
A Chip In the China Cup

A Chip In the China Cup

Childhood memories can rear their head just when you least expect it. But this is where the lessons lie.  This is when you’re given the chance to be humble and admit you just don’t know it all. Trust is hard when all you knew was backed up into a corner.  The defense mechanisms build over the years so they can’t break through your wall.  Then one day you wake up and you realize parts of you got trapped behind it.  Your sensibilities go array and your defensive disposition can get in your way.

As people we can be fragile. So far from perfect. Everyone has room for improvement. We’re no different in that regard. Even the most beautiful china cup can get a chip. But you can still drink from it.

Trust is scary. But people do care. You don’t always have to be your mothers daughter or your fathers son. You can come out from behind the shadows and know that your humility can set you free. We can’t be afraid to grow. We can’t be intimidated by who we used to be. Vulnerability isn’t weakness. There’s no need to be defensive. Practice makes perfect, tears can bring rainbows and promises to yourself can set you back on the right path.

A leap of faith and I join you in an epic adventure.  An autonomous decree that if I miss, the stars will catch me.  I become one with you and the world is an illumination.  Me the shadow dancer being beckoned to embrace the splendor.  The flight of an angel. Protected from the fears of adolescence.  Guided through clouds of promises. Gratitude holds us high. Traveling the summit of our consciousness.  Only the inner wonderment of a child shall find us airborne.  Defying gravity. Immersed in the blue moon. The beauty of natures charms open her arms to us.  Below the grass green and untouched. Stop and smell the flowers. Not a wrinkle in their stems or a pedal out of place. The light breeze sings for them, as they dance for me.  My leap of joy. I believe. The awareness has made me one with the energy fields around me and so I ascend in harmony. I am set free. I shall rise to the occasion. Choose life. An answered prayer, a silent lullaby, a dream come true. Help me stay on course. Help me live like a butterfly. Help me glide. Help me love. Help me belong. Help me trust. Help me keep my promise.






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Lightness of Being

Lightness of Being

Today is a great day for a romance and for skipping no matter who is watching.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life and absolutely anything is possible.  Today is a day unlike any other and where it leads really is up to you.

Cast no judgements, they will only hold you back.  Hold no grudges, they will only hinder your growth.  Do not take part in discriminations for what you put out you will get back ten fold.

Karma is a boomerang and only you have the ability to control your own outcome. Always be accountable.

Being human brings great responsibility and responsibility is not without consequence. If Mike Dooley is right and I do think he is, then thoughts become things and we really do write our own story. Do know that every great story goes through many rewrites. We can talk ourselves out of bad decisions and we can talk ourselves right into a room.

Reminders always come in handy so keep them close.  You never know when you’re going to need them…

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.

Love is the light that will lead the way. Consider love your conduit to long lasting relationships. It illuminates your innate desires and feeds your passions. Loves benevolence will open windows, doors and hearts everywhere.

Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider hope your inner flashlight. You control the switch and your batteries are solar powered. It helps you keep striving, pursuing, and seeing the bigger picture.

Faith is where the light is. Consider faith your adhesive to keep you in your strength. Hold on tight and let it hold onto you. The optimism will stir your senses and motivate your aspirations.

Truth is to walk in the light. Consider it your path to freedom from the darkness. The assimilation of truth will enlighten your spirit and purify your humanity. Embracing it shall truly set you free.

Love yourself and you will know hope. Hope for the best and you will know faith. Have faith and you will know your truth. Your truth will release the sun from behind the darkest clouds.




photo courtesy of pepper carlson



Really, Actually, Finally

Really, Actually, Finally

The consciousness of my innate nature spoke to me in a way that I hadn’t heard before.  I’ve been so busy trying to conform to the expectations of society that I forgot to listen to what my soul was trying to tell me.  I’ve always known I am different. I also know that when you spend your childhood without a hug it does something to you.

I’ve kind of rebelled against the patterns that can be caused by neglect. I tend to be very affectionate and overly verbally complimentary. I love to make people laugh and my intention is always to lift peoples spirits when I can. I am a giver and it makes me feel good to give back.  I’m lucky to be here and it’s a miracle that I am who I am.  Aren’t we all in some way, shape or form?

In my awareness I have a simple truth, when it comes to the possibility of a relationship I can be quite awkward. Being vulnerable makes me uncomfortable so I have embraced the power of being alone and I realize, it’s when I feel the most confident.  Sometimes in a room full of people is when I feel the most alone. It’s who I am and it’s time to stop trying to be something I am not. I am far from being Thoreau but I am just not that social anymore. I used to have 100 friends and went out every night. Now I have 5 friends that I see on the occasional outing and it’s usually during the day.  Times change and you have to join your life during the adaptations of existence.

I spent time with a friend on Saturday night that is very unhappy with his current state of affairs. It was hard to hear one of my oldest friends be in this much pain over certain decisions he has made. In the end I came home to sit on my patio, staring out into the night sky and accessed my own situation.

I am so lucky and fortunate to have a great career. I am 20 pages away from my first novel. I am on the brink of launching an amazing new company and I am in the best shape I have been in a very long time. That’s a lot to be grateful for!

But I’ve also been trying to hard. I have been pursuing a means to an end based on an idea that doesn’t always exist. Most of my friends are either in relationships or engaged or married.  So in my head, the pressure was on. Well, until now.

I met someone I really liked and in my excitement, I got pretty overbearing and wanted to control the situation. I found myself with walls down and no boundaries and wanted to hang out with this person all the time.  The feelings weren’t mutual but my ego wouldn’t heed the flags on the play. I kept knowingly setting myself up for rejection.  But here’s the interesting thing.  Along the short journey of exchanges I did exactly what I knew would push him away. My own version of How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days and it worked like clockwork. My relationship vibrational level is askew and I recognize it now.

I have finally become the woman I always knew I was supposed to be and in my strength I found a way to let go.

The more you feel good the more you want to feel good. And if you’re going to be strong you will want strong people around you. God is protecting you and the Universe is keeping you on your course.

My friend said the other night, “When we meet our perfect matches, we won’t push them away and anything that happens to us in between is simply the experience it’s supposed to be”.

Well, why does it have to be that deep? Why can’t people just be friends and hang out for free. Why do we have to put so much pressure on everything? Why can’t we be honest about it all?

Yeah, exactly.

I have had some amazing relationships in my life and I have known love.  And now I realize that I love myself the most and in this I really can’t settle. And actually, this is what makes me the happiest and that’s okay.

May we all find our happy and may we always stay true to ourselves. Don’t conform to society because it’s expected. Step out into your life of the unexpected and be miraculous. Finally.






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Love Bubble

Love Bubble

Let’s face it.  Sometimes we get a little insecure.  It happens to the best of us and most of the time it is strictly unwarranted.  We are all beautiful in our own way, we are all blessings in our own right and we are all perfect in the eyes of the Divine.  And it would do us well to remember it!

But why is it so easy to forget? Why do we get jaded or bitter and fall from grace?  Why is it easier to believe the worst than it is to accept a compliment?

Because somewhere along the way we let the world at large get the best of us. We got captivated by the negativity on the news, or we let our parents judgements become our own, or we let our neighbors influence our decisions. It’s all ignorant and it’s all stoppable.

There is no way of really knowing why some people stop loving. Maybe their version of love was battered and bruised.  Maybe love to them was lost. Maybe love to them came in the form of an accusatory loud voice. Maybe they never knew love at all.

It doesn’t matter. It’s time to be in love with every single moment of every single breath you take. 

This is a reminder that one person really can make a difference and so it must start with you.  We must raise ourselves up to the higher frequency level of love.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we are all in a place of love and never again spoke ill of anyone, or judged them, or cast them out for their differences, or shunned them because you didn’t understand them, or made fun of them because of how they dressed or talked?

I can.  So it’s time to step out of your I syndrome and into the your love bubble.  Here’s how.

Start with an image or memory of when you felt unconditionally loved. Cradle that image in your arms in front of your chest, “see” it in front of you, and also visualize your heart as a golden sphere.

Then connect to the Divine Universe’s infinite Love and support, either through the top of your head or through your back (think: “The Universe has my back”). That support is tangible and warm. Breathe it in to your heart space on the in-breath.

On the out-breath, blow the air out through your mouth, as if you were inflating a balloon. See the golden sphere of your heart grow as if it were a bubble or balloon!

Rinse and repeat until your Love Bubble is big enough for you to move around freely in. Remember to start each breath cycle with connecting first to your memory of unconditional love in the 3-D world (often dogs or newborns are great for this), and then connecting with the unlimited Love and support of the Universe. Pull that Love into your center, then blow up the bubble

By the time your Love Bubble is fully inflated, it’s no longer the deep gold it started out as, but a lovely opalescent pink, much like the bubble Glinda the Good Witch rides in on in The Wizard of Oz. Just like a regular balloon that starts dark and ends up lighter as it inflates.

Because you are pulling in pure Love, by a few breaths in you should be smiling! Also, each cell in your body will be full of Love + Light—and therefore smiling—by the end.

This bubble will keep you in a Love frequency until it deflates. No negativity from the outside can reach you (cool!). But, because we’re all still human, we will occasionally have a fearful thought, and that’s how the bubble springs a leak. Never fear! All you need to do when you notice it’s a little deflated is to take a few breaths to get it back into place! Be careful not to beat yourself up when this happens, because it will happen, and quite a bit at first. With practice, soon you’ll have many fewer of these deflation episodes!

You’ll know that your Bubble is deflated if your have a fearful, angry, anxious, or judgmental thought, or if you experience pain.

This Bubble protects your from negativity, keeps you in the space of Love + Abundance, and helps to pull the mood of those around you from fearful to Loving as well.

Thank you to my Intuitive Entrepreneur Coach, Elizabeth Locey for teaching me this amazing exercise.  I am grateful to be apart of the process and reaching higher levels of consciousness in business and in life. You are so very appreciated.

And now a little sing a long to start the day… click to listen…  1-18 All You Need Is Love

The Beatles


Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.





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Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Faster Quicker Now, Ready Set Go

Did you make your list of all the things you want to accomplish? How many things are on your list this year? One? One hundred? How many times over the years have you attempted to set your goals in motion but after a few days or a few weeks the nostalgia wore off and you just gave up in the eyes of rejection or failure?

What if awareness, accountability and conjecture are jumping off points to your successful completion of any tasks, goals and new triumphs?  If you know what you want to change or accomplish you need to find the tools that work best for you.

Benjamin Franklin (I highly suggest you read his autobiography) had been an inspiration to me for a long time but I lost track of what the messages were and strayed off my intended path. It’s never too late to re-inspire yourself and find your way home. Figure out what you want to be doing in life, find people that are doing those things and then surround yourself by those people. Find an inspiration or a mentor, a life coach or a support group.

At 21, Franklin created the JUNTO, a group of “like minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community.” There are modern day versions of these kinds of groups and with access to the internet the possibility of connecting with like minded spirits is now incredibly accessible.

Workshops, forums, and on line chat groups have been created for every industry, career path and spiritual journey you may want to embark upon.  If you don’t fair well in groups maybe a one on one life coach is better suited for you and your dreams. Or maybe it’s as simple as getting with a friend that has similar aspirations and honoring the buddy system.

My life coach/hypnotist, Thorance Tweten, CHt ( shared this with me yesterday and suggested that I pay it forward. I am honored to be in a position that I can share this with you.

Today I am setting my sights (and yours if you want to join me) on a new course. A 30 day challenge. Today take the time to make your mind movie or power point presentation (directions below) and watch your movie 3 times a day for 30 days.  I suggest we watch it in the morning when we wake up, after our mid day meal and then again before we go to bed.

This is a great goal setting idea you can put into action immediately.

Have you ever heard of a mind movie?  It is like written goals on steroids.  The concept is to put your goals into a movie and add music.  Imagine if you had a 2-3 minute movie of your goals that you could watch one or more times per day.  If you had this movie you almost certainly would achieve more of your goals faster.

If you know how to make a movie on your computer then, take action on the idea.  If you don’t know how to make a movie here is a great alternative.

You probably have PowerPoint or Keynote on your computer.  Put your goals into PowerPoint.  You can find pictures of your goals by doing an image search on Google.  For example if you want a new car you can go to Google and do an image search for the car you want.  Cut and paste the picture into the PowerPoint.  

Once you have created the PowerPoint slides you can set up a slideshow.  What that means is you can set a timer on each slide.  For example you can have the slides automatically rotate to the next slide every 4-6 seconds.

Once you have your slides done and a time set up to rotate each slide you can then add music.  The way I add music is I have Itunes on my computer.  I pick an upbeat song and have it playing in the background while the PowerPoint slides are playing.

The end result is you have a custom movie with your goals playing while listening to one of your favorite songs.

If you will watch this movie 1 or more times per day you should achieve your 2012 goals faster.  If you like this idea, pay it forward by sharing the idea with others.

Remember repetition breeds success.

Are you Ready? Set! Go! 



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Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

I’ve been moved by a movie.  A place where visions come to life, messages are there for the taking and dreams really do come true. Movies represent life. They are adaptations of someones version of a story. They can be based on real life or make believe. They can be silent or they can be quite loud and clear.

For most of us life has held some kind of struggle. It’s all relative and it is up to us to choose what we do with the cards we have been dealt.  For some, they never realize they had a choice while for others they will do anything to rise above whatever struggle comes their way. Maybe it’s time we pull out the cards we were dealt and do magic tricks.

Life is full of magic and wonder and it should be the ultimate adventure. Life will give you what you ask of it and life will always be what you make of it. No excuses. This goes for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what color you are or what age you are. Our purpose doesn’t know restrictions and our dreams don’t know limitations.

HUGO Produced and Directed by Martin Scorcese

Hugo:  “Everything has a purpose, even machines.  …Maybe that’s why broken machines make me so sad.  Maybe it’s the same thing with people.”
Isabelle: “Is that your purpose—fixing things?  I wonder what my purpose is.”
Hugo:  “I don’t know.”
Isabelle:  “Maybe if I’d known my parents I would know.”

Hugo:  “I’d imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn’t be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.”

We all have a story, a meaning and a purpose. We are meant to be of service and we are meant for greatness. We have to be clear in our intention and unwavering in our tasks. We must be specific and steadfast. We must hold dear to our dreams and set them out before ourselves in increments, like that of a film negative. A play by play of our dreams that were meant to come to life. Help your story unfold. Make it so important to you that it not coming true is not an option.

Pay attention to your intuition, look for the signs, listen to your life and your dreams. Believe in your hopes and aspirations. Believe in yourself enough to see it through.

Our vision of ourselves fueled by our action is what makes our dreams come true… The Lumiere Brothers wouldn’t share their moving picture box with Georges Méliès so he made his own, OprahWinfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother, and Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer before he went on to win seven consecutive Tour de France championships!

We all hold the tools to become a part of the 3% that are doing what they dreamt. We can’t give up. Not ever. Never be undaunted by the unknown. If you were brave enough to indulge in your dreams don’t you owe it to yourself to see them come true?



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Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Ironically, my words find me walking the symbolic streets of my journey. Sometimes, not all who wander are lost
Peacefulness of fervor. Confidence brings free will. Will the clarity show me an open road of new direction? The firefly leads the way as I try to find the corner of Where Self Respect meets Self Esteem. You see, I’m moving. And this is where my new house will be and my new address will be marked in ink, in stone, & chiseled and bound. Past Avenue has been trying to hold me back and I have been so easily distracted.
While I stop to wipe the coffee I have spilled on my skirt the rain decides to come and help me. With a snap and latch of my umbrella I continue up Nothing Can Hold Me Down Boulevard. It seems to be a little colder up here and I am wet from the condensed moisture in the air. The wind chill is brisk and I feel as though I have been walking forever.
As I peak out from behind the umbrella I see that somehow I have entered Consternation Alley. Now how did I get in here? Wet dogs are picking through yesterdays garbage and I can hear a distraught cat meowing in the distance. He must be stuck on a fire scape somewhere. It’s dark and I have to slow my pace. Should I double back? Or should I keep moving forward? The fear grips me and I am stuck.
I can’t give in to it. I have to get myself out of this dreary alley and out of the rain. I see a break in the buildings up ahead and I make the right turn. As I emerge from the darkness I find myself on Brush Yourself Off Again Bridge and the sun is out and the rain has ceased so I shake off my umbrella and tuck it away in my purse.  The bridge lets me off at a fork in the road. I must choose now. Choose between Been Here Done That Canyon and Time For A Fresh Start Drive. I pass by the canyon with confidence knowing that I choose not to walk those winding roads again.
With a spring in my step and looking up to the sky I remember where I am headed and find myself smiling again. Heading West I proceed toward The Power Of Now Expressway.
Humming to myself, I look around at the people passing me by. I try to smile at them, to make eye contact, to say Happy New Year. But I can’t get their attention. I stop for a second to take this all in. I consider tapping someone on the shoulder to ask them if they see me. But instead I study the behavior patterns they all hold in common.
I take up stride with a couple walking toward the coffee shop. I mimic their movements and their gestures. I carry my shoulders the same way and my head follows suit. I find that we are looking at the ground. To my dismay I stop dead in my tracks. I lift my head and circling in place I realize that all of the people around me are also staring toward the ground, at their phones their so-called smart devices. Lost in manipulation, resisting eye contact and human connection. Missed opportunities and potential friendships. A tele-conditioned society of robots and there is nothing intelligent about this. Artificial misconceptions hypnotizing everyone into false hope and security.  No wonder we are all going around in circles.
Our brisk walk takes us past all of the important stops we are supposed to make in our lives. Thoughts Become Things Circle, If You Leap The Net Will Appear Court, Home Is Where The Heart Is Gardens.
I keep walking praying that everyone will look up. That I will remember to always look up. As I raise my eyes skyward I see cobblestone up ahead. Where I grew up in New York there was a small street of cobblestone and I loved this little street. Could it be? I have to see this for myself…
Excited, I run through You Can Do It Meadow and skip along Memory Lane to the street of my proverbial past. The cobblestone is uneven and unpredictable but you can jump them like hopscotch. Some are cracked, and some are broken. Some are small and grey and others big and beige. They are all dirty with the passage of time. But if you look closely, some of them are perfect. They held their composure even through the worst of times.
There is one house on this cobblestone street and it’s as majestic as I remembered it. The white house with it’s red awnings and grand double doors. The hollow windows with ivory curtains and the over grown willows to protect it’s entry. The fragile mailbox and the grand lawn. The swing hanging from the oak that stands tall and ever seeing. I wipe the dust from the plaque to reveal the address. 24812 Answers Lie Within You Manor.  I’m home.  .

Not so Clueless

A friend of mine writes the blog,  I think it’s such a great idea and full of great information.  Not just for bachelors either.  The discussion of taking care of your place got me thinking.

The things we do, how we live and the people we hang out with say a lot about who we are.  And it also says a lot about where we are in the current moment of our lives.  We can actually use the state of our living spaces to check in with ourselves and see how we are feeling about things.

Does your bed get made every morning?  Are the dishes in the dishwasher or still dirty in the sink piling up for days?  Are your clean clothes put away or have they found a permanent residence on the chair by your bed?

When I am at most my productive I feel really good about myself.  And when I feel good about myself the items around my home seem to find their way to their rightful places.  But when I am feeling out of sorts things just got messy.

It’s kind of like when we don’t deal with our emotions.  For every emotion there is a physical attachment.  And if we don’t deal with our stuff it has to come out some how.  For me, when something is bothering me that I don’t know how to deal with, I rearrange my furniture.  It helps me in the moment but it doesn’t miraculously give me the answers I seek.  What I have come to realize is that our living spaces really are an extension of us.

When I move the furniture around I am just shuffling around the emotions I don’t understand.  I am not engaging in ground breaking epiphanies. Rearranging the furniture is nothing but a temporary fix.  A reshuffling.  A distraction.

When my place is in order and my clothes are put away and my bed is made, I am in a place of confidence.  I am focussed and happy and my place is a reflection of my current state of mind.

Right now I am struggling with the friendship I made and have been talking a lot about.  Patience.  Waiting is hard for me.  I live at a productions pace and while I know the rest of the world doesn’t move this fast I can’t help but want immediate gratification.  Right now patience has handcuffed itself to me whether I wanted the visit or not.  While I wait, I have come down with a cold and a cough and I haven’t made my bed and my clean clothes lay in wait on the chair. I have been going to the office everyday prepping a commercial which has been a much needed distraction but I realize today that my hiding behind my work is a form of moving the furniture around.

Today I have a day off and I am feeling distracted and unmotivated in my waiting.  My inability to speed up the process or be in control leaves me considering moving the furniture around again.  But then I remembered the importance in the lessons and the importance in resting and healing when we are sick.

You know what?  Sometimes it’s okay to just be.  Sometimes it’s okay to have your place a mess if you’re feeling kind of messy or you’re too busy or you’re distracted.

Sometimes the messages around us are so obvious and yet so profound.  There is something to be learned in everything we see, feel, hear, touch and smell.  If we are willing to heed the lessons they can be everywhere we look.  Little clues, indicators and signs of what our souls need most.  Today my messages came from the state of my living space.  Who knows what tomorrow holds.

Awareness is a truth I am willing to confide in.  Are you?


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