


So shines a good deed in a weary world.  A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.”

~  Willy Wonka

It’s a beautiful sunny day on the water as I sit inside with my bowl of comfort food doing research for the 2 new projects I’ve taken on. (yes I know how much can one person put on her plate?  A lot?) My mentor told me once, “If you throw enough shit at the wall, something’s bound to stick!”  And well, truth be told, I just can’t help but dream of all my endeavors successfully up on some monumental wall display.

• a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal •

Dreams are powerful. Dreams will teach us if we let them. Dreams become reality when implemented. Dreams keep us young. Dreams help us live. Dreams encourage us to believe.

There’s no going back.  I’ve crossed the threshold of what it takes to believe in your abilities and my experiments would make Einstein proud.  It’s all relative and I am staying true to my entrepreneurial spirit and trusting the angels that are guiding me, by following the paths I am shown.

 •  indulge in daydreams or fantasies, typically about something greatly desired  •

How could I resist writing when my vibrational level has taken me up so many flights of stairs? The energetic forces are powering me up a like rail train and yet even with how fast I’m traveling I can see every detail as I pass. I am absorbing the messages like a sponge and my creative juices have me feeling pretty motivated.

• a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep •

We are all capable of following our dreams. We must honor who we really are. Remember what’s important to us. Live each day is if it were our last. We must not lose sight of what’s important to us. We can’t forget our dreams. We have to know that we are the biggest miracle. The greatest surprise. The most wonderful breathtaking, capable of anything, incredibly beautiful, magnificently gorgeous, miracle.  We really are the dreamers of the dreams.

• a person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect •

Don’t stop dreaming okay?


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We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen more, say less. But in a day in the life of a blurter it’s hard to keep cool without any auto correct.

The good thing is (or so I am told) blurters are people who can be trusted. They have no filter so they don’t have time to process a lie. Well how much trouble can that get you in?  A lot.

On my early morning walk today I realized something. I’ve crossed the threshold. My de-brainwashing myself is working and my undeniable faith that the Angels won’t leave my side opens me up to a perspective I might not have thought of on my own.

Having been the queen of pushing people away most of my life, I had perfected the art of saying the perfect thing that would prove me right. Sometimes I even surprised myself by the geeky, silly, makes no sense, should be a misdemeanor to be this verbally clumsy kind of nonsense. But in the end there is a purpose and there is a reason for everything.

And this too shall pass. With practice we get more in tune with what we desire. Within some experiences we might realize, “Oh drat, I kinda wanted more of that”, but there’s no going back and so we file away the memory and we are thankful for the reference of how we want it to be in the future.

Do you know how before you do something for the first time it can seem like the scariest thing, but then once you do it, you’re like, really? I was scared of that?!  That’s life for a lot of us. We get insecure, we stumble and we get self-conscious. Some of the most beautiful people in the world are the most insecure.  Some of the most intelligent people are the quietest.  Where do you fit in?

For most of us, we fall somewhere in the middle and we allow ourselves to fall prey to our own quintessential typos as if there is something wrong with being human. Being human unto itself should be considered super hero status. Our flaws make us unique, our quirks help us stand out, and our intrinsic spirits make us powerful.

Most of the time, if we were to keep score, we get exactly what we ask for. Whether you speak it aloud or write it down or let your incessant internal typewriter pulse away at the keys; your words, your thoughts and your intentions are forming the basis of how your life looks. Typos and all.

Life isn’t about auto-corrections. It’s about experiencing what comes. It takes practice to change and to allow and to create new things. It takes patience. You may have to visit the drawing board over and over until you get it right but your life’s purpose is worth every second you spend moving forward, not hovered over your typewriter with white-out.

Are there things I wish I would have done differently? Most certainly. Do I regret my experiences? Not all of them. Do I want what I can’t have? Not anymore.

Pushing past whatever story you thought you had written for yourself, is taking chances and not being concerned with the outcome. It’s breaking out of your shell no matter how scary. It’s not being afraid to falter. It’s walking up to a stranger and saying, “You’re cute”.

It’s getting out of your own way so you can be perfectly human in all it’s glorious imperfections and surprises.

And hopefully, most of the time, it’s taking life’s blunders, blurts and bloopers and letting them make you laugh.






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Seal it With A Kiss

Seal it With A Kiss

What unseen fields are permeating your universe?  Do you view yourself as an organism in the environment?  What if I asked you to entertain the fact that you are an enviro-organism?  Are you willing to take a peek into your life to see what resides there?

It’s impossible to evolve if you don’t allow your perceptions to change with the times. We must entertain the notion that we are one with everything around us.  As we grow and learn and hypothesize over the transitions it will be inevitable that we alter our conclusions.

As we exchange energy with people we are given the gift of the mirror mirror on the wall. The triggers will either effect you, putting you in a state of transference, or they will intrigue you, putting you in a state of willingness to learn.

In the acceptance to learn from all encounters there will always be an energetic absorption of information.

Words only tell us so much, although sometimes too much and other times not enough.  If we don’t express ourselves completely and organically the listener is left to make their own assumptions. Words in the end can confuse things, make us stumble and make us second guess ourselves. Sometimes they are just used as a cover up for what we are really feeling anyway.

Our verbal perceptions of our sensibilities tend to get in the way. It’s not organic. As we exchange words we take away from what our innate messages are trying to tell us and each other.

When was the last time you had an animalistic exchange of emotions with someone? Have you ever looked into someones eyes and they said it all? A mirror into the soul. A reflection that can’t be masked or imitated.

Sometimes it’s better not to say anything. To just be. To envelope the purity in the silence. To express yourself in other ways. More powerful ways.

Change it with a dance. Finish it with a laugh. Move it with a hug. Seal it with a kiss.

Give in. Let go. Be one with everything around you. Trust it. Love it. Embody it.

In silence say I love you to yourself and to the world at large. Be one with the Universe and everything in it.

Hold hands.

Blow kisses.

Be grateful.






On the Look Out

On the Look Out

A modern day version of existentialism may never go out of style. A fate of uncertainty if you are flying blind but if you leap the net will appear.

Where ever you go there you are so when you finally wake up you might not recognize where you’re standing. Ignorance can be bliss but knowledge is crucial and awareness is half the battle.  The road less traveled may find you lost in the reactions of other peoples ignorance and dispair.

How do we calm the mind? When will we stop having so much to say? How will we implement our new belief systems so they become ingrained in us like the stamps in our passport?

The moment we stop reacting will be the moment we know peace. Letting yourself be affected by someone else’s short comings, essentially means you gave away your power. Even though the goal is to stay in the moment, know that the moment allots for the few seconds it takes to make your decision to engage or let it go.

Being in conflict over exchanges with others seems par for the course but does any of it really matter? Why would you let the denials of someone else’s past effect you? At the end of any given day, we all have our shit/baggage/patterns (whatever you want to call it), but the best way to get through life is to find people who’s shit is compatible with yours. Or people who care enough to help you unpack it.

Having been blessed with the wonderment of a child has fundamentally lead to me being the W Chaser.  I see when the intellect gets in the way by my gestures and reactions. I know when the Angels are by my side by my open will and expanded heart. I know when I am working through my own story by my relentless rhetoric and intrigue (like now).

Always on the look out for a sign, a message and some good ole fashion reinforcements brings with it a confidence that you really can ask and you shall receive.  So choose wisely. Know that sometimes, once you make that choice there’s no going back. Be clear on what the outcome should be. Know the what and let the Universe take care of the how.

While life waits for no one, love has been with us all along. I guess in the end you have to ask yourself, what is it that you’re waiting for? Or does it just seem like you’re waiting because you’re not sure what you’re looking for?

Maybe everything is just completely and utterly and unequivolcally exactly what it’s supposed to be so we should embrace it and bask in it and see where life takes us next.

And maybe instead of looking out we should be looking within. Maybe when we embrace what’s inside of us everything around us will come into clear uninterrupted focus.

There’s so much to see.  Are you looking?




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Higher Self

Higher Self

If you could have a chat with your higher selves what would they say?   If they could give you advise what would they suggest?  What if you could really hear them?

Would you act differently knowing you had a spot in the Divine Garden of where everything could be perfect, of where you are perceived as perfect and where you are perfect?

Place your hand on your heart and take three really deep breaths in.  Breath in all the positive affirmative and beautiful thoughts you can while exhaling all the negative, useless and wasteful thoughts you have.  Once you are in your happy place and you can hear the higher frequencies, listen…

     You are bright and successful and you have come such a long way. There is love & laughter & happiness & more love.  There’s magic & intrigue & childlike wonder.  There is hope & dreams & pools of serendipity to splash around in.  There is music and flowers and life.  There’s an abundance of synchronicity & acceptance of all things.  

     You attract the best people, places & things into your life at all times, now and for forever.  You are a higher being on a higher plane where chance pays dividends, relinquishing control yields rewards & where undeniable faith bestows blessings.

     You listen more than speak. You laugh more than cry.  You whisper more than yell. You skip more than walk.  Your Guides are with you always and your higher self knows no bounds.  The unconditional love finding it’s way to you needs you to open your doors.  

     Accept it, trust it, love it back with all your heart.  Your confidence & self esteem are on a higher vibrational level and resides with the Divine.   And your life is in harmony because of it. Be of service and may your heart be filled with gratitude.

Pass it on…





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Love Bubble

Love Bubble

Let’s face it.  Sometimes we get a little insecure.  It happens to the best of us and most of the time it is strictly unwarranted.  We are all beautiful in our own way, we are all blessings in our own right and we are all perfect in the eyes of the Divine.  And it would do us well to remember it!

But why is it so easy to forget? Why do we get jaded or bitter and fall from grace?  Why is it easier to believe the worst than it is to accept a compliment?

Because somewhere along the way we let the world at large get the best of us. We got captivated by the negativity on the news, or we let our parents judgements become our own, or we let our neighbors influence our decisions. It’s all ignorant and it’s all stoppable.

There is no way of really knowing why some people stop loving. Maybe their version of love was battered and bruised.  Maybe love to them was lost. Maybe love to them came in the form of an accusatory loud voice. Maybe they never knew love at all.

It doesn’t matter. It’s time to be in love with every single moment of every single breath you take. 

This is a reminder that one person really can make a difference and so it must start with you.  We must raise ourselves up to the higher frequency level of love.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we are all in a place of love and never again spoke ill of anyone, or judged them, or cast them out for their differences, or shunned them because you didn’t understand them, or made fun of them because of how they dressed or talked?

I can.  So it’s time to step out of your I syndrome and into the your love bubble.  Here’s how.

Start with an image or memory of when you felt unconditionally loved. Cradle that image in your arms in front of your chest, “see” it in front of you, and also visualize your heart as a golden sphere.

Then connect to the Divine Universe’s infinite Love and support, either through the top of your head or through your back (think: “The Universe has my back”). That support is tangible and warm. Breathe it in to your heart space on the in-breath.

On the out-breath, blow the air out through your mouth, as if you were inflating a balloon. See the golden sphere of your heart grow as if it were a bubble or balloon!

Rinse and repeat until your Love Bubble is big enough for you to move around freely in. Remember to start each breath cycle with connecting first to your memory of unconditional love in the 3-D world (often dogs or newborns are great for this), and then connecting with the unlimited Love and support of the Universe. Pull that Love into your center, then blow up the bubble

By the time your Love Bubble is fully inflated, it’s no longer the deep gold it started out as, but a lovely opalescent pink, much like the bubble Glinda the Good Witch rides in on in The Wizard of Oz. Just like a regular balloon that starts dark and ends up lighter as it inflates.

Because you are pulling in pure Love, by a few breaths in you should be smiling! Also, each cell in your body will be full of Love + Light—and therefore smiling—by the end.

This bubble will keep you in a Love frequency until it deflates. No negativity from the outside can reach you (cool!). But, because we’re all still human, we will occasionally have a fearful thought, and that’s how the bubble springs a leak. Never fear! All you need to do when you notice it’s a little deflated is to take a few breaths to get it back into place! Be careful not to beat yourself up when this happens, because it will happen, and quite a bit at first. With practice, soon you’ll have many fewer of these deflation episodes!

You’ll know that your Bubble is deflated if your have a fearful, angry, anxious, or judgmental thought, or if you experience pain.

This Bubble protects your from negativity, keeps you in the space of Love + Abundance, and helps to pull the mood of those around you from fearful to Loving as well.

Thank you to my Intuitive Entrepreneur Coach, Elizabeth Locey for teaching me this amazing exercise.  I am grateful to be apart of the process and reaching higher levels of consciousness in business and in life. You are so very appreciated.

And now a little sing a long to start the day… click to listen…  1-18 All You Need Is Love

The Beatles


Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.





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Open Up

Open Up

Sometimes you just don’t know what you’re up against

But if you stay out in the open, it should start to make sense

Other times you just won’t know where you’re headed

But if you stay out in the open, you won’t be apprehended

At bedtime you might be afraid to fall asleep

But if you stay out in the open, you will find memories to keep

During downtimes you might not know what to do

But if you stay out in the open, someone will come looking for you

Wintertimes pass and summertimes come

And if you stay out in the open, who knows who you’ll become

Playtime, noontimes, pastimes, daytimes

Stay out in the open and see what you can find

Peacetimes, springtimes, suppertimes, oftentimes

Stay out in the open, and be redefined

Stay out in the open, all of the time, And see what awaits you


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More Spring Cleaning

More Spring Cleaning

Out with the old and in with the new.  Cleaning house will give you instant feelings of gratification and accomplishment. Having space for new things will bring different kinds of possessions into your life just as surely as your thoughts will.

Spring cleaning isn’t just for windows and it isn’t just for Spring time.  The best way to start a new cycle in life is to wipe away the layers of accumulated dust.  And dust can accumulate under the best of circumstance.

Time to throw away the old beliefs, the self-limiting speeches and your same old story.  Get out your largest trash bags and start filling them up with the proverbial baggage you just don’t need anymore.

Clutter causes disfunction and if you’re not careful you will bury yourself under the years of trash that will most certainly hold you back.  Think of yourself as you would your car.  A full detail every few months will have you breathing long deep sighs of fresh air.

Put your old beliefs to rest. Go through the ceremony, engage in the mourning period and cut the umbilical cord. Do whatever it takes to bury the past where it belongs so you can move forward with an open mind and embrace the miracles in any given moment.

Letting go is hard. Changing is scary.  Get it out.  Let your tears cleanse you.  Now’s the time. April showers bring May flowers!

It’s time for a fresh start.  Clean house. Wash up.  Disinfect. Set new examples. Surprise yourself. Be curious. Be refreshing. Re-set your clock now.  Glow, sparkle and twinkle. Make a wish.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud

was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

                            ~Anaïs Nin


How Long Until Forever

How Long Until Forever

If you had access to the keepers of your life flashing before your eyes what questions would you ask?  How would you greet the efferevescent premonitions?  Whatever would you wear?

You can’t really wait because life waits for no one and you can’t look toward the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind because well, that’s just not where you would look.

How many years have you been here? How many impressions do you carry in your music box?  If in the glimpse of kaleidoscope eyes you were given an opportunity to see who you really are would you take it?

You may not remember all of yesterday and tomorrow only half matters. Your life is not a book mark or a paper weight. It’s a night in shining armor and the most heavenly scent.

Your life is in the moment of a single breath and a droplet of rain. A place where the lilacs whisper in the wind and where magic swirls around in the air.

The future can be capricious while the next day may never come.  Honor the significance and don’t forget to blink.  Time might even slow to a most certain stop while you wonder.

Measurements don’t apply here and feelings are just words if you don’t know the definitions. The infinite possibilities are taken from you if you forget. Liken it to a wish upon a star.

Is there still hope in you? Find it. Is there trust beyond the depths of the deep? Drink of it. Is there promise that your light will shine eternally? Believe in it.

Refuse to consider the hyperbole and make your own luck.  Forever has been here all along if you just know where to look.








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What’s Your Question?

What’s Your Question?

“The way to develop decisiveness is to start right where you are,

with the very next question you face.”

                                                                                       ~ Napoleon Hill

Being the W Chaser generates all kinds of questions. I most certainly want to know the where, who, why, and when of every little thing. But how do we know the right question to ask?  Where do we go for answers?

We know there are no stupid questions (thank God), and the more we ask the closer we get to the truths of the matter.  If we spend more time asking questions instead of saying “I” this or “me” that, we will grow exponentially. We don’t live in simple times so questions are changing. But are the days of a Thoreau influenced rhetoric really a thing of the past?

Life moves fast and keeping up with the Jones’s is no easy feat. People are rushing around in such haste, sometimes we forget our manners.  We misplace our compassion and we are quick to judge.  We react so fast that by the time we are done arguing we aren’t even talking about what sparked the flame to begin with.

What we bury will eventually come to the surface.  The rain will come wash away the cover and we are left bare to face the veracity of our existence.  We will have inflicted pain on love ones.  We will have become so self absorbed we will forget that anyone needs us.  We will become so wrapped up in what we own we will forget who we are.  We will walk around in transference and never get to the bottom of anything.

The self absorbed human prophecy of consumption is bound to conquer, if we don’t relinquish the ego. Time promises change if we can be without judgements and to be without judgements is to engage.  A rhetorical question and the Socratic method. Inquiring minds want to know and investigating souls are bound to grow.

If we can only stop ourselves from the engagement of the defenses long enough to ask questions. Take time every day to sit in silence and ask yourself some questions or one big question.  Write it (them) down or say it (them) out loud.  Before you go to bed at night ask a question and ask for the answer to come to you in your dreams. If you wake up in the middle of the night, write down whatever you remember and see if the answer to your question is there.  Pick a question and write it down with your writing hand on a piece of paper then with your other hand write down whatever comes to mind. See what happens.

Remember when we were kids and we questioned everything around us? That’s how we get to the bottom of it. We can’t be afraid to ask.

“Ask and ye shall receive.”     Matthew 21:22

Really?   Really.

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