
Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

I’ve been moved by a movie.  A place where visions come to life, messages are there for the taking and dreams really do come true. Movies represent life. They are adaptations of someones version of a story. They can be based on real life or make believe. They can be silent or they can be quite loud and clear.

For most of us life has held some kind of struggle. It’s all relative and it is up to us to choose what we do with the cards we have been dealt.  For some, they never realize they had a choice while for others they will do anything to rise above whatever struggle comes their way. Maybe it’s time we pull out the cards we were dealt and do magic tricks.

Life is full of magic and wonder and it should be the ultimate adventure. Life will give you what you ask of it and life will always be what you make of it. No excuses. This goes for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what color you are or what age you are. Our purpose doesn’t know restrictions and our dreams don’t know limitations.

HUGO Produced and Directed by Martin Scorcese

Hugo:  “Everything has a purpose, even machines.  …Maybe that’s why broken machines make me so sad.  Maybe it’s the same thing with people.”
Isabelle: “Is that your purpose—fixing things?  I wonder what my purpose is.”
Hugo:  “I don’t know.”
Isabelle:  “Maybe if I’d known my parents I would know.”

Hugo:  “I’d imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn’t be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason.”

We all have a story, a meaning and a purpose. We are meant to be of service and we are meant for greatness. We have to be clear in our intention and unwavering in our tasks. We must be specific and steadfast. We must hold dear to our dreams and set them out before ourselves in increments, like that of a film negative. A play by play of our dreams that were meant to come to life. Help your story unfold. Make it so important to you that it not coming true is not an option.

Pay attention to your intuition, look for the signs, listen to your life and your dreams. Believe in your hopes and aspirations. Believe in yourself enough to see it through.

Our vision of ourselves fueled by our action is what makes our dreams come true… The Lumiere Brothers wouldn’t share their moving picture box with Georges Méliès so he made his own, OprahWinfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother, and Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer before he went on to win seven consecutive Tour de France championships!

We all hold the tools to become a part of the 3% that are doing what they dreamt. We can’t give up. Not ever. Never be undaunted by the unknown. If you were brave enough to indulge in your dreams don’t you owe it to yourself to see them come true?



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Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Ironically, my words find me walking the symbolic streets of my journey. Sometimes, not all who wander are lost
Peacefulness of fervor. Confidence brings free will. Will the clarity show me an open road of new direction? The firefly leads the way as I try to find the corner of Where Self Respect meets Self Esteem. You see, I’m moving. And this is where my new house will be and my new address will be marked in ink, in stone, & chiseled and bound. Past Avenue has been trying to hold me back and I have been so easily distracted.
While I stop to wipe the coffee I have spilled on my skirt the rain decides to come and help me. With a snap and latch of my umbrella I continue up Nothing Can Hold Me Down Boulevard. It seems to be a little colder up here and I am wet from the condensed moisture in the air. The wind chill is brisk and I feel as though I have been walking forever.
As I peak out from behind the umbrella I see that somehow I have entered Consternation Alley. Now how did I get in here? Wet dogs are picking through yesterdays garbage and I can hear a distraught cat meowing in the distance. He must be stuck on a fire scape somewhere. It’s dark and I have to slow my pace. Should I double back? Or should I keep moving forward? The fear grips me and I am stuck.
I can’t give in to it. I have to get myself out of this dreary alley and out of the rain. I see a break in the buildings up ahead and I make the right turn. As I emerge from the darkness I find myself on Brush Yourself Off Again Bridge and the sun is out and the rain has ceased so I shake off my umbrella and tuck it away in my purse.  The bridge lets me off at a fork in the road. I must choose now. Choose between Been Here Done That Canyon and Time For A Fresh Start Drive. I pass by the canyon with confidence knowing that I choose not to walk those winding roads again.
With a spring in my step and looking up to the sky I remember where I am headed and find myself smiling again. Heading West I proceed toward The Power Of Now Expressway.
Humming to myself, I look around at the people passing me by. I try to smile at them, to make eye contact, to say Happy New Year. But I can’t get their attention. I stop for a second to take this all in. I consider tapping someone on the shoulder to ask them if they see me. But instead I study the behavior patterns they all hold in common.
I take up stride with a couple walking toward the coffee shop. I mimic their movements and their gestures. I carry my shoulders the same way and my head follows suit. I find that we are looking at the ground. To my dismay I stop dead in my tracks. I lift my head and circling in place I realize that all of the people around me are also staring toward the ground, at their phones their so-called smart devices. Lost in manipulation, resisting eye contact and human connection. Missed opportunities and potential friendships. A tele-conditioned society of robots and there is nothing intelligent about this. Artificial misconceptions hypnotizing everyone into false hope and security.  No wonder we are all going around in circles.
Our brisk walk takes us past all of the important stops we are supposed to make in our lives. Thoughts Become Things Circle, If You Leap The Net Will Appear Court, Home Is Where The Heart Is Gardens.
I keep walking praying that everyone will look up. That I will remember to always look up. As I raise my eyes skyward I see cobblestone up ahead. Where I grew up in New York there was a small street of cobblestone and I loved this little street. Could it be? I have to see this for myself…
Excited, I run through You Can Do It Meadow and skip along Memory Lane to the street of my proverbial past. The cobblestone is uneven and unpredictable but you can jump them like hopscotch. Some are cracked, and some are broken. Some are small and grey and others big and beige. They are all dirty with the passage of time. But if you look closely, some of them are perfect. They held their composure even through the worst of times.
There is one house on this cobblestone street and it’s as majestic as I remembered it. The white house with it’s red awnings and grand double doors. The hollow windows with ivory curtains and the over grown willows to protect it’s entry. The fragile mailbox and the grand lawn. The swing hanging from the oak that stands tall and ever seeing. I wipe the dust from the plaque to reveal the address. 24812 Answers Lie Within You Manor.  I’m home.  .

Morning Pages

We have all experienced the art of the fresh start.  Whether it be after a breakup or a move to a new city.  Finishing school.  Starting a new job.  Starting life over.

There is importance in a fresh start.  And a fresh start occurs everyday when we open our eyes and take that first waking breath of the new day.

Welcoming the day with an open mind isn’t always easy.  You may have a big test that day or new job jitters.  You may have a Doctors appointment that has you concerned or you’re just too tired to face the day so you press snooze one more time.

What if we could wake up and leave our worries on paper?  What if we could actually work through our thoughts by writing them out?  Years ago I came across a book called the Artist Way by Julia Cameron

A twelve week book outlined like a class that helps you get to the crux of who you are and why.  One of the tools you learn in the book is called the morning pages.  You wake up every morning and you write out whatever comes to mind.  You have to keep writing until you fill all three pages.  Whether you write I don’t know what to write or blah, blah, blah.. you must keep writing.

This has been one of the most useful tools I have ever come across and not because of my attempt at being a writer but because of how freed up I became throughout the day.  I realized that the things I might be worrying about were left on the pages in the morning.  I realized that sometimes I even found my own answers to my self-inflicted puzzles.

It is amazing what can happen for us when we are free from the thoughts that bind us.  Our memory gets better, our pension for creativity is awakened and our souls have room to breath.

As most of you know I experienced a very traumatic experience when I was fourteen.  My youth was taken away from me by a wanted stranger and I was to never be the same again.  But being the W Chaser that I am I would constantly search for ways to help me become whole again.  One of the tools that have played a large part in my emotional recovery has been this book.  The twelve weeks I spent going through the scary process of being accountable at the same time nurturing myself has awakened me to a freedom that I can only hope we all find and experience.

When I did the book, I did it with a group of twelve people.  I highly recommend doing the book with a group or through a work shop.  It was empowering and humbling and I think it was during week four of doing the book that I wrote the following poem.  Through tears I read it aloud.  And when I looked up from reading, every tear filled face that watched me embraced me in a love and courage letting me know that I was safe.  For the first time I opened up to the realization of what had happened to me and was able to talk to others openly for the first time.

I still try to write my morning pages and for the most part, I think they lead me here.  To these pages.  The ones I share with you.  As I continue to actively live my life with one eye open.

Thank you Julia Cameron.

County Fair

            “Crying for a childhood lost and the hours pass to slow. Where did that girl run off to? How far could she go? No one saw her skip away but she left a trail of tears. Didn’t anyone tell her? They’d evaporate with the years. This is no Hansel and Gretel so now there is no way home. A little girl should not be wondering through this world alone. Soon she will out grow her shoes and the ribbons in her hair. Won’t somebody help the child who missed the county fair? Won’t somebody help the child doesn’t anybody care? Left to face the night alone so separate from herself, all she wanted was some chocolate milk and the cookies on that shelf. Will she ever find her way again? Won’t someone tell her where she’s from? The papers said she’s gone for good and nothing can be done. Won’t somebody help the child who missed the county fair? Won’t somebody help the child doesn’t anybody care?”

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