
Your mind is a Garden

Your mind is a Garden

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAKaAAAAJDcyODg4NzFkLWFhZTYtNGIyOS1iZWY4LWYyNWU1YjkwMWFiMgWow. The ups and downs of life just don’t let up. Thank God, we’re never given more than we can handle.  

My life has been complex. Like an atom that splits into a gazillion particles. The particles become the images of my mind. They are filled with intrigue and humility & strength and courage.  They are constantly coaxing me to persevere.

Through the frequent visits into my subconscious, I am deciphering the codes of my patterns and habits. My mind is giving me new insight into the values I hold dear.

The evidence is so clear. It always is. My conscious mind was so focussed on what I didn’t want and that is exactly what I got. No surprise there. I know better. But down the rabbit hole I went. But of course, as you know, I never let anything hold me back.

I am the constant wonderer.  Ruled my inner child, it’s time to hold hands with my intellect and for my intellect to hold hands with my body who is holding hands with my spirit.  This I can work with.  A quadrinity of the self.  And when we are one I can clear my mind of conscious clutter so I can heed the advice and suggestions of my subconscious. This is where the answers are. This is where I will be able to reinforce and replace the self limiting beliefs with new thoughts and actions of empowerment. 

The quantum physics of thought. You become what you think.

The unlimited power within is like a locked door and only we hold the key that will open it.  

My message has been loud and clear. How can I be of service? By being a guide for others. I will guide you to the source that holds all the answers… Your mind! 

Are you ready to plant your seeds?

… to be continued


Medicine for You

Medicine for You

Smiley Flower Happy!

A little mid-week pick me up…

Life ever after starts from within. 
It starts with a smile or silly little grin.

Choose happiness and find your smile. 
Have an expressive kind of style. 
Be who you are and wear what you want. 
Strut around like a debutante. 
But remember to be nice to all that you meet. 
Love and affection will make you complete. 
Find the humor in all that you do.
Laughter is the best medicine for you.
Being silly starts with a grin
While life ever after starts from within.

#KeepOnKeepingOn – Finding Words of Wisdom

#KeepOnKeepingOn – Finding Words of Wisdom

persistence-1I woke up in the morning wondering again what Bill Gates would have done. The curveballs were flying past my head like a batting cage gone array, so I did what any other crazy person would do. I ducked out of the way and got to figuring out a way to keep this going.  The best way to clear my head is to focus on something else. I open up my iPad to my learning how to read music app and proceed to (try to) play the piano as the notes come up and I have to press the correct key. At first it’s a disaster. My mind is scattered and all over the place but as I settle in and focus, my memory starts to give me confidence as I start pressing more correct keys over wrong ones. I’m learning to read music. Cool.

With the confidence of accomplishment, I head into my dining room (now warehouse) and start to put more kits together. Sometimes mindless activity is the best way to get your creative juices flowing. With another 100 kits safely in the closet and not without me noticing that I am running out of room in here, I get on the treadmill because I just need to clear my mind. From there I decide I’m hungry and make myself my morning vegan chocolate shakeolgoy with rice milk. Oh, have I mentioned it’s now only 9am on a Sunday and I’m well into another glorious sunny southern California day?


I grab my  iPad and settle into my lounge chair. I ask in silent prayer for something that will help me find the confidence that I’m on the right path. I need reasurrance and direction to keep me moving forward. I need to know the growing pains of starting a start up by yourself are temporary. In my ibook app I find Anthony Norvell calling out to me, “The Million Dollar Secret Hidden In Your Mind”. I start reading.

You Are an Heir to a Kingdom

The Bible tells us, “You are an heir to a kingdom.” Believe this statement as being literally true. It will help give you courage and faith. It will instantly help you shatter the mould of negative thoughts that might have been implanted in your mind as a child. The Bible also states, “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give the kingdom.” Believe this, and you will instantly begin to act and think and talk in a much more positive manner.  You will realize that the world and all therein was created for you to use and enjoy. You were created in the image and likeness of God. This spiritual belief will also help you realize that nothing but the best is good enough for one of God’s highest forms of creation. When you fortify your mind with this type of faith you will instantly release all the stored-up dynamic energy of your brain and body, and it will carry you on to great heights of achievement.

Goethe said of thought:

“Sow a thought, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a character, Sow a character, reap a destiny.”

Actually you build your future destiny thought by thought, and as these thoughts become more dynamic and perfect, they begin to shape your character and destiny in paths of greatness.


I am reminded that we as people are prone to the patterns of our thoughts. It’s our habits that get us firm in their grips. But I’ve read a lot of books that say a lot of the same things as Norvell and the common theme in all of them is changing your thoughts will change your habits and a new you will be born into greatness.  I come from negativity. A lot of it.  Some of the stories of my past are so far-fetched you would think it was a scene from a bad B movie. I know I do. But instead of wallowing in the why me, I choose to live in the what now?! Most people would make fun of my avid positive mental attitude (and they do) and it’s okay. It’s not for everyone. It’s all relative to what you are working with to begin with. I have spent my adult life de-brainwashing myself out of my past thoughts. I am not where I come from and I am capable of great things. My heart is pure and my intentions are genuine. I do not wish ill will on anyone even if they do to me. I forgive.

The books I read give me the encouragement to know I am better than any negative thought that tries to get the best of me. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. And nothing will come to you without hard work and persistence. I make a lot of spreadsheets. I put post-it note reminders all over telling me what I need to hear. I believe that for every no I am closer to that yes. And where there is will there is a way.

I made a visualization board and I wrote out a story of what my company would like, how it would be run and how much fun we would have.  Sound silly?  I think not.  I read an article years ago in Inc Magazine about Ari Weinzwig, CEO and cofounder of Zingerman’s gourmet food company. ( I was so moved by the article, I found Ari’s email on line and sent him a note of gratitude.  We became penpals and he sent me some reading material that he wrote that helped me shape the face of my company.  In his 2010 book “A Lapsed Anarchist’s Approach to Building a Great Business,” Weinzweig details the 12 laws on which he and his partners have built Zingerman’s. A must read for anyone launching or running a business.

It’s genius really. And all the greats have done a version of this. In Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography I learned about the Thirteen Virtues’s of Success, which lead me to Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World, which lead to me to his workbook, The Greatest Secret in the World.  It all comes back to thoughts become things.  They have all helped me shape new habits. And without the new habits I wouldn’t keep going the way I do.


With these reminders securely fastened in the front of my mind like a light to pave the way, it was time to figure out how to increase my brand awareness. I took stock in what I do have.  Unequivocal belief in my brand. Check. Inventory. Check. Creating jobs. Check.  But how to get the word out on a bigger scale? Get creative. So I did what I know. I started writing some more. And the next thing I knew, I wrote a treatment for a series of 5 small web video’s that are sure to make you laugh. But how to pay for it? Keep writing, do some research and don’t whatever you do, don’t be afraid to be told no. Remember for every no you’re closer to that yes.

Enter sponsorship opportunity web series.  Excitement got the better of me and I sent it out to some people prematurely. That’s okay. I would think you could still see the potential. One can only hope. My Director and I have gone back to the drawing board this past week and made some changes to keep the element of surprise and added a cool twist I hope we can pull off.  We are getting closer to what could really be something special. It will go out again to the same people letting them know we made some great changes to the stories. It will also go out to more people that I think are a great fit for our brand. Maybe the big brands will see the opportunity and value in helping our new company grow. I mean after all that’s what it’s all about right? Helping each other? It only takes one person at one company to believe in us the way that we do. And if we believe the way we do, how can they not believe too?

We’ll see…

More to come as #startup continues…

#curveball – What Would Bill Gates Do?

#curveball – What Would Bill Gates Do?

Winding Road Through Green Hills HD Desktop BackgroundSo, as I was saying… In April – 2014 I attempted to self finance the manufacturing of 5000 units of my Rock Your Kicks DIY paint kit.  At the time, I couldn’t afford to have the paint company put our private labels on the jars so I had to source the labels elsewhere and prepare myself for having to fasten the labels to about 15,000 jars in my spare time.  At the same time as my purchases were under way, I hit some unexpected snags that sent my well thought out spreadsheet right through the shredder.

My Coordinator and I thought we had it all figured out. It looked like it on paper. I had made another one of my spreadsheets reflecting all my credit cards and balances.  I was able to increase the credit limits on almost all of them so we had a pretty good chunk of usable money.  I made another spreadsheet outlining the costs to mass produce the units broken down by components.  I also marked on my calendar the big job I was going to be doing that would pay back the credit cards while we focussed on building and selling the kits.

Then two unexpected and unthinkable things happened.


First, the big job we were counting on (I even bid the job and the company got it) didn’t come to me. The Producer decided he would just let his current team roll over since it was a lot of the same crew and never took into account that we turned down jobs because we were told we were doing his and on top of it, I bid the job and never even got paid for that. No bueno.

Needless to say, there went the money that was supposed to pay back the credit cards we had already charged up.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, I was then faced with some pretty ugly estranged family drama. I received an email from my publisher letting me know that someone was threatening to sue them if they published my novel.  They also assured me  I had nothing to worry about.  But when   you write someone off and out of your life for nearly four years (for the fifth or sixth time in your life) and then they come at you out of nowhere it can most certainly knock you off balance.  Enter costly family attorney number one.  The attempted blog comment to me directly was the straw to set my transferences on fire. Some people have a hatred in them that has nothing to do with us and there’s just nothing we can do about it. The attacks came swiftly and maliciously. First the false DMCA notices in an attack on my social media sites and then the proof that my fathers signature had been forged in yet another attempted threat letter to my publisher.  Enter costly commercial interest attorney number two. It continued to escalate. Enter costly business attorney number three.

I went over two months without working production while dealing with some very fast and unpredictable curveballs. The capital I had stashed away was dwindling fast and I had to get creative. It was time to  start thinking like a true entrepreneur. And to do that I needed to find one to extract advice from. I put it out to the Universe in my typical over zealous unequivocal faith sort of way, that I needed advice. And,  guess what? It all unfolded exactly the way I needed it to.  I booked a production job that same day. My Producer asked me for recommends for an Art Director. I was able to get my friend Keith on. As it turns out, Keith is also a very successful business owner/entrepreneur. He spoke, I listened.

Man on topAfter wrapping the job I took a few days to regroup and set my new intentions based on what Keith had taught me about leveraging credit.  And (of course) I made a new spreadsheet.  At the same time, the kit elements were starting to arrive and my apartment was filling up with boxes.  I was still short the stencils and the paint palettes and and I still couldn’t afford the actual boxes for the kit.

I took out a small personal loan with my credit union, borrowed another small amount from a friend and sold my BMW.  I paid down credit card debt and ordered the stencils and palettes since they would take at least three weeks to get to me.  I still couldn’t figure out how I was going to get the boxes.

Then I spent money in the dumbest way possible.  I ordered only ten of the expensive version of the boxes which of course made them even more expensive to order but I was blinded in the rush. A month later and thousands of dollars to attorneys instead of to my endeavor, I was still without the boxes. They were just too expensive.


My coordinator and I figured out a way to launch a Kickstarter campaign to come up with the money we needed for the boxes. We did a month of research and pre-launch leg work. We settled on an amount that was smaller than what we needed because we knew that if we didn’t hit our goal we wouldn’t get any of it. If only there had been cliff notes. There’s a lot of information about crowd sourcing on line. Most of it very helpful and some of it scams. In the end, we were funded and we could order our boxes (finally). Or so we thought. Another lesson in #startup #trialanderror.

  1. Get approved for an amazon merchant account to link to your Kickstarter campaign.
  2. While waiting on approval research how to extend your reach to other backers, the media and PR outlets.
  3. Write campaign, shoot video and come up with pledge incentives.
  4. Spend at least two hours (if you’re not working full time this should be your full time job for the duration of your campaign. We didn’t have that luxury) a day spreading the word about your Kickstarter (this will piss off some of your friends but others will be totally supportive)
  5. Kickstarter is funded (hopefully yours is too).
  6. Wait up to three weeks for Kickstarter to collect the funds and transfer the money to the amazon merchant account.
  7. Check your Kickstarter campaign page to learn which funds cleared and which didn’t (over $1500.00 of pledges didn’t clear people’s accounts)
  8. Check your amazon merchant account to learn that Kickstarter and Amazon both charged you fees against all the money. Including the money you never received.


images-1As I’m sure you can imagine, this was turning out to be a total cluster f**k and quite frankly I was getting closer and closer to throwing in the towel and chucking the partial inventory into the ocean!

I paced, I cried and then I had an idea I should have thought of months ago! I called my box designer. “We need to go back to the drawing board.” I told him.  “The boxes are just way too costly for what I’m trying to do and we need to redesign the box and get the cost way down. Send me what you think it can be.” He was excited. I was scared.

He called me the next day with a contagious excitement and explained the new and improved box idea.  He sent me a sample.  It was smaller, lighter and much easier to put together.  It would be three boxes in one and the most exciting part was how affordable the new idea would be!  Within a week I submitted a PO for 5000 units.  I took my paycheck from a week of working production and paid for them free and clear.

Not being able to afford the original box turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to this endeavor! But I’m nowhere near done and every time I blink there is something else that needs to be done.

Daymond John had a garage, Bill Gates had a basement. I have an apartment full of inventory as a constant reminder that I really am doing this. It’s not easy to stay positive. It can get stressful and unnerving and beyond frustrating.  I haven’t created the next big app or the next tech savvy gadget so investors (well at least the ones I’ve found) are not interested. I’m pursuing a product that will hopefully bring kids ages 5 and up and their parents together to do something fun and creative. It will help the kids gain confidence and I have to know there is value in that. Children need our guidance and after tutoring homeless kids through School on Wheels I am determined more than ever to get this out there.

Building a kit for the market isn’t easy but it’s doable. Just ask my new friends, the founders of Makers Kit ( They are just over a year old and they sell over a dozen different DIY kits.

RYK strives to be like other successful DIY toys on the market but this is only 45 days old and we need to keep things in perspective and know we have a long way to go.  The good news is we’ve arrived. And while it has not been without it’s challenges it has also been with some rewards.  We were able to donate 75 kits to charity in time for the 2014 holiday season as planned! We donated 25 kits to Peaches Neet Feet, From One Hand to Another, and My Stuff Bags Foundation.

visualizeThere is still a very windy road ahead but we’re pushing the train and keep our chins up. Steve Jobs said, “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith,” (Based on Walter Isaacson’s biography Steve Jobs.) That pretty much sums up what starting a start up feels like a lot of the time. But we’re not giving up. There’s still too much to do and this deserves a chance. I insist on thinking in my own small way like Bill Gates, visualize to actualize!

Stay Tuned for more in the #StartUp #Curveball saga when I return with…



Missed the beginning of the story?   It all starts here… #startup – Footsteps to Follow



There’s No Going Back

There’s No Going Back

Early mornings remind me of how far we come. Don’t be fooled by what seems to happen overnight because chances are it didn’t.  Anything worth having is worth waiting for.  Anything worth waiting for is worth fighting for. There is significance in how much our dreams can change us.  The choices we make set balls in motion. Do you follow them?

I woke up one day with no recollection of who I was supposed to be.  A parents impervious inflictions that were intent on strangling me but I slipped away. I knew better. This was a battle against nature vs. nurture and I was deemed to win.

My choices find me living a different life now and I don’t regret it.  Even when I get restless sometimes for my old ways or the uneasy feelings of my past come to render me awake. There’s no going back now. There’s too much at stake.

My life is taking another turn for the better, proof that our resilient natures will always help us come out on top and sometimes it’s even far more fantastic than even we could have ever imagined.

Feel privileged to be so supported but always honor the past.  You never know when it might come back to surprise you.

It’s a Saturday morning on the coast and the marine layer prepares to leave.  The smell of rain is in the air and the cleansing should come soon.  Being the over thinker has my brain working overdrive and the off button seems to be stuck.  The dryer bustles in the background and the smell of dryer sheets is instantly calming.  The sound of a flute joining the piano soothes my indecisive temperament while the perilous nature of uncertainty makes it’s own assessment.  Birds take flight in unison and my puppy let’s me love him.  The to-do list grows a mind of it’s own and you wonder why everything takes so long.  You go out of your way to make things right but the light won’t turn green and the traffic can get backed up for miles.  No one can let you down if you don’t allow them to hold you up.  Birthdays come and go and breakfast isn’t ready yet.  The iambic pentameter tries to find me today and that’s okay.  We have come a long way from pictograms and it’s just another day.  The rise and fall of Empires comes again. History has a way of repeating itself if you let it in. While breaking the binds of pattern can release you from sin.  A society based in what’s it all for and how far have we really come?  Are you willing to join your mirror or are you still wondering where you’re from?  Sometimes a self inflicted lullaby can set you free as if you were a new found miracle left out for the world to see.  And you are a new found miracle.





photo courtesy of Pepper Carlson, taken in Kauai

No Doubt

No Doubt

Faith is not without worry or care, but faith is fear that has said a prayer. 

                                                             ~Author Unknown

Not having known a mothers love can keep you from who you were supposed to be.  You can roam around lost and make the wrong decisions. You can can spend your days cursing your birth.  You can stay face down in the proverbial gutter because you think you have no worth.

But worth has no price tag. And where you come from does not govern the outcome. Influential meanderings can be obnoxious and you can’t let someone else’s confusion cast you out.  Everything really does happen for a reason and there’s no room for doubt.

Because doubt has no hold on you.  It’s not something inherently disguised.  It’s something we create from nothing and it’s all a bunch of lies.

Lies are based in fear and you can’t give in. Having been blessed with the wonderment of a child instilled in me an undeniable faith. I know I may be far from perfect but what is perfect anyway? If it’s all relative than the definition can change. I am perfect to someone and you are all perfect to me.

This automatically changes the course of my future. It severs the umbilical chord and I am free to believe in the impossible, welcome the unknown, know that I am natures greatest miracle.

Make the choice today to join me because having faith will change you too.

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. 

                                                                            ~Kahlil Gibran


photo courtesy of,_Adelie_Penguin.htm

Love Bubble

Love Bubble

Let’s face it.  Sometimes we get a little insecure.  It happens to the best of us and most of the time it is strictly unwarranted.  We are all beautiful in our own way, we are all blessings in our own right and we are all perfect in the eyes of the Divine.  And it would do us well to remember it!

But why is it so easy to forget? Why do we get jaded or bitter and fall from grace?  Why is it easier to believe the worst than it is to accept a compliment?

Because somewhere along the way we let the world at large get the best of us. We got captivated by the negativity on the news, or we let our parents judgements become our own, or we let our neighbors influence our decisions. It’s all ignorant and it’s all stoppable.

There is no way of really knowing why some people stop loving. Maybe their version of love was battered and bruised.  Maybe love to them was lost. Maybe love to them came in the form of an accusatory loud voice. Maybe they never knew love at all.

It doesn’t matter. It’s time to be in love with every single moment of every single breath you take. 

This is a reminder that one person really can make a difference and so it must start with you.  We must raise ourselves up to the higher frequency level of love.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we are all in a place of love and never again spoke ill of anyone, or judged them, or cast them out for their differences, or shunned them because you didn’t understand them, or made fun of them because of how they dressed or talked?

I can.  So it’s time to step out of your I syndrome and into the your love bubble.  Here’s how.

Start with an image or memory of when you felt unconditionally loved. Cradle that image in your arms in front of your chest, “see” it in front of you, and also visualize your heart as a golden sphere.

Then connect to the Divine Universe’s infinite Love and support, either through the top of your head or through your back (think: “The Universe has my back”). That support is tangible and warm. Breathe it in to your heart space on the in-breath.

On the out-breath, blow the air out through your mouth, as if you were inflating a balloon. See the golden sphere of your heart grow as if it were a bubble or balloon!

Rinse and repeat until your Love Bubble is big enough for you to move around freely in. Remember to start each breath cycle with connecting first to your memory of unconditional love in the 3-D world (often dogs or newborns are great for this), and then connecting with the unlimited Love and support of the Universe. Pull that Love into your center, then blow up the bubble

By the time your Love Bubble is fully inflated, it’s no longer the deep gold it started out as, but a lovely opalescent pink, much like the bubble Glinda the Good Witch rides in on in The Wizard of Oz. Just like a regular balloon that starts dark and ends up lighter as it inflates.

Because you are pulling in pure Love, by a few breaths in you should be smiling! Also, each cell in your body will be full of Love + Light—and therefore smiling—by the end.

This bubble will keep you in a Love frequency until it deflates. No negativity from the outside can reach you (cool!). But, because we’re all still human, we will occasionally have a fearful thought, and that’s how the bubble springs a leak. Never fear! All you need to do when you notice it’s a little deflated is to take a few breaths to get it back into place! Be careful not to beat yourself up when this happens, because it will happen, and quite a bit at first. With practice, soon you’ll have many fewer of these deflation episodes!

You’ll know that your Bubble is deflated if your have a fearful, angry, anxious, or judgmental thought, or if you experience pain.

This Bubble protects your from negativity, keeps you in the space of Love + Abundance, and helps to pull the mood of those around you from fearful to Loving as well.

Thank you to my Intuitive Entrepreneur Coach, Elizabeth Locey for teaching me this amazing exercise.  I am grateful to be apart of the process and reaching higher levels of consciousness in business and in life. You are so very appreciated.

And now a little sing a long to start the day… click to listen…  1-18 All You Need Is Love

The Beatles


Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.





photo courtesy of



Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Ironically, my words find me walking the symbolic streets of my journey. Sometimes, not all who wander are lost
Peacefulness of fervor. Confidence brings free will. Will the clarity show me an open road of new direction? The firefly leads the way as I try to find the corner of Where Self Respect meets Self Esteem. You see, I’m moving. And this is where my new house will be and my new address will be marked in ink, in stone, & chiseled and bound. Past Avenue has been trying to hold me back and I have been so easily distracted.
While I stop to wipe the coffee I have spilled on my skirt the rain decides to come and help me. With a snap and latch of my umbrella I continue up Nothing Can Hold Me Down Boulevard. It seems to be a little colder up here and I am wet from the condensed moisture in the air. The wind chill is brisk and I feel as though I have been walking forever.
As I peak out from behind the umbrella I see that somehow I have entered Consternation Alley. Now how did I get in here? Wet dogs are picking through yesterdays garbage and I can hear a distraught cat meowing in the distance. He must be stuck on a fire scape somewhere. It’s dark and I have to slow my pace. Should I double back? Or should I keep moving forward? The fear grips me and I am stuck.
I can’t give in to it. I have to get myself out of this dreary alley and out of the rain. I see a break in the buildings up ahead and I make the right turn. As I emerge from the darkness I find myself on Brush Yourself Off Again Bridge and the sun is out and the rain has ceased so I shake off my umbrella and tuck it away in my purse.  The bridge lets me off at a fork in the road. I must choose now. Choose between Been Here Done That Canyon and Time For A Fresh Start Drive. I pass by the canyon with confidence knowing that I choose not to walk those winding roads again.
With a spring in my step and looking up to the sky I remember where I am headed and find myself smiling again. Heading West I proceed toward The Power Of Now Expressway.
Humming to myself, I look around at the people passing me by. I try to smile at them, to make eye contact, to say Happy New Year. But I can’t get their attention. I stop for a second to take this all in. I consider tapping someone on the shoulder to ask them if they see me. But instead I study the behavior patterns they all hold in common.
I take up stride with a couple walking toward the coffee shop. I mimic their movements and their gestures. I carry my shoulders the same way and my head follows suit. I find that we are looking at the ground. To my dismay I stop dead in my tracks. I lift my head and circling in place I realize that all of the people around me are also staring toward the ground, at their phones their so-called smart devices. Lost in manipulation, resisting eye contact and human connection. Missed opportunities and potential friendships. A tele-conditioned society of robots and there is nothing intelligent about this. Artificial misconceptions hypnotizing everyone into false hope and security.  No wonder we are all going around in circles.
Our brisk walk takes us past all of the important stops we are supposed to make in our lives. Thoughts Become Things Circle, If You Leap The Net Will Appear Court, Home Is Where The Heart Is Gardens.
I keep walking praying that everyone will look up. That I will remember to always look up. As I raise my eyes skyward I see cobblestone up ahead. Where I grew up in New York there was a small street of cobblestone and I loved this little street. Could it be? I have to see this for myself…
Excited, I run through You Can Do It Meadow and skip along Memory Lane to the street of my proverbial past. The cobblestone is uneven and unpredictable but you can jump them like hopscotch. Some are cracked, and some are broken. Some are small and grey and others big and beige. They are all dirty with the passage of time. But if you look closely, some of them are perfect. They held their composure even through the worst of times.
There is one house on this cobblestone street and it’s as majestic as I remembered it. The white house with it’s red awnings and grand double doors. The hollow windows with ivory curtains and the over grown willows to protect it’s entry. The fragile mailbox and the grand lawn. The swing hanging from the oak that stands tall and ever seeing. I wipe the dust from the plaque to reveal the address. 24812 Answers Lie Within You Manor.  I’m home.  .
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