  I’ve been so busy trying to conform to the expectations of society that I forgot to listen to what my soul was trying to tell me.  I’ve always known I am different. I also know that when you spend your childhood without a hug it does something to you.

I’ve kind of rebelled against the patterns that can be caused by neglect. I tend to be very affectionate and overly verbally complimentary. I love to make people laugh and my intention is always to lift peoples spirits when I can. I am a giver and it makes me feel good to give back.  I’m lucky to be here and it’s a miracle that I am who I am.  Aren’t we all in some way, shape or form?

In my awareness I have a simple truth, when it comes to the possibility of a relationship I can be quite awkward. Being vulnerable makes me uncomfortable so I have embraced the power of being alone and I realize, it’s when I feel the most confident.  Sometimes in a room full of people is when I feel the most alone. It’s who I am and it’s time to stop trying to be something I am not. I am far from being Thoreau but I am just not that social anymore. I used to have 100 friends and went out every night. Now I have 5 friends that I see on the occasional outing and it’s usually during the day.  Times change and you have to join your life during the adaptations of existence.

I spent time with a friend on Saturday night that is very unhappy with his current state of affairs. It was hard to hear one of my oldest friends be in this much pain over certain decisions he has made. In the end I came home to sit on my patio, staring out into the night sky and accessed my own situation.

I am so lucky and fortunate to have a great career. I am 20 pages away from my first novel. I am on the brink of launching an amazing new company and I am in the best shape I have been in a very long time. That’s a lot to be grateful for!

But I’ve also been trying to hard. I have been pursuing a means to an end based on an idea that doesn’t always exist. Most of my friends are either in relationships or engaged or married.  So in my head, the pressure was on. Well, until now.

I met someone I really liked and in my excitement, I got pretty overbearing and wanted to control the situation. I found myself with walls down and no boundaries and wanted to hang out with this person all the time.  The feelings weren’t mutual but my ego wouldn’t heed the flags on the play. I kept knowingly setting myself up for rejection.  But here’s the interesting thing.  Along the short journey of exchanges I did exactly what I knew would push him away. My own version of How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days and it worked like clockwork. My relationship vibrational level is askew and I recognize it now.

I have finally become the woman I always knew I was supposed to be and in my strength I found a way to let go.

The more you feel good the more you want to feel good. And if you’re going to be strong you will want strong people around you. God is protecting you and the Universe is keeping you on your course.

My friend said the other night, “When we meet our perfect matches, we won’t push them away and anything that happens to us in between is simply the experience it’s supposed to be”.

Well, why does it have to be that deep? Why can’t people just be friends and hang out for free. Why do we have to put so much pressure on everything? Why can’t we be honest about it all?

Yeah, exactly.

I have had some amazing relationships in my life and I have known love.  And now I realize that I love myself the most and in this I really can’t settle. And actually, this is what makes me the happiest and that’s okay.

May we all find our happy and may we always stay true to ourselves. Don’t conform to society because it’s expected. Step out into your life of the unexpected and be miraculous. Finally.






. photo courtesy of http://www.1freewallpaper.com/landscape-wallpaper/


Love Bubble

Love Bubble

Let’s face it.  Sometimes we get a little insecure.  It happens to the best of us and most of the time it is strictly unwarranted.  We are all beautiful in our own way, we are all blessings in our own right and we are all perfect in the eyes of the Divine.  And it would do us well to remember it!

But why is it so easy to forget? Why do we get jaded or bitter and fall from grace?  Why is it easier to believe the worst than it is to accept a compliment?

Because somewhere along the way we let the world at large get the best of us. We got captivated by the negativity on the news, or we let our parents judgements become our own, or we let our neighbors influence our decisions. It’s all ignorant and it’s all stoppable.

There is no way of really knowing why some people stop loving. Maybe their version of love was battered and bruised.  Maybe love to them was lost. Maybe love to them came in the form of an accusatory loud voice. Maybe they never knew love at all.

It doesn’t matter. It’s time to be in love with every single moment of every single breath you take. 

This is a reminder that one person really can make a difference and so it must start with you.  We must raise ourselves up to the higher frequency level of love.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we are all in a place of love and never again spoke ill of anyone, or judged them, or cast them out for their differences, or shunned them because you didn’t understand them, or made fun of them because of how they dressed or talked?

I can.  So it’s time to step out of your I syndrome and into the your love bubble.  Here’s how.

Start with an image or memory of when you felt unconditionally loved. Cradle that image in your arms in front of your chest, “see” it in front of you, and also visualize your heart as a golden sphere.

Then connect to the Divine Universe’s infinite Love and support, either through the top of your head or through your back (think: “The Universe has my back”). That support is tangible and warm. Breathe it in to your heart space on the in-breath.

On the out-breath, blow the air out through your mouth, as if you were inflating a balloon. See the golden sphere of your heart grow as if it were a bubble or balloon!

Rinse and repeat until your Love Bubble is big enough for you to move around freely in. Remember to start each breath cycle with connecting first to your memory of unconditional love in the 3-D world (often dogs or newborns are great for this), and then connecting with the unlimited Love and support of the Universe. Pull that Love into your center, then blow up the bubble

By the time your Love Bubble is fully inflated, it’s no longer the deep gold it started out as, but a lovely opalescent pink, much like the bubble Glinda the Good Witch rides in on in The Wizard of Oz. Just like a regular balloon that starts dark and ends up lighter as it inflates.

Because you are pulling in pure Love, by a few breaths in you should be smiling! Also, each cell in your body will be full of Love + Light—and therefore smiling—by the end.

This bubble will keep you in a Love frequency until it deflates. No negativity from the outside can reach you (cool!). But, because we’re all still human, we will occasionally have a fearful thought, and that’s how the bubble springs a leak. Never fear! All you need to do when you notice it’s a little deflated is to take a few breaths to get it back into place! Be careful not to beat yourself up when this happens, because it will happen, and quite a bit at first. With practice, soon you’ll have many fewer of these deflation episodes!

You’ll know that your Bubble is deflated if your have a fearful, angry, anxious, or judgmental thought, or if you experience pain.

This Bubble protects your from negativity, keeps you in the space of Love + Abundance, and helps to pull the mood of those around you from fearful to Loving as well.

Thank you to my Intuitive Entrepreneur Coach, Elizabeth Locey for teaching me this amazing exercise.  I am grateful to be apart of the process and reaching higher levels of consciousness in business and in life. You are so very appreciated.

And now a little sing a long to start the day… click to listen…  1-18 All You Need Is Love

The Beatles


Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.





photo courtesy of http://www.scenicreflections.com/media/251187/love_bubbles_Wallpaper/



Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Did you make your list of all the things you want to accomplish? How many things are on your list this year? One? One hundred? How many times over the years have you attempted to set your goals in motion but after a few days or a few weeks the nostalgia wore off and you just gave up in the eyes of rejection or failure?

What if awareness, accountability and conjecture are jumping off points to your successful completion of any tasks, goals and new triumphs?  If you know what you want to change or accomplish you need to find the tools that work best for you.

Benjamin Franklin (I highly suggest you read his autobiography) had been an inspiration to me for a long time but I lost track of what the messages were and strayed off my intended path. It’s never too late to re-inspire yourself and find your way home. Figure out what you want to be doing in life, find people that are doing those things and then surround yourself by those people. Find an inspiration or a mentor, a life coach or a support group.

At 21, Franklin created the JUNTO, a group of “like minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community.” There are modern day versions of these kinds of groups and with access to the internet the possibility of connecting with like minded spirits is now incredibly accessible.

Workshops, forums, and on line chat groups have been created for every industry, career path and spiritual journey you may want to embark upon.  If you don’t fair well in groups maybe a one on one life coach is better suited for you and your dreams. Or maybe it’s as simple as getting with a friend that has similar aspirations and honoring the buddy system.

My life coach/hypnotist, Thorance Tweten, CHt (www.taoofhypnosis.com) shared this with me yesterday and suggested that I pay it forward. I am honored to be in a position that I can share this with you.

Today I am setting my sights (and yours if you want to join me) on a new course. A 30 day challenge. Today take the time to make your mind movie or power point presentation (directions below) and watch your movie 3 times a day for 30 days.  I suggest we watch it in the morning when we wake up, after our mid day meal and then again before we go to bed.

This is a great goal setting idea you can put into action immediately.

Have you ever heard of a mind movie?  It is like written goals on steroids.  The concept is to put your goals into a movie and add music.  Imagine if you had a 2-3 minute movie of your goals that you could watch one or more times per day.  If you had this movie you almost certainly would achieve more of your goals faster.

If you know how to make a movie on your computer then, take action on the idea.  If you don’t know how to make a movie here is a great alternative.

You probably have PowerPoint or Keynote on your computer.  Put your goals into PowerPoint.  You can find pictures of your goals by doing an image search on Google.  For example if you want a new car you can go to Google and do an image search for the car you want.  Cut and paste the picture into the PowerPoint.  

Once you have created the PowerPoint slides you can set up a slideshow.  What that means is you can set a timer on each slide.  For example you can have the slides automatically rotate to the next slide every 4-6 seconds.

Once you have your slides done and a time set up to rotate each slide you can then add music.  The way I add music is I have Itunes on my computer.  I pick an upbeat song and have it playing in the background while the PowerPoint slides are playing.

The end result is you have a custom movie with your goals playing while listening to one of your favorite songs.

If you will watch this movie 1 or more times per day you should achieve your 2012 goals faster.  If you like this idea, pay it forward by sharing the idea with others.

Remember repetition breeds success.

Are you Ready? Set! Go! 



photo courtesy of: http://www.homeeddirectory.com/homeschool-resources-global-directory

A Miracle

A Miracle

For those of you who know me, you know, this past year has been riddled with challenges and the negativity had many moments of victory. But as promised when this journey began, I wouldn’t give up hope that together we would persevere.

About a year ago, while on a shoot in Los Angeles, my colleague (and dear friend) Millie told me about a book about Angels written by Doreen Virtue. It sounded beautiful and intriguing but at the time, I just wasn’t ready.

About four months ago when things were getting completely out of hand, I gave myself over completely, asking for help or a sign or anything that would encourage me. Then I waited. I deliberately silenced myself. I didn’t force it. I believed, implicitly, that help was near.

Then one day while snooping around on-line for an uplifting book I could read, there was the page with the Doreen Virtue book Millie had told me about. In utter excitement (but not knowing why) I downloaded the audio books, the meditations, and the kindle books. I submersed myself in the theories, the possibilities and the love.

My life, in the past few months has undergone a complete transformation. The signs are everywhere, the messages are clear, and my sense of self seems completely restored.

The other day my friend Megan and I went on our favorite hike that has a labyrinth style maze at the top. Whenever we go, we take turns getting into our place of intention and we walk the maze. Our last visit was my first visit since embarking on this journey with my angel guides so it seemed only fitting that I bring them with me. I thanked them profusely and I asked them for indication that I am on my right path. I thanked God for the angels and for my very creation in his eyes of perfection.

Last night, reading The 12 Keys by David M. Friedlaender, I was reminded of the magic of manifestation. The encouraging stories of Bill Gates, Jim Carey, Steve Jobs, and Oprah, are reminders of people just like us, that persevered. I fell off to sleep with a smile on my face and one of my angel meditations in my ears.  With a silent love filled prayer, I drifted off.

Today I woke up excited and couldn’t wait to write my entry share my news about this new address for Life With One Eye Open, little did I know, I would also be sharing a miracle!

I keep a little money plant on my desk and last night before I went to bed I put it in the sink to give it a little water. This morning I grabbed my coffee from the kitchen and on my way to my desk remembered to grab my little plant from the sink in the guest bathroom.  At first I couldn’t believe my eyes but then I remembered I had asked the Angels for a sign.  Today my little plant held a message…

Amazing right!!?? I’m more elated and uplifted then I ever could imagine and this proof that I am on my right path couldn’t be more perfect.  It’s time to keep moving forward.

You coming?

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